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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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Which I sympathize with, even though I'm on a PVP server, I feel for the guy. Yet, if you call it what it truly is, it is an exploit then people will look more kindly to finding a solution. To call it ganking does the term a disservice, on a pvp server if world pvp is to be vibrant ganking is encouraged and a positive. Unfortuantly, camping is now ganking, greifing is now ganking, anytime anyone dies in the world by another player it's ganking and now exploting is now ganking so ganking = bad which in itself is not for a PVP server.


This is ganking, I'm in an ops group for world bosses for the event. We are traveling in a pack and see a lone Repub, we all kill him, mount up and move on. That is ganking. The result, all of a sudden after we killed the second boss we ran into two ops groups of Repubs. Everybody fought people died it was glorious.



Dear god man, he's not on a PvP server, he's on a PvE server. So the ganking that the group of Imps engaged in after the guy was unwillingly flagged for PvP is not something to be applauded or presented as a good thing.

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Dear god man, he's not on a PvP server, he's on a PvE server. So the ganking that the group of Imps engaged in after the guy was unwillingly flagged for PvP is not something to be applauded or presented as a good thing.


I guess you missed where I said "EVEN THOUGH I am on a PVP server"

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It is just an exploit, no different then when Ensidia found a way around the Valkryies for Lich World First or when Paragon, Ensidia exploited the lFR for gear.


Dude, the getting jumped by a group of Imps after unwillingly being flagged for PvP is NOT an exploit. The unwillingly getting flagged for PvP was the exploit. Getting jumped by the group of Impa was/is ganking. Why are you having such a hard time understanding this?


At this point I have to wonder if you aren't getting this or you know you screwed up and are living out the Governmets mantra of deny deny deny in hopes that people wouldnt notice. The really funny thing is, is that in another post on this page (or maybe the one before if enough people posted before I'm done typing this) you gave an "example" of what ganking is, which is exactly what the GROUP of Impa did to him after he was unwillingly flagged. Which is why I have to wonder if you screwed up, you know it, and are just afraid to admit it.

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I guess you missed where I said "EVEN THOUGH I am on a PVP server"


No I clearly saw you say that you are in a PvP server, my point is that it has 0 zero zilch nada niet to do with his situation because the OP is on a PvE server. Your strawman argument is not only wrong but incredibly stupid.

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Dude, the getting jumped by a group of Imps after unwillingly being flagged for PvP is NOT an exploit. The unwillingly getting flagged for PvP was the exploit. Getting jumped by the group of Impa was/is ganking. Why are you having such a hard time understanding this?


At this point I have to wonder if you aren't getting this or you know you screwed up and are living out the Governmets mantra of deny deny deny in hopes that people wouldnt notice. The really funny thing is, is that in another post on this page (or maybe the one before if enough people posted before I'm done typing this) you gave an "example" of what ganking is, which is exactly what the GROUP of Impa did to him after he was unwillingly flagged. Which is why I have to wonder if you screwed up, you know it, and are just afraid to admit it.


No it is an exploit the situation would never happened on a PVE server if there was not a bug, that is what you are not getting. If other people instead of complaining and offer a solution using the right language it will be fixed instead of calling the event crappy and useless, which others were doing before my first post in this thread. I find it funny that you are trying to call me a government stooge while I pay or paid your paycheck while you actually work for said government.

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No it is an exploit the situation would never happened on a PVE server if there was not a bug, that is what you are not getting. If other people instead of complaining and offer a solution using the right language it will be fixed instead of calling the event crappy and useless, which others were doing before my first post in this thread. I find it funny that you are trying to call me a government stooge while I pay or paid your paycheck while you actually work for said government.


The exploit was and only was the unwillingly being flagged. The being jumped by a nearby group of Imps directly after that was the OP being ganked. You are the one not using the correct verbiage. And others have also told you the same thing.


As for my government employment I still work for the Gov as a Civilian DoD em

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The OP said no such thing. He said he was on a PvE server.


Which I made mentioned of on my first post in this thread when I told the OP to go to suggestion thread and post the idea of "always no pvp" option and to report the exploit with a ticket.

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The exploit was and only was the unwillingly being flagged. The being jumped by a nearby group of Imps directly after that was the OP being ganked. You are the one not using the correct verbiage. And others have also told you the same thing.


As for my government employment I still work for the Gov as a Civilian DoD em


Yes I am using the corect verbage. He was exploited, not ganked.


That's cool, I got a couple of buddies that work at Carlswell in Ft Worth.

Edited by Ichikitsune
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I hear ME3 has co-op multiplayer and is made by Bioware, you could almost pretend its star wars based on the similarities between names in SW:TOR and the ME universe.


why can't PVE'ers stick to single player games with optional multiplayer rather than coming into MMORPG's and crying because its not single player enough for them?


Because MMORPG IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO PvP...simple enough???

