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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stuff to fix in PvP


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1. If someone uses a stun breaker, it should immediately empty their resolve bar.

Basically stopping people from using their breakers to become immune to CC.


2. You should have to choose between CC immunity and strong defense, no one should EVER have both.

Once immune, your defenses should go WAY down, and you should have the ability to restore them at will at the expense of becoming vulnerable to CC again.


3. Resolve values are so completely whacked it's not even funny.


Things that break on damage should add VERY LITTLE resolve. They may be annoyances, but they're not dangerous AT ALL.


Things that ALLOW damage the whole time CC'd should add a LOT of resolve. You shouldn't be able to chain stun someone while able to do damage, at all.


4. 90% damage mitigation on offensive characters is the most overpowered skill in this game and needs to be removed immediately.


5. If immune from CC, no movement enhancing skills should work.

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No skill should be removed from a class or touched because of pvp. Its a valuable tool for PVE. play your class and develop team work. Guess what, you can use those chain CC's you're complaining about to remove the chance for the mara/sent to even pop their immunity, or even if they do get it off, a CCed one is doing 0 damage.

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No skill should be removed from a class or touched because of pvp. Its a valuable tool for PVE. play your class and develop team work. Guess what, you can use those chain CC's you're complaining about to remove the chance for the mara/sent to even pop their immunity, or even if they do get it off, a CCed one is doing 0 damage.


Of course it's valuable, it's completely over the top overpowered. Insanely powerful, and unnecessary skills have tremendous value. There's no justification at all for a damage delivery machine to have 90% damage mitigation in pve or otherwise.

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... you are asking for a nerf to resolve? Really?

Learn how to not white bar instead.


It's the base of PvP to manage your CC by timing and placing them accordingly.

You are probably a Tank Juggernaut who ain't happy to not be able to stun, choke, fear, stun, push, stun.

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Best response to a white bar is to KILL them :D


Keep up the good work on making sure matches are EVENLY NUMBERED. Or, allow Super Companion fill-ins that disappear when the group fills.


EXPAND PVP to Open World on PVP servers! Add weekly quests for Level 50 vs. Level 50 kills world-wide. This is one of the biggest complaints I get from my ex WOW and EVE members.

Edited by MrsMolle
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Things that break on damage should add VERY LITTLE resolve. They may be annoyances, but they're not dangerous AT ALL.


So in VS, all we would need to do when attacking is sit near the defender spawn and rotate Awe, AoE Stun Grenades, etc while we assault the door. The best part is, combined with your suggestion of having a CC-break basically reset the resolve bar, there's absolutely nothing the defending team could do about it, because they'd just eat another full-duration CC if they CC-break.



CC that breaks on damage *is* dangerous. We use them all the time to cap nodes already. I have no idea how you can justify making it even easier for us to do that.

Edited by jdi_knght
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It's simple enough to lock people down with CC. OP is clearly a baddie.


For the most part I hate the term bad but I have to agree this time. OP you actually want to increase the power of CC? In this game? CC already plays like everyone is a LOTRO loremaster prior to their CC abilities being nerfed.

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1. If someone uses a stun breaker, it should immediately empty their resolve bar.

Basically stopping people from using their breakers to become immune to CC.


2. You should have to choose between CC immunity and strong defense, no one should EVER have both.

Once immune, your defenses should go WAY down, and you should have the ability to restore them at will at the expense of becoming vulnerable to CC again.


3. Resolve values are so completely whacked it's not even funny.


Things that break on damage should add VERY LITTLE resolve. They may be annoyances, but they're not dangerous AT ALL.


Things that ALLOW damage the whole time CC'd should add a LOT of resolve. You shouldn't be able to chain stun someone while able to do damage, at all.


4. 90% damage mitigation on offensive characters is the most overpowered skill in this game and needs to be removed immediately.


5. If immune from CC, no movement enhancing skills should work.


All poor ideas imo therefore I'd expect to see them implimented in the next patch!

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well if you think that sent/maras should have for pvp damage imunity that lasts as long an average pvp encounter the why not i, as a sniper dont have a similar imunity. i could blast your arse to oblivion like nowone alse, heck i could take a team of you and hold you of till reenforcement come to kill you....

ohh w8 maras do that already if some one alse do it it would be OP espesialy if they are DPS! coze thats a tanks job

yea i see that now... hell just nerf operatives and those no-nerf-for-us-yet snipers

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