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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dear Bioware, Please extend the Rakghoul event.

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I personally love events like this. My only complaint is that it is too short! Only one week to gather enough DNA for cool pets and awesome looking color crystals? Please extend this event for at least another week. Us working folk tend to have limited play time and really can't sit around waiting for the plague to kill us and generate more DNA.**


Does anyone else agree with me?*



*Note: If you don't agree, please don't reply to this post. This is for people who would like to see this awesome event extended.

**Note: If you know a faster way to generate/obtain DNA (minus purchasing from other players) please share.


I agree! I need a tad more time...

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I think this event would be OK to go on for another week. However, the longer it goes on, the less valuable the rewards become (due to increased supply.) So if you want to sell Green-Black crystals on the GTN, a shorter even really benefits you, assuming you've had enough time to farm up a few extra of those.


Yeah this is true.


But people that have been alway or people with muliple alts take a bit of time, especially with the daily quest unlock (an idea I think it pretty good generally).

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I am one of those that missed the start of the event, and with staggered daily unlocks and light / imbalanced server pops it is going to be difficult to complete this event. (World Boss in PvP zone for e.g.)


So would be excellent if we could get it extended please?



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Yes, please extend it. Some people are just finding out about it, or have only known about it for a couple days. They will not be able to get the outfit due to the fact you have to do the dailies for 6 days to get it.

I've gotten 20 infected companion cases and still trying to get the one for Kira. I may just give up on that to get a crystal.

I don't even know how people found out about this thing, I'm fairly new to the game and didn't know that the announcements in the fleet were different from any other time, and I never would have clicked on the TV outside of the spaceport in Tatooine if I hadn't accidentally bumped into a guide on the event online.

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Yes extend it, plz!

The event is great and I bet you put in lot of work in it, so it's sad, if it's avaiable for only one week.

People have with fun it, that's what you want with your game keeping players ingame with good content, don't you BW?

Lots of people have twinks, because it's worth to twink in this game, so we should have decent time to get the chance to enjoy the event with them, too.

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Yes extend it, plz!

The event is great and I bet you put in lot of work in it, so it's sad, if it's avaiable for only one week.

People have with fun it, that's what you want with your game keeping players ingame with good content, don't you BW?

Lots of people have twinks, because it's worth to twink in this game, so we should have decent time to get the chance to enjoy the event with them, too.


You mean alts, not twinks.

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While I'd love to have many more world events, I think a week is more than sufficient for each. If you have very limited play time (like myself), buy DNA samples off other players in addition to farming them yourself.


Unfortunately, most players who have limited play time tend to have limited funds so suggesting they simply buy the DNA is not a realistic solution. Earning credits takes time.


I too would like to see this event extended. I started late and I'll be one day short of a complete set of Containment gear, which is something I can't buy with DNA.

Edited by Niamb
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Unfortunately, players have have limited play time tend to have limited funds so suggesting they simply buy the DNA is not a realistic solution.


I too would like to see this event extended. I started late and I'll be one day short of a complete set of Containment gear, which is something I can't buy with DNA.


I'm in this same situation. I want to finish the quest line for the suit and not for anything you can buy with the DNA

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I agree with extending it , or opening up all the quests on the final day. I missed the first couple days due to life-schedule, and couldn't get started on it until this weekend. And now I see that nothing I do will allow me to finish and get all the armor pieces by tomorrow, even though I've been playing it all weekend solid.


I would like to get the armor set pieces, but need until Wednesday to finish them if they don't open them up.

Edited by Alexicacon
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I'm more aggravated w/ the RNG of the companion skin lockboxes.... I play a Sentinel and I would be happy w/ the Kira Carsen skin alone.. but I've open 15 lockboxes and received the following.


4x Elara Dorne

4x Andronikos

2x Mako

3x Corso Riggs

1x Quinn


Edit: Opened two new boxes.....2x Vector


I understand the reasoning behind RNG, but you think they would realized the communities rage w/ RNG bag/boxes with the whole uproar over the Champion/Battlemaster bags. I do not understand why they did not just allow you to purchase the ones you desire. It's great they are legacy bound, but that doesn't help me when I don't plan on playing an Empire class. Even if you were to buy the 8 unique skins, I feel that is more than enough DNA to spend along w/ the other items. DNA may be easy to get, but not all of us have the time to sit in the fleet AFK and collect it.

Edited by Malixor
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Whilst I understand that an extension of this event would be nice for some players who've perhaps not been able to experience it, two weeks is pretty long enough and it would be nice to be able to go on the fleet without getting FPS stalls near the ship storage areas due to fifty or more players all crowding together to pass the infection along.


The event has had its time. Let it pass and just ask for it back another day.

Edited by llesna
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That's why instead of clamoring for an extension - I would MUCH rather them just open up all the dailies on the final day of the event as a finale.


That way, they can let folks that want to get the items get them without being stuck trapped in some dumb mechanic that prevents me from doing more than 1 / day of the series.

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I would also like to add my voice for an extension. I don't really care so much about getting all the items but I would like to see all the daily quests before the event goes. As of right now I will be one day short of unlocking all the daily quests.


Extending it by 1 week seems reasonable. I feel like I just noticed this event taking place and it's already over. Not everyone plays this game daily.

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It would be nice if the tokens you get to buy stuff would be generic, so any you don't spend can go toward the next event. I only have 22 tokens, and haven't been able to play due to a bit of a crisis in rl. That amount only buys one thing, so it'd be nice to have them go toward the next event.
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This would benefit those that re-rolled and are alting in a new server! I can't defeat the World Bosses on Tatooine (except for Trapjaw) because the Imps seem to always have more numbers, and they also keep zerging us which annoys me with a passion (all on the Vulkar Highway).


I re-rolled with most of my guild on The Fatman, and it'd be nice if you, BioWare, could extend this fun event!

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I would love an extension as well. Due to being a few days late on starting it, it seems I won't be able to complete it. It wouldn't be bad at all if we didn't have to wait a day to get the next part of the chain quest. If they allowed us to do all the quest that others have done w/o waiting a day for each one so that we can catch up, it wouldn't be so bad.
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I saw the news broadcast about tatooine and thought "that'll be interesting to check out once im lvl 25"


I don't tend to stand around in fleet watching the chat when im levelling, it was only when i went to do a flashpoint and saw people exploding i realised it was a world event, but thought it would be here for at least long enough for people to get their alts to tatooine


What a strange statement. Why, or how, would you think that was even possible? BioWare's going to keep an event around until people with seven alts all have a chance to get to Tatooine? Not only is that unrealistic, but it's a terribly nebulous timeframe. People getting alts there could be the end of this week, or the end of the year.

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