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No it is an exploit the situation would never happened on a PVE server if there was not a bug, that is what you are not getting. If other people instead of complaining and offer a solution using the right language it will be fixed instead of calling the event crappy and useless, which others were doing before my first post in this thread. I find it funny that you are trying to call me a government stooge while I pay or paid your paycheck while you actually work for said government.


The exploit was and only was the unwillingly being flagged. The being jumped by a nearby group of Imps directly after that was the OP being ganked. You are the one not using the correct verbiage. And others have also told you the same thing.


As for my government employment I still work for the Gov as a Civilian DoD employee. So I speak to your government stooge like behavior from the position of seeing it on a regular basis. As an aside to that, just today my supervisor today engaged in just that kind of behavior. Falsifying paperwork in an attempt to cover up his ineptitude. Then trying to blame me and my partner for the job not being completed. I am going to have a field day with the grievance on that one. So yes, while I was in the Army and even now you are (assuming you are working in the private sector and not another person riding the government entitlement gravy train) paying a portion of my paycheck. However I provided a service, while I was in the Army I was not only doing something that a lot of people can't or won't do. And secondly I was doing something that I saw as my duty not only to those who sacrificed so much before me but for my now 2 children and for their future. And now as a tradesman working in direct support of our US Navy by ensuring that thier facilities are running so they can continue to train our Navy. But really that is not germane to this conversation so your red herring attempt to take focus off of your inability to correctly process the situation the OP was in and the repeated attempts of myself and others to show you where you are wrong.

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Yes I am using the corect verbage. He was exploited, not ganked.


That's cool, I got a couple of buddies that work at Carlswell in Ft Worth.


He was both. After he was exploited by the person he was then ganked by the group of Imps that were also in the area. It can be explained any more simply for you. And at this point if you are either unable to understand or unwilling (I'm going to go with the later of the two) to understand then it is an exercise in futility to continue to explain it to you.

Edited by Hyfy
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why can't PVE'ers stick to single player games with optional multiplayer rather than coming into MMORPG's and crying because its not single player enough for them?


You do realize that the MMO as a genre started because of roleplayers, right?


From Dungeons and Dragons (1974)




MUDS - http://www.livinginternet.com/d/di_major.htm (1978)




Meridian 59 - http://www.meridian59.com/ (1995)




Ultima Online - http://www.uoherald.com/ (1997)




EverQuest 1 - http://everquest.station.sony.com/ (1999)


And so forth... so, um, sorry, but you're just flat out wrong on every count, not the least of which is that you should be thanking these PvE players because they're the reason you can "get your gank on" in an MMO at all.

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You do realize that the MMO as a genre started because of roleplayers, right?


From Dungeons and Dragons (1974)




MUDS - http://www.livinginternet.com/d/di_major.htm (1978)




Meridian 59 - http://www.meridian59.com/ (1995)




Ultima Online - http://www.uoherald.com/ (1997)




EverQuest 1 - http://everquest.station.sony.com/ (1999)


And so forth... so, um, sorry, but you're just flat out wrong on every count, not the least of which is that you should be thanking these PvE players because they're the reason you can "get your gank on" in an MMO at all.


you missed out the world of darkness vampire RPG's

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you missed out the world of darkness vampire RPG's


Since they didn't release until 2004, how precisely do you see that relevant to the point?


Edit to add: Since their MMO has been in development since 2009 and, at last report, has less than 60 on staff to finish and deliver it, let's just say I see even less reason to think the reference has any relevancy. Feel free to concisely demonstrate how/where this may be an erroneous conclusion.

Edited by Phydra
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He was both. After he was exploited by the person he was then ganked by the group of Imps that were also in the area. It can be explained any more simply for you. And at this point if you are either unable to understand or unwilling (I'm going to go with the later of the two) to understand then it is an exercise in futility to continue to explain it to you.


Don't try and pretend to take some high road when you tossed that red herring into the boat in the first place, I decided to kick it. I don't care if you have a crappy boss.


No where in my example an exploit was used that is the difference.


The group was exploiters. In order to do what they did they had to exploit. Let's try this way.


Player A and groups know a bug, they exploit the bug and thus become exploiters. Exploiters are not ganking, they exploit mechanics which is what happened to the OP


To gank, a large group attacks suddenly. Notice the lack of the word exploit?


I'm not going to agree to disagree with you, use the right terminology.


While you are calling me dense, what advice did you ever offer the OP?

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Hyfy and Ichikitsune, you two both realize that you basically agree with each other and are just arguing over a technicality, right?


Not really, by encouraging the word gank CS will blow the ticket off with out reading it completely. If OP writes as it truly is an exploit he may have a better resolution if that mechanic is not designed to do that on a PVE server.

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It has been stated by Bioware long before this event that what they are doing is an exploit and you can report players doing forcing played to be flagged without consent.


Players should never have to worry about being forced to PvP on PvE servers. It should always be their choice. If it happens to you, report the person doing it. Enough get reported perhaps Bioware will fix this.

