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fresh 50lv Sentinel basic build questions


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Hello I have recently ding 50lv and have tried Focus spec and Combat spec. I couldn't decide which spec is better suitable for me but saw that Focus is gravitating ONLY around Force sweet - don't like it very much, but yes it got big crits.

Combat - well some kind of strange for me. Can't get the idea of this build and how to make up my combo.Maybe ,because I was playing only watchmen spec till now. Noob question here - should I replace Slash with Blade Rush ? Confusing here , because I see that slash makes more dmg than blade rush - or maybe I am misunderstanding ?

I haven't play with Watchman after 1.2 and was wandering how it is ?

Thanks :)

Edited by Ogi-Wan-BG
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Scroll through the forum here, read the next few pages and there are similar questions. It will be more productive and efficient for you than waiting for people to post again. I promise you, there are many good answers not far away:)
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I like the watchman spec because it has the best effect from zen, its has self and group healing from dot crits(very situational), it has the reduced range on force leap, the dots let you do damage away from target if you get knocked away, or after you die, it just seems like I live longer and do more damage with watchman over focus. Ive never specd combat...
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Watchman tends to be the preferred spec of most sentinels still for many of the reasons the poster above listed. I personally use it and would never switch to anything else because of it's versatility. That's not to say that combat and focus aren't fantastic for certain things, but in general I feel watchman has the most to offer.


Heck, just the heals from crit burns alone give it far more utility than the other 2 specs... and in a group, zen turns those heals into operation-wide heals which is enormous. You heal every player in your op in range for 12% of their total health every 30 stacks of centering (every 20-30s or so). While doing that you still maintain fantastic DPS and in any boss fight will be pretty even with the burst-heavy combat spec thanks to constant DoT damage and some decent burst from Merciless Slash, Master Strike, Dispatch, and Slash.

Edited by witelightnin
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All specs are good.


Focus is a face melter and I got to say, I'm often tempted to change to focus. It's fun to drop someone to nothing with only a few moves... My only problem with it is pretty much experience. I've been watchman from L10 to L50 Rank 60+ so changing spec is pretty bad for me. I get into situations where I don't have enough focus and such lol...


Combat Spec is my favorit in terms of "fun" but it is not the most efficient one to use... at least in my situation.


Watchman is by far the better spec. It has utility, damage and survivability.

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All specs are good.


Focus is a face melter and I got to say, I'm often tempted to change to focus. It's fun to drop someone to nothing with only a few moves... My only problem with it is pretty much experience. I've been watchman from L10 to L50 Rank 60+ so changing spec is pretty bad for me. I get into situations where I don't have enough focus and such lol...


Combat Spec is my favorit in terms of "fun" but it is not the most efficient one to use... at least in my situation.


Watchman is by far the better spec. It has utility, damage and survivability.


I'm confused... how is Focus a face melt spec? The only thing I really see it being good for is force sweep damage. It seems like the whole spec pretty much revolves around spamming force sweep as much as possible. Did you mix up combat and focus? Combat is the spec I've seen where you can blow someone up in only a few moves through massive burst.

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