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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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Its sad though. Those in the oposite camp will continue to delude themselves that their world view is the correct one, all the while sitting in the dark behind their screens and their pixel epeen warrior. Talk about compensating. :rolleyes:


before you go throwing random insults around remember you're also sitting in the dark with your pixel warrior thinking you're awesome because you just killed a scripted computer program....and got a title



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before you go throwing random insults around remember you're also sitting in the dark with your pixel warrior thinking you're awesome because you just killed a scripted computer program....and got a title




No I'm just awesome. True story. *equips Barney Stinson voice*



Edited by Urael
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I would say the OP was griefed and should lodge a complaint if only for the next event to have it removed. I'm sure Bioware will change the mechanics, they have shown they listen to people so I have faith in them. I also think they would consider it griefing as they changed the mechanics in the past with AOE attacks flagging for PVP.


I used to play on pvp servers in WoW and really enjoyed it, Even when a lvl 50+ one shot me on my low lvl chars. Guess what! I never complained once! even when being spawn camped because its part of the game and I accepted that as I made a choice to play on that server.


I am now in a position where I have limited time to play so now I prefer to play on PVE servers, this means I can enjoy the whole content of the game without spending time on PVP fights. Its not because of lack of PVP skills or lack of mentality, the only people saying this are in fact the ones who lack the mentality to appreciate that some people prefer a different style of play and can't comprehend someone else's choice as they have no mental capacity to understand why.


Everyone pays to play the game the way they like why not let them? why try and dictate your style of play because you think its better? Move on nothing more to see here for PVP arguers and at the very least have a little respect for the players play style, the attitude's at the minute is why a lot of people would probably rather play on PVE servers as people like yourselves are not on them!


Keep in mind a lot of players could have been big Kotor fans and the game is being dubbed as a Kotor MMO is it really any surprise a lot of player prefer to play solo or on PVE servers.

Edited by twistedmonk
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LOL....some of you are funny. I play on a PvP server and you can go days without seeing anyone from the other faction (at least on my server). Stop acting like it's some right of passage and you "put in work" just because you're on a PvP server. Sure the occasional ganking goes down (Black Hole is always good for some fun) but you res and move on.


The OP doesn't want to deal with the said "occasional ganking", so he chose a PvE server. Which I'm pretty sure means unless he turns on his flag or actually attacks someone who is flagged already, he shouldn't be able to get attacked by the other faction.

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Keep in mind a lot of players could have been big Kotor fans and the game is being dubbed as a Kotor MMO is it really any surprise a lot of player prefer to play solo or on PVE servers.


That description fits me. :)

Was looking for a game like that to play cooperatively with my wife, and this one fits the bill.

Edited by GreySix
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the forum rage would be so entertaining if they did that.


I wouldn't mind overmuch. If everyone was on an equal footing and it was a free-for-all gank with no consequences for a LIMITED time...sure. I did my share of zerging in DAoC (very, very slowly with all the lag, mind you) and it was fun for a bit. I think it should also be restricted to a certain area, planet (perhaps a new one so that folks who were just trying to quest wouldn't get caught up in it).


Wouldn't want a steady diet of it. And, I'm not sure that it's a grand idea because some folk just do NOT want to PvP ever ever ever. And on a PvE server, they shouldn't have to.

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Should have taken the vaccine earlier. It lasts for 6 hours. Your fault, not the game's.


By now, yeah, I'd expect most folk knew about the vaccine. When this happened to me on Sunday, hell I didn't even know there was an event. All hell just broke loose as I was questing with my 26 'slinger in Tattooine. You want to talk about confused!

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I'm pretty sure if you go. Back and reread his post he said he tired backing away and the guy followed and at that point he says he didn't have time to pop the vaccine before he exploded. So he actively tried avoiding the conflict and at the point he realized that wasnt going to happen he didn't have the chance to pop the vaccine. At which point he was flagged (against his wishes) and then griefed by the other players in the area.


Sorry but that is just not acceptable, on a PvE server. And the flagging mechanic should be looked at for reasons just like this one.


Actually he didn't get ganked. The OP had someone on a PVE server had someone may or may not (could be that is what the mechanic is intended to do) intentionally misuse a game mechanic. If OP have not done so already he needs to create a thread on the suggestions forums (about the always-off) where the Devs are more likely to see and respond to it as opposed to the mess that is the general forums and write a ticket in game about what happened. As this is a week long world event and was a surprise to everyone you can not expect that unintentional changes to a mechanic, in this case being flagged cause some one blew up on you, to pop out immediately. The event has been going on since Sunday and this is the first thread about this particular incident.


I really wish terms get used properly. Someone using a mechanic that may or not be intentional is not ganking. Some one rolling need on something they can't use is not ninja looting but being an ******e. I'm on a PVP server, but understand where the PVE server guys are coming from. If OP was on a PVP server, he should be rightfully derided but this not the case.

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If OP have not done so already he needs to create a thread on the suggestions forums (about the always-off) where the Devs are more likely to see and respond to it as opposed to the mess that is the general forums and write a ticket in game about what happened.
Just did so.
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Should have taken the vaccine earlier. It lasts for 6 hours. Your fault, not the game's.




The OP is playing on a PVE server. On a PVE Server, it should NOT be possible to get flagged for PVP by someone else's actions. It should be based entirely on your actions. He should be able to participate in the event (which includes getting infected) WITHOUT accidentally being flagged for PVP.


