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Alternatives to the Grav-Nerf


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So i've been reading the forums lately and it seems like everyone is upset about the grav round nerf, and with good reason. Our entire gunny tree is tied to it and all of our self buffs function off of us spamming it. If Biowares objective was to make a more "active" rotation, why not give us some alternatives to grav spam?


Currently, the 4 effects tied to grav round are charged barrel (HiB damage booster), Grav Vortex (armor debuff), Charged Barrier (Defense), and Curtain of Fire (full auto reset). What i'm suggesting is that these four buffs be tied to four DIFFERENT skills, have no overlapping methods of stacking more than one at once, and have their values and stack caps raised segnificantly.

For example:

-Grav round could still apply vortex but have it stack 6 times at 10% armor removal each time with a 10 second uptime.

-Pulse cannon and stock strike could build our barrier with 1 stacks of 15% for 10 seconds (which would be our method of defending against mara's in pvp).

-Curtain of fire could be tied to hail of bolts with a 15% chance to proc for every target hit.

-Charged barrel could be tied to charged bolts, 10% boost, 5 stacks, 10 second uptime.


Doing this would make our main rotation adaptable to the situation. Increasing the cap on the buffs while decreasing the duration would make it impossible to keep all of them capped at once making us choose tactically which skills we want to use and when.

Edited by wishihadaname
edited for typos/ wall of text
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So i've been reading the forums lately and it seems like everyone is upset about the grav round nerf, and with good reason. Our entire gunny tree is tied to it and all of our self buffs function off of us spamming it. If Biowares objective was to make a more "active" rotation, why not give us some alternatives to grav spam?


Currently, the 4 effects tied to grav round are charged barrel (HiB damage booster), Grav Vortex (armor debuff), Charged Barrier (Defense), and Curtain of Fire (full auto reset). What i'm suggesting is that these four buffs be tied to four DIFFERENT skills, have no overlapping methods of stacking more than one at once, and have their values and stack caps raised segnificantly.

For example:

-Grav round could still apply vortex but have it stack 6 times at 10% armor removal each time with a 10 second uptime.

-Pulse cannon and stock strike could build our barrier with 1 stacks of 15% for 10 seconds (which would be our method of defending against mara's in pvp).

-Curtain of fire could be tied to hail of bolts with a 15% chance to proc for every target hit.

-Charged barrel could be tied to charged bolts, 10% boost, 5 stacks, 10 second uptime.


Doing this would make our main rotation adaptable to the situation. Increasing the cap on the buffs while decreasing the duration would make it impossible to keep all of them capped at once making us choose tactically which skills we want to use and when.


Makes sense. I think they were more interested in lowering the damage on grav and the verbiage they used was just a cover-up. Obviously, the solution you came to is not that difficult to discover, if they really want what they claim they do.

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I think they should revamp the whole tree, so Grav Round is not tied to several feats. And also makes sticky grenade (our legacy skill, no kidding), and others, useful.


Problems with spreading the procs to different skills is that we would also have to use ALOT more skills to get the same amount, which will lower our dps alot.


Right now if Grav round and Full auto are on cd, we pretty much have nothing to throw on our enemy except hammer shot that does pathethic damage, or aoe skills

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