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Light side/dark side points


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I still don't really get one aspect. So if I'm right there are items which require a certain level of points. Like: "This weapon needs light side level 3".


Are there items which will not be usable if we exceed a level on the opposing side?



Requires level 5 dark side and a maximum of level 1 light side.

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Yeah... I'm a bit fuzzy on the dark side light side... is your tier dependent on each individual score so would Light side 1000, Dark side 1000 be Tier I dark and light?


Or is your tier dependent on the total so that the above example would be Neutral 0 with no tier bonus?




I'm hoping that there will be some sort of bonus associated with the Neutral state... just for RP reasons... I like to play my characters so that they are dark side in some situations and light side in others... such as my former slave assassin who is totally sympathetic to people being opressed but goes dark side on those she sees as privileged and soft.

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There is currently no implementation of "Neutral" Gear. However, during the CBT representatives from Bioware have said numerous times they have plans to do so.


If an item says "Requires Light 1" it is obviously locked to someone who is Dark 1 or Above. The good news is that LS/DS Tiered Gear from vendors are exactly the same (stats wise), albeit have cosmetic differences (hilts, colors, etc).


LS/DS Tiers are calculated based on a total pool +/- the opposite points. If you are focusing on one path, you really shouldn't have any points in the other, but I digress. In CBT, you were also awarded with a title every time you achieved a new Tier. Now I believe it is only at Tier 3 and Tier 5.


It looks something like this:


Tier 1 - 1000 Points

Tier 2 - 2000 Points

Tier 3 - 4000 Points


I am a little fuzzy on the exact point value needed for Tiers 4 and 5.

Edited by Kazter
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Yeah... I'm a bit fuzzy on the dark side light side... is your tier dependent on each individual score so would Light side 1000, Dark side 1000 be Tier I dark and light?


Or is your tier dependent on the total so that the above example would be Neutral 0 with no tier bonus?




I'm hoping that there will be some sort of bonus associated with the Neutral state... just for RP reasons... I like to play my characters so that they are dark side in some situations and light side in others... such as my former slave assassin who is totally sympathetic to people being opressed but goes dark side on those she sees as privileged and soft.


It's a running total. If you have 1500 darkside and 400 lightside then your total would be -1100 and you'd be Dark I. If you had 1500 lightside and 300 darkside then you'd be 1200 Lightside and Light I.

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