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Still Gravity Round......


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Well last night i cancelled my sub after the fail 1.2c patch.


Their intentions was to change the rotation of gunnery spec. They did this by reducing the damage of grav round (aceptable) and charged bolts ( i fail to understand this :( ). Furthermore they reduced the amount of damage mitigation of our charged barrier and increased the cooldown of our knock back ( in order of course to change the rotation of gunnery specc :eek:). And from expertise i have noticed that it favors damage more than defence and healing. Guess what .... Still people are grav rounding :). The old rotation still works (but with less dps of course).


The thing is that Bioware needed to make two equal dps trees if they wanted to avoid this grav round spamming. Instead of doing this they reduced the damage of Assault ( nerfing charged bolts). Although there are a lot of commandos that dont want to use Gunnery specc Bioware is not offering them a viable alternative dps tree.


Not to mention of course the wide sellection of escaping tools that commandos do have ( :o ) (/ sarcasm) that can avoid being stun locked for 8-10 seconds.


I havent mentioned healing because RuQu is doing an excellent job in his posts regarding healing.

Unfortunately this class needs to be reworked from scratch. And they have to listen to the community and not taking some kind measurements ( which i would like to be published ) that are failing from day 1 after the patch.


But having the same team from Warhammer gives me no hope. The broken classes will remain broken for a year or so until thay loose most of their subs.

Developers fail to understand that MMO community nowdays is evolved since the days of WoW. They expect more both on PvP and on PvE.

I will be playing for a bit hoping that Bioware will some day make commando a COMMANDO :).

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If BW truly wanted to make our rotation more "interactive", they simply should have kept the grav round nerf, and kept Charged Bolts the way it WAS without the 10% nerf. That way we have more incentive to actually use CB. Grav round to 5x vortex, CB/DR/HiB etc while weaving in the occasional grav round for the debuff. There you go, interactive rotation. Too simple for BW to comprehend, apparently. :rolleyes:
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The thing is that Bioware made these changes without considering the impacts on Assault tree as well, which makes me think that they actually do not play the class at all.


1.2c did a nice job on Demo Round though, you gotta love that.

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So they tried to compensate the loss of dps by adding some extra damage on the 15 sec cooldown ability which it may not reach its full potential if you forced to apply it on a target that it will not be debuffed( commonly happens in a warzone).

My point is that bioware has not offered any other rotation apart from grav round. Combinig the fact that they increased the cooldown on our knockback and decreased the amount of damage we can mitigate it makes our class a spamming class that can be easily interrupted and locked down.

From PvP perspective that means one dps less with no escaping tools which will increase the pressure on the commando's team.

They really need to give us some extra passives to our assault tree so that ( as dpsers) we can have two viable dps trees.

Edited by Keinhoran
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