This is either a bug in the plague mechanics, or it's bad design. In either case, that is in fact the game's fault and not the player's. Since he is on a PVE environment, he should not have to to do anything to avoid being flagged for PVP by someone else.


By now, yeah, I'd expect most folk knew about the vaccine. When this happened to me on Sunday, hell I didn't even know there was an event. All hell just broke loose as I was questing with my 26 'slinger in Tattooine. You want to talk about confused!


By now everyone knows about the vaccine, but there's really no reason anyone would have thought that the plague would flag you for PVP.

Edited by amantheil
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...By now everyone knows about the vaccine, but there's really no reason anyone would have thought that the plague would flag you for PVP.


Indeed as I learned to my detriment. Took me a couple hours of checking online to figure out how I'd managed to get flagged. I was totally mystified.

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Keep in mind that healers deal with the PVP issue all the time.


If I am healing a group and I throw down a group heal and someone outside of the group who is pvp flagged runs over my circle, he gets a free heal and I get a free PVP flag.




"Thanks for the healing. Now, die!"

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Keep in mind that healers deal with the PVP issue all the time.


If I am healing a group and I throw down a group heal and someone outside of the group who is pvp flagged runs over my circle, he gets a free heal and I get a free PVP flag.


I thought they fixed that recently or was it just the AoE damage that they fixed?


In any case, this needs to change. No PvP on PvE servers unless specifically chosen to do so.


Full stop.

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I hear SWTOR has separate servers dedicated entirely to PVP. You don't need to pretend it is Star Wars, because it is Star Wars.


Why can't PVP'ers stick to PVP servers and PVP games rather than coming into PVE servers and crying because there's not enough PVP for them?


these are pvplite's and they arent any good. The pvpers on the pvp servers beat them up so they ran away to pve servers to hide. the only way they can survive is ganking lowbies, it make the fact that the are no good a little less galling.

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these are pvplite's and they arent any good. The pvpers on the pvp servers beat them up so they ran away to pve servers to hide. the only way they can survive is ganking lowbies, it make the fact that the are no good a little less galling.


I wouldn't even call them PVPlite, they are exploiters in terms they are exploiting what could possibly be a bug to a game mechanic. They just don't have the stones to do anything on a PVP server where repercussions can be swift and hard.

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Actually he didn't get ganked. The OP had someone on a PVE server had someone may or may not (could be that is what the mechanic is intended to do) intentionally misuse a game mechanic. If OP have not done so already he needs to create a thread on the suggestions forums (about the always-off) where the Devs are more likely to see and respond to it as opposed to the mess that is the general forums and write a ticket in game about what happened. As this is a week long world event and was a surprise to everyone you can not expect that unintentional changes to a mechanic, in this case being flagged cause some one blew up on you, to pop out immediately. The event has been going on since Sunday and this is the first thread about this particular incident.


I really wish terms get used properly. Someone using a mechanic that may or not be intentional is not ganking. Some one rolling need on something they can't use is not ninja looting but being an ******e. I'm on a PVP server, but understand where the PVE server guys are coming from. If OP was on a PVP server, he should be rightfully derided but this not the case.


I would again emplore you to go back and re-read. After he was flagged by the guy who exploded on him, he was then jumped (IE ganked) by the squad of opposing faction players. Which is the part you are missing. So go back and re-read.

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I would again emplore you to go back and re-read. After he was flagged by the guy who exploded on him, he was then jumped (IE ganked) by the squad of opposing faction players. Which is the part you are missing. So go back and re-read.


I did read it, it's called explotation of game mechanics, not ganking. They knew what they were doing.

ie, He used an exploit.

Edited by Ichikitsune
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I did read it, it's called explotation of game mechanics, not ganking. They knew what they were doing.

ie, He used an exploit.


The exploitation of the game mechanic was the impetus and set up for the gank. Seriously, reread. *throws hands in the air* *facepalm*

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He used an exploit to gank. It's being done an unfortunate amount in this event on PvE servers.


Which I sympathize with, even though I'm on a PVP server, I feel for the guy. Yet, if you call it what it truly is, it is an exploit then people will look more kindly to finding a solution. To call it ganking does the term a disservice, on a pvp server if world pvp is to be vibrant ganking is encouraged and a positive. Unfortuantly, camping is now ganking, greifing is now ganking, anytime anyone dies in the world by another player it's ganking and now exploting is now ganking so ganking = bad which in itself is not for a PVP server.


This is ganking, I'm in an ops group for world bosses for the event. We are traveling in a pack and see a lone Repub, we all kill him, mount up and move on. That is ganking. The result, all of a sudden after we killed the second boss we ran into two ops groups of Repubs. Everybody fought people died it was glorious.

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I did read it, it's called explotation of game mechanics, not ganking. They knew what they were doing.

ie, He used an exploit.


Please try to keep up. Yes the single Imp that came after him to blow up on him used an exploit. But the group of imps in the area proceeded to gang up on him and gank him after he was flagged for PvP. This isn't hard to understand. What the group of imps (please pay attention to the word GROUP which is not the singular HE) absolute positively ganked him. What the group did was NOT an exploit. Now we're you able to catch up this time. The verbiage used was not wrong, your understanding of the situation however is.

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The exploitation of the game mechanic was the impetus and set up for the gank. Seriously, reread. *throws hands in the air* *facepalm*


Thank you. You understood exactly and said it more succinctly then I am able to at the moment.

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