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Droid Parts


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Where is a good place to find equipment and parts for droids??


Your friendly neighborhood Cybertech or random quest rewards. Also, with Legacy Level 7 and 1 million credits to your name you can unlock your ship's Astromech, who sells sensor units for your shipboard droid that benefits crafting.

Edited by Aieny
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  • 3 months later...
Honestly, There's nor a whole lot of choices for droid parts. This is kind of stupid considering the degree of tier gear for non droid companions. Sentinels and Troopers both have companion droid tanks. Cybertech needs to either get revamped w/ some better high end recipes w/ droids in mind or there needs to be an actual vendor that sells high end droid gear. the droids if their gear isn't upgraded would be obsolete and useless in any degree of pvp if they can't hold aggro because their gear isn't anywhere near the level of the player's gear.
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