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Additions to the legacy family tree


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The legacy family tree is an interesting concept but at the moment it's rather lacking. I have a few suggestion on how to improve it.


1: Less linearity. I don't know if linearity is the correct term to use here but it's the one I've seen people use when talking about this issue. Basically you should be able to do things like set two of your characters as married and then set another of your characters as a child of those two characters, rather than just one. You should also be able to have character relationships that are separate from other relationships. For example you should be able to make two of your characters allies and then not have them in any form of relation with any of the other characters on your tree.


2: The ability to add companion characters to your tree. This one's pretty self explanatory and I don't think I need to go into any more detail regarding it.


3: The ability to move your characters around. What I mean by this is that instead of having ally/rival always go to the side, child always go down etc you should be able to drag them around anywhere on the screen. Also the ability to resize your characters portraits. Both of these things will be important if companions are eventually allowed on your family tree because otherwise you might run out of room to add everyone.


4: More relationship options.

A few suggestions I have for this:







Friend (I consider this to be different to ally)

Enemy (I consider this to be different to rival)





They could also add things like:










The first two would obviously be great for Jedi and Sith characters and the other ones are military ranks for if someone wants to roleplay their 'family' less as a family and more like a military squad or mercenary group.


5: The ability to set multiple relationships between characters. You should be able to set two of your characters as being both rivals and lovers, one character being both grandparent, mentor, friend and ally to another character etc.


If they add these things I think the family tree can be something that's really fun for people to muck around with, even those who aren't into roleplaying their characters.

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And what for is that ?) It could had sence only, for example, if you have 2 parents consulars it will give to u buff 7% instead 5% like that.

Now is completelly useless feature just for fun. I spent 3 minutes on it. ))

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