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How much are augmented lightsabers going for on your server?


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a few people always have some up trying to sell for 100k or more, but I doubt they are selling.


I picked up one custom one for 2.5k and another for 7.5k.


The 2.5k one had an augment slot? I notice a bunch of custom sabers for sale in that price range, but on my server those are the failures the crafter made holding out for the crit crafting jackpot that he could sell for $100k+. I've never seen an augmented saber sell for so little.

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Our server seems to hover right around 200K for augmented sabers - double-blades go for a tad more since there seem to be less of them (since they only cater to 1 class, vs 3 for single blades). Far cry from the 2.5 million I got for one before 1.2 dropped, but they are far easier to make in mass quantities now. Edited by Natarii
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The 2.5k one had an augment slot? I notice a bunch of custom sabers for sale in that price range, but on my server those are the failures the crafter made holding out for the crit crafting jackpot that he could sell for $100k+. I've never seen an augmented saber sell for so little.


Yep. I rather suspect the crafter didn't realize it was an augmented one. Sorta surprised they're even bothering to put unaugmented ones up for sale. It's not like moddable lightsabers are hard to find. (everybody who uses a lightsaber pretty much starts out with a one, afterall.)

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What is the difference between augmented and moddable?



Moddable gear just means any orange gear that allows you to put in a mod, armoring, enhancement, etc. Lightsabers have spots for hilts and crystals as well, but no armoring slot. This gear is used a lot in the leveling process because you can just swap out the mods and armoring as you get better ones for completing quests, rather than having to change your entire look by buying new armor or vestments constantly.


Augmented gear is the same as moddable gear, only it has an extra slot in which you can put in an augment. This gives the wearer a bigger boost in stats, because you're essentially getting five slots for modifications rather than four on a lightsaber. If all your gear had an augment slot, that adds up to a fairly big advantage over players with regular moddable gear.


Augmented gear is mostly purchased thru the GTN and crafted by synthweavers and armormechs. They can only make augmented gear if they get lucky with a critical crafting, otherwise they'll just end up with modded gear. I'm not sure the chances to get a critical crafting, but I'd bet most would say that it's around 10%. Since it is fairly rare, the prices for it on the GTN usually reflect that, though if you have the cash it usually is a good idea to pick it up if you don't have it already. Alternatively, if you see it for dirt cheap, you should always buy it up regardless and then just turn it around for a profit if you don't need it.


Hope this was helpful. Sorry if some of the stuff was of the "no duh" variety, it's sometimes hard to gauge how new a player is to the game and I wanted to clarify for anyone who was confused, not necessarily just you.

Edited by WedgeAntilleez
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Moddable gear just means any orange gear that allows you to put in a mod, armoring, enhancement, etc. Lightsabers have spots for hilts and crystals as well, but no enhancement slot. This gear is used a lot in the leveling process because you can just swap out the mods and armoring as you get better ones for completing quests, rather than having to change your entire look by buying new armor or vestments constantly.


Augmented gear is the same as moddable gear, only it has an extra slot in which you can put in an augment. This gives the wearer a bigger boost in stats, because you're essentially getting five slots for modifications rather than four on a lightsaber. If all your gear had an augment slot, that adds up to a fairly big advantage over players with regular moddable gear.


Augmented gear is mostly purchased thru the GTN and crafted by synthweavers and armormechs. They can only make augmented gear if they get lucky with a critical crafting, otherwise they'll just end up with modded gear. I'm not sure the chances to get a critical crafting, but I'd bet most would say that it's around 10%. Since it is fairly rare, the prices for it on the GTN usually reflect that, though if you have the cash it usually is a good idea to pick it up if you don't have it already. Alternatively, if you see it for dirt cheap, you should always buy it up regardless and then just turn it around for a profit if you don't need it.


Hope this was helpful. Sorry if some of the stuff was of the "no duh" variety, it's sometimes hard to gauge how new a player is to the game and I wanted to clarify for anyone who was confused, not necessarily just you.


No that was great. I'm a n00b running my first PC specializing in Artifice, Archeaology and Treasure Hunting.


I've been swapping gear out as I find it, and unfortunately I sold my first Saberstaff when I found one better. The replacement isn't moddable, and I've been searching for another ever since, lol! I've looked at the GTN but never really see anything for sale on it. I'm playing on the Numadii Corridor, and I don't know if there just aren't that many crafters or what.

