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Server Disparities


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My husband, brother, brother in law and I all play and subscribe to this game. We have been discussing among ourselves the serious problems caused by the server population disparities. Some server's like the Fatman have que times in order to log into them and others like Infinity Gate have so few players its nearly impossible to find a group with which to do a flashpoint. PVP and PVE on small population servers are just incredibly rediculous. I have played this game with my family since release and have so realized that the server population disparities were caused when the game was flooded with servers upon release to accomodate those who wanted to give it a go. Since then the populations have waned greatly due to other issues and glitches in game. (I think the game may have been released a little prematurely). There are now way to many servers for the game subscribers. I opened a ticket in game to see if there were any plans to remedy this problem and was told that there are plans to allow paid transfers at some unknown time in the future. You can imagine my disappointment to hear of another such bad call as actually trying to charge your players to fix a problem you created. I am inclined to think that EA is throwing this game to the wolves just to line their big greedy pockets. Its a shame because Bioware and Lucas Arts put so much into this game to make it one of a kind. It has great storylines and animation. It really has the potential to be the best of the best, but at this rate I have seen to many bad calls and asking us to pay for character transfers off a low population server which use to be hopping on release might just be the nail in the coffin for this game for us. We really hope this isn't the case because we like the game and would love to continue playing it. Just a little feedback. Hopefully it will help because it looks like you are currently loosing subscribers at a rapid rate. We would love to be loyal to this game but we need you all to make some better decisions going forward.



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The population issues being experienced now are the fault of the player community, not Bioware. That said,Bioware is the only body capable of remedying the problem, and is taking steps to do so.


Transfers are confirmed in the near future. They will offer paid transfers; what you you told was not in error. However, they also have the intent of offering free transfers in situations they feel population issues warrant it. Do some research on your subject next time, before making your post. Use the Search function to find existing threads on the topic, and post in them.

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The population issues being experienced now are the fault of the player community, not Bioware. That said,Bioware is the only body capable of remedying the problem, and is taking steps to do so.


Transfers are confirmed in the near future. They will offer paid transfers; what you you told was not in error. However, they also have the intent of offering free transfers in situations they feel population issues warrant it. Do some research on your subject next time, before making your post. Use the Search function to find existing threads on the topic, and post in them.


BioWare needs to handle this issue the same way Trion did with Rift when they shut down low pop servers that had no hope of survival. Offer free transfer to multiple medium pop servers. Cut out about 50 of the dead ones out there. Then reopen some of those servers as "new" ones if the game sees growth down the road. Less servers means more servers with higher populations...means, more to do, less reason to stop playing. Win/Win!


Closing a bunch of servers does not need to be an admission of failure or defeat from BioWare. It will be talked about and viewed as such by some, but it's what needs to happen. They opened up a bazillion servers due to the mass of people playing on launch and clearly overextended. Time to pull back, consolidate and foster growth.


It's simple laws of business and economics.

Edited by DarthBastila
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Closing a bunch of servers does not need to be an admission of failure or defeat from BioWare. It will be talked about and viewed as such by some, but it's what needs to happen. They opened up a bazillion servers due to the mass of people playing on launch and clearly overextended. Time to pull back, consolidate and foster growth.


It's simple laws of business and economics.

I would normally agree with this, but there are other considerations unique to SWTOR that make the closing of servers a bad idea.
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Legacy names being one of them... also that not everybody actually *wants* a high population server.


Frankly, the last thing I want is to have to sit waiting *longer* for a zone to load, just for the privilege of being in a world where there's *more* fleet lag caused by idiots on speeders, more difficulty questing because someone's just killed all the rats I need to kill, etc etc.


Not saying I want a solo game experience, before all the "WAaaah this is an MMO waaaah" crowd turn up- I *like* playing with my friends... who have rolled on the same server because I said that was the one I was on, when I 'sold' the game to them... but other than that, I'm quite happy with a quiet server, it runs better.

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