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That's actually a good question.


Here's how it goes.


Sith Warrior works as Dark or Light. If you choose enough Light options you can train Jaesa as a Jedi and lie to your darker companions to make them think you are darker than you are.


Unfortunately they dropped the ball for Sith Inquisitor, when the SI choose light your master makes a different comment near the end of Act I, and you can do the end of Act III very differently, but that's it so far.


Light Imperial Agent IS awesome. I won't spoil but let me give you a word of advice, spare the enemy at the end of the Act II final fight and then take the light side option after you retrieve the McGuffin near the end of Act III. COMPETELY DIFFERENT ENDING.


Haven't played BH past Prologue yet :o


Jedi Knight is similar dark or light but come of as Vengeful and utterly hating Sith if Dark, if light he comes off as Obi-Wan / Qui-Gon Jin.


Jedi Consular... if you go dark you just kill instead of redeeming in Act I:( and I haven't beaten Act II yet.:o


Smuggler... you already know.


Dark Republic trooper? Umm... I went light for that one.... I don't know:o


Anyways, hope that helps!:)

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Playing as a light BH throughout the whole game, I think it was very good. In the end, without spoilers, if you choose light as your last class mission choice you won't feel like a tool of the empire, and more independent. Or you can go dark and kill one of the most important people in the galaxy.
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