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Don't try and pretend to take some high road when you tossed that red herring into the boat in the first place, I decided to kick it. I don't care if you have a crappy boss. The thing about my boss was an aside and nothing more as I stated in that post specifically. It wasn't a red herring, that was giving you an example of the Gov. deny deny deny Stoogery that I see on a regular basis, as I said you were engaging in.


No where in my example an exploit was used that is the difference. Why is it so hard for you to understand that the exploit and the ganking are two separate issues as has been told to you more then a dozen times. The second of those issues was a group that took advantage of an lone unwillingly flagged Repub player. They knew they out numbered him and then proceeded to gank him.


The group was exploiters. In order to do what they did they had to exploit. Let's try this way. No, genius. The single Imp alone used an exploit to unwillingly flag the OP for PvP. The group of Imps that were in the area then ganged up on and ganked him. They are two separate things. But for some reason you are incapable of engaging in critical thinking


Player A and groups know a bug, they exploit the bug and thus become exploiters. Exploiters are not ganking, they exploit mechanics which is what happened to the OP The guy who unwillingly flagged the OP was alone, he blew up and went away. The group that was in the area then proceeded to gang up on him and abuse the fact that he was flagged. That is not an exploit that is abusing, griefing, taking advantage of the situation, or a myriad of other terms but they did not engage in exploiting a game mechanic.


To gank, a large group attacks suddenly. Notice the lack of the word exploit? What part of the OP's first post did you not get? At no point did he say that the lone exploiter came from that group of people, if you would go back and reread as you were told you should do he says there was a group of Imps nearby when another player flagged for PvP chased him down to explode on him which then flagged the OP for PvP against his will, then shortly after that the group came around and ganged up on him which would be ganking him.


I'm not going to agree to disagree with you, use the right terminology. Hey Cheech, I never told you to agree to disagree, I've only told you that you were wrong and you still are. SO instead of making up your own facts to try and win an argument try sticking to the truth.


While you are calling me dense, what advice did you ever offer the OP? There is no advice that I can give him past sending a ticket for harassment/griefing but then the OP is intelligent enough to already know that so it was not anything I felt was necessary to tell him. Instead I felt it was more important to quell the ignorant attacks against the OP becasue someone felt a bit high and mighty and thinks that they should be able to dictate to him how and where he should play his toons. But now you have decided to move on to a "straw-man argument" because again you realize that you have been and still are talking out of your ***.



Yadda yadda yadda, in red

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You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. They deserve better than this. How dare BW and other players effect their gameplay without their consent. I think BW should move quickly on this and solve the problem for good. I have an idea on how they can accomplish this. A Grief Free server or servers to be more accurate. They will be a PvE (Safe Mode) version. The following features will be included:


- Single Faction only. This would completely eliminate any possible griefing from a player from the opposing faction. There will be two PvE (Safe Mode) servers for this reason. One for the imperials and one for Republic players.


- Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


- Phase Escape. Even being on a single faction server won't keep players from stalking you and stealing kills. Phase Escape allows you to go into a different phase with a click of a button.


- Altered State Alarm. Anytime a debuff is unwantedly applied to your character, an alarm will sound followed by a pop-up window asking whether you want to participate in this Environmental application or not.


- Proximity Aggro Field. Pulling mobs by accident can be very frustrating and in most cases unfair. Your character will have an adjustable visible aggro field which will help you avoid these surprising encounters. And even if a mob is still pulled by accident, a pop-up window will notify you of the impending attack and give you the option to flee.


Anyway, it's a work in progress but I think some people here will be thrilled with this type of server. The PvE servers we have right now are just too hardcore for some.

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You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. They deserve better than this. How dare BW and other players effect their gameplay without their consent. I think BW should move quickly on this and solve the problem for good. I have an idea on how they can accomplish this. A Grief Free server or servers to be more accurate. They will be a PvE (Safe Mode) version. The following features will be included:


- Single Faction only. This would completely eliminate any possible griefing from a player from the opposing faction. There will be two PvE (Safe Mode) servers for this reason. One for the imperials and one for Republic players.


- Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


- Phase Escape. Even being on a single faction server won't keep players from stalking you and stealing kills. Phase Escape allows you to go into a different phase with a click of a button.


- Altered State Alarm. Anytime a debuff is unwantedly applied to your character, an alarm will sound followed by a pop-up window asking whether you want to participate in this Environmental application or not.


- Proximity Aggro Field. Pulling mobs by accident can be very frustrating and in most cases unfair. Your character will have an adjustable visible aggro field which will help you avoid these surprising encounters. And even if a mob is still pulled by accident, a pop-up window will notify you of the impending attack and give you the option to flee.


Anyway, it's a work in progress but I think some people here will be thrilled with this type of server. The PvE servers we have right now are just too hardcore for some.


oh god no..


you're going to give them ideas!! I hope BW realises this is a joke!

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