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PVP for Rep officially dead on Death Wind Corrider


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It is with sad news to announce that imp versus rep PVP is officially dead on the Death Wind Corrider Server. The gear gap has grown to the point that the Republic side can no longer even contend in PVP. This death announcment is support by the original 1.2 patch that somehow energized the imp side overnight into a maruding juggernaught of owning. The death notice is supported by the too little too late "fix" patch. So while all 22 people in the Reublic Fleet station wait for the next drubbing by the 135 players in the imp fleet, all of you imp players can coninue to gather more power and gear by playing other imps in warzones.


If pvp has officially died on your server, please add your death notice.

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R.I.P. Mask of Nihilus Rep pvp...the queues for Pubs to get into Warzones have consistently been around 20 minutes all day and higher at times, 20 extra minutes where Imps continue playing more WZs with eachother, getting their gear and then having that much more of an advantage the next time they face Pubs. It was bad pre 1.2 but now its horrible, I played for hours every day, still havent saved up enough to get my first war hero piece (the chest piece), and it took me 3 days to win 3 matches to finish my weekly. Although now we don't seem to be getting put in WZs with only 4 ppl as often...only happened to me twice today, and only had 6 ppl 3 or 4 times, so out of the 15 or so WZs i did, about half were full this time, much improved from the last few weeks. But honestly you couldn't tell we had full groups anyways. The gear gap is ridiculous (And I'm in full BM so its not my lacking).


Its sad...but MoN PvP died for me today.

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Seeing same faction PvP has always been a bad sign IMO. I mean, if the game design cannot encourage the original intent of Faction A vs Faction B in PvP, then everything in PvP is a downward spiral.


I didn't sign up as a Republic or Imperial player to fight my comrades. I signed up to fight the opposing faction's players.


And seeing the briefing in the new zone for the Empire is pathetic when you play against fellow Imperials. It's a training scenario where everything is lethal to your fellow comrades of the opposing team. What's the point in training your military to be better when you kill off 75% of those that are being trained? :confused:


Now you're seeing more same faction PvP in the older zones, not just Huttball.

Edited by LemmingLeader
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