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The Ship GTN. Who Has Purchased This?


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Ajunta Pall


Have not purchased. Do not intend to do so (I see very little worth to it for the price spent). If I do need to use the neutral GTN, I'll go to Nar Shadda.


*edit: If all the GTNs are going to be both factions, then I see it as even less useful. Going to the GTNs now is not all the inconvenient in my eyes. But I can see how other people might value being able to do it from their ship, more power to em.

Edited by Calsidian
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All I can say is nope.

I'll buy the training dummies and maybe the mailbox, but that's it.


I'm either doing dailies, raiding, or on the fleet looking for FPs to run so it's not like I'd need the convenience, and with nobody using the neutral GTN, it's useless.


*edit: If all the GTNs are going to be both factions, then I see it as even less useful. Going to the GTNs now is not all the inconvenient in my eyes. But I can see how other people might value being able to do it from their ship, more power to em.


This is pretty much how I feel.

Edited by Beslley
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What follows is my opinion.


Even given the news about the GTN getting bought out by the Hutts, I still think 5 mil for the neutral terminal on the ship is insanely prohibitive. At the rate that I can earn it, that equates to about 50 hours of gameplay where I'm focusing on nothing but making credits by running dailies. That's way disproportionate to the amount of time I'd actually save by having that terminal on my ship. So why would I go through the trouble? Especially when I'd rather be doing fun stuff like PvP or experiencing alts.


It's clear that BioWare really want this to be something that only hardcore and very long-term players can have, so that it doesn't draw people out of the population hubs. Fair enough, I guess.

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What follows is my opinion.


Even given the news about the GTN getting bought out by the Hutts, I still think 5 mil for the neutral terminal on the ship is insanely prohibitive. At the rate that I can earn it, that equates to about 50 hours of gameplay where I'm focusing on nothing but making credits by running dailies. That's way disproportionate to the amount of time I'd actually save by having that terminal on my ship. So why would I go through the trouble? Especially when I'd rather be doing fun stuff like PvP or experiencing alts.


It's clear that BioWare really want this to be something that only hardcore and very long-term players can have, so that it doesn't draw people out of the population hubs. Fair enough, I guess.


At first, I thought the 5 million credits was too much but then I reminded myself that it unlocks for all ships in your Legacy, potentially 8. I have not bought it yet because a) I don't have the credits and b) I rarely use the GTN or HCN anyway.

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What follows is my opinion.


Even given the news about the GTN getting bought out by the Hutts, I still think 5 mil for the neutral terminal on the ship is insanely prohibitive. At the rate that I can earn it, that equates to about 50 hours of gameplay where I'm focusing on nothing but making credits by running dailies. That's way disproportionate to the amount of time I'd actually save by having that terminal on my ship. So why would I go through the trouble? Especially when I'd rather be doing fun stuff like PvP or experiencing alts.


It's clear that BioWare really want this to be something that only hardcore and very long-term players can have, so that it doesn't draw people out of the population hubs. Fair enough, I guess.


Maybe it's intended more for the hardcore GTN users who can make tons of credits buying and reselling things off GTN, for whom having a GTN on the ship would help their productivity in their main gameplay sphere.


Plus as KurganNazzir points out, it could be cheaper depending on how many characters you have. Being server-wide, that's potential affecting 8 characters, a value of 40 million credits assuming it was per-character.

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Isn't that sort of the point? I figured they made it the Neutral GTN just to encourage people to use it. If more people use it out of laziness for not leaving then their ship, then the Neutral GTN will get some use. Because as is, how many use it? I tried using it to sell Sniper Rifle drops my Trooper got, but no one ever bought. About the only things that seem to buy are the crafted armor that required classes of one side or the other(usually sold by people who have the recipes for the opposite side and have no use for them on their own side).


Honestly, it will take a long time for the ship GTN to become stable. Who has that much credits to spare to buy one of those? I think they should just make all the GTN neutral. Having a GTN in your ship will become SO handy! They should also put a mailbox in the ship as well! It doesn't make sense when it's the future, yet we still have to land on a planet to receive mail?! Lol it's like they don't have some sorta email, pff cchh :rolleyes:

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Seeing as someone has to be pioneers, I'm going to buy it when I have the money.


And then I'm gonna sell the Jedi Battlelord on it cheaper than on the "regular" GTN. So everyone has to get one or go to Nar Shaddaa.

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I would buy one if the price was waaaaay less but I wouldn't spend even half the 5 million price to get this.

It's just to easy to go to fleet or mail something i want to sell to an alt that is on fleet. My alts share credits, gear and crafting mats, mailing things is cheaper than spending 5 million credits.


aye! Now that we can mail to each others factions, I can just send my toon some stuff that doesn't normally sell all that good on the other sides GTN.

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I have used the one on the Fleet like 5 times in 5 months of play. I have only sold one item on the GTN sence launch and I have over 1 million credits. Why the heck would I want to waste my credits on one for my ship? Esp when I am rarely on my ship. Anoying trying to use your ship anyway.
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Honestly, it will take a long time for the ship GTN to become stable. Who has that much credits to spare to buy one of those? I think they should just make all the GTN neutral. Having a GTN in your ship will become SO handy! They should also put a mailbox in the ship as well! It doesn't make sense when it's the future, yet we still have to land on a planet to receive mail?! Lol it's like they don't have some sorta email, pff cchh :rolleyes:


You do realize that a shipboard mailbox for all characters is another legacy unlock one can purchase?

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Server: Mandalore the Indomitable

Purchased: No


I may purchase this in the future only after I've unlocked my 2 remaining class buffs and take the time to grind the cash needed purchase the other legacy items that more interested in. Likely I wont even consider purchasing until they merge GTNs.


As a side note: It is very overpriced at the moment. I understand the need for money sinks in MMOs but I hate them. I'm very stingy and rarely spend my cash on fluff items. I've only purcharced the PVE dummy so far and thats because I use it as a tool to tighten my rotation and test builds/gear setups.

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Server: Mandalore the Indomitable

Purchased: No


I may purchase this in the future only after I've unlocked my 2 remaining class buffs and take the time to grind the cash needed purchase the other legacy items that more interested in. Likely I wont even consider purchasing until they merge GTNs.


As a side note: It is very overpriced at the moment. I understand the need for money sinks in MMOs but I hate them. I'm very stingy and rarely spend my cash on fluff items. I've only purcharced the PVE dummy so far and thats because I use it as a tool to tighten my rotation and test builds/gear setups.


No real point in me buying this one as there is a free one on the gav daragon,

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  • 1 month later...
As we near 1.3, I would like to know who has considered this in the last month. Any new buyers of this 5 million credit "perk"? Is the market merge even happening in 1.3? Does someone have a link confirming it? Any BioWare staff willing to lend some insight here? Is it staying the same price? So many questions that need answering.
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I've not bought a single legacy unlock.


I have over 10 mil credits have never bought one either, I never will, I wont subscribe to biowares credit sinks. I'm legacy level 50 which i might add that I got nothing for getting there not even a discount on the unlocks.

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