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Why is voice acting so bad in some cucscenes?


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The overall quality of voice acting is nearly flawless, but from time to time there are cut-scenes even in a class quest in which voice acting is horrible.


Particularity, when a character has to pant/scream in pain, the voice actor often read the line in a plain-boring tone.


For example, when my character is struck by lightning, he/she says speaks their part as if they are reading a boring textbook aloud. It totally breaks the mood. :eek:


I wonder where this deterioration of voice acting quality in some places come from. Was there no editorial supervision after/during the recording session? Were voice actors given a script and asked to record without anyone observing their performance? Or were their too many lines that they were not given the context of events?


Either way, it is atmospheric disaster whenever it happens. I noticed a few class characters who NEVER diverge from a mono-toned voice through out the game. Seriously, what's up with those otherwise great voice actors? :confused:






ps. Please keep spoilers out!

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spoiler-free. let's keep it mutual.








The overall quality of voice acting is nearly flawless, but from time to time there are cut-scenes even in a class quest in which voice acting is horrible.


Particularity, when a character has to pant/scream in pain, the voice actor often read the line in a plain-boring tone.


For example, when my character is struck by lightning, he/she says speaks their part as if they are reading a boring textbook aloud. It totally breaks the mood. :eek:


I wonder where this deterioration of voice acting quality in some places come from. Was there no editorial supervision after/during the recording session? Were voice actors given a script and asked to record without anyone observing their performance? Or were their too many lines that they were not given the context of events?


Either way, it is atmospheric disaster whenever it happens. I noticed a few class characters who NEVER diverge from a mono-toned voice through out the game. Seriously, what's up with those otherwise great voice actors? :confused:






ps. Please keep spoilers out!


There are some voice actors/actresses that are very talanted and are able to visualize their setting in order to capture the mood while others are not as visual and are probably not familiar with voice acting as they are with live acting.


Keep in mind a lot of these scenes were not finished and don't have the visual outcome we now seewhen they were in the studio. So the context of the events were probably vauge due to the scene being unfinished.


Lastly unlike most games they are not conversing with the fellow actor/actress in real time but with several possible characters, meaning the voice work was probably done alone in a room full of tecnicians so the peson did'nt have a feel of how the person may sound. Another thing is that some scripts are not spoken in order, they may do the middle converstaion the first day and then the beguinning conversation the next causing becoming inconsistant.

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A few reasons.

The actors have many many lines to get through. As they progress it's only natural that they'll fall in and out of of the habit of giving each line all their effort.

Player characters (and at a few rare points companions) have lines which get recycled for a few different conversations. Sometimes they are used in ways which barely seem to fit into context.

Sometimes the voice acting will simply not synergize well with Biowares famously clunky, heavily recycled animations.


There's probably plenty of others.

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I kinda see the reason now after your explanations....


However, I believe it doesn't justify a complete mono-toned screaming or panting in a pain.... it's ridiculous and painful to listen to whenever it happens.

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