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I've sold an Custom-Built Lightsabre (Augmented) (lvl 20) for 300K on my server but this was a few days after 1.2 was implemented. There where a few high then that when I was listing. Not sure if they sold or not and haven't checked lately to see what they are selling for now.


I wonder what the success rate of a crit craft on these are? I think mine worked out at about 20% to get the 4 I have.

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Moddable gear just means any orange gear that allows you to put in a mod, armoring, enhancement, etc. Lightsabers have spots for hilts and crystals as well, but no enhancement slot. This gear is used a lot in the leveling process because you can just swap out the mods and armoring as you get better ones for completing quests, rather than having to change your entire look by buying new armor or vestments constantly.


Augmented gear is the same as moddable gear, only it has an extra slot in which you can put in an augment. This gives the wearer a bigger boost in stats, because you're essentially getting five slots for modifications rather than four on a lightsaber. If all your gear had an augment slot, that adds up to a fairly big advantage over players with regular moddable gear.


Augmented gear is mostly purchased thru the GTN and crafted by synthweavers and armormechs. They can only make augmented gear if they get lucky with a critical crafting, otherwise they'll just end up with modded gear. I'm not sure the chances to get a critical crafting, but I'd bet most would say that it's around 10%. Since it is fairly rare, the prices for it on the GTN usually reflect that, though if you have the cash it usually is a good idea to pick it up if you don't have it already. Alternatively, if you see it for dirt cheap, you should always buy it up regardless and then just turn it around for a profit if you don't need it.


Hope this was helpful. Sorry if some of the stuff was of the "no duh" variety, it's sometimes hard to gauge how new a player is to the game and I wanted to clarify for anyone who was confused, not necessarily just you.


That isn't actually entirely true. You can have augmented non-moddable gear. If you crit craft on any equippable item, not just a custom item, the resulting item will have an augment slot.


(and also apparently in "bioware" speak, moddable apparently only means the purple stuff that has it's mods removeable, since they said moddable stuff would be researchable to learn the orange schematic, but it seems only the new purple stuff with removeable mods can be.)


Custom item = orange item

Moddable item (apparently when bioware talks) = purple fully moddable item.

Moddable item (when everybody else talks) = fully moddable item regardless of color.

Augmented item = any type of item that happens to have an augment slot, whether moddable or custom or neither.

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Lightsabers have spots for hilts and crystals as well, but no enhancement slot.


Fully customizable lightsabers have following slots:

color crystal





If you have an [augmented] gear, it has an extra slot called augment on it. Augmented gear doesnt have to be otherwise customizable or orange.


Note: customizable legacy belts and bracers have armoring and mod slots in them, but no enhancement.

Edited by Karkais
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That isn't actually entirely true. You can have augmented non-moddable gear. If you crit craft on any equippable item, not just a custom item, the resulting item will have an augment slot.


(and also apparently in "bioware" speak, moddable apparently only means the purple stuff that has it's mods removeable, since they said moddable stuff would be researchable to learn the orange schematic, but it seems only the new purple stuff with removeable mods can be.)


Custom item = orange item

Moddable item (apparently when bioware talks) = purple fully moddable item.

Moddable item (when everybody else talks) = fully moddable item regardless of color.

Augmented item = any type of item that happens to have an augment slot, whether moddable or custom or neither.


I probably should have qualified my statement some. In crafting terms though, augmented gear only ever refers to the orange items, because the non-moddable purple items just don't match up even with the augment slot and almost every buyer wants to put in mods of their choice anyway rather than have an expensive piece of armor with fixed stats. I don't know how your server is, but on mine there's only one crafter still selling level 49 purple items that aren't moddable. Every other expensive piece is an augmented custom item.

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Fully customizable lightsabers have following slots:

color crystal





If you have an [augmented] gear, it has an extra slot called augment on it. Augmented gear doesnt have to be otherwise customizable or orange.


Note: customizable legacy belts and bracers have armoring and mod slots in them, but no enhancement.


Whoops. Meant to say armoring. I'll edit it. Gotta be careful anytime I put up a wall of text.

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On my server regular custom ones sell for around 5k.. Augmented ones sell for 35ish.... I make my money on augmented Techblades...


I just sell the regular lightsabers to vendors since they are useless. Vendor at least gives SOME value back. Ill keep selling the augmented ones for 250k though.

Edited by Karkais
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