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i know for Pyrotech merc power is more important, from what i have been told


5 aim constitutes for 1 extra damage

4.35 power -1 damage

4.34 tech damage-1 damage.


As state above....FROM WHAT I HAVE BEEN TOLD.

I could be wrong, but all i know is power is the main stat you want for pyrotech, but by no means should you sacrifice a significant amount of aim for something.

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simple guide to primary stat vs power


First of all, in general regarding all classes (not so much about pyro)


Your primary stat increases bonus damage and crit chance to pretty much all your abilities.

Power increases only bonus damage.


The bonus damage from Power is actually a little bit higher than the bonus damage from your primary stat (Aim in case of BH), but since the primary stat increases both bonus damage and crit chance, it will in most cases for most classes and specs add more to your overall dps.


Now the bonus damage in both of these increases linearly always by the same ammount.


Your crit chance (which is affected by crit rating in addition to primary stat) however is subject to diminishing returns and will increase more slowly the higher it gets so once you go above a certain point in the diminishing returns curve, the further increases to crit chance become so low, that Power does become your best stat.


Also there are only a few things where there is an actual choice between power and your class primary stat, so it's not really much of an issue.





Now about Pyrotech...

The theoyrycrafters that I've looked into seem to suggest that Pyrotech benefits from crit less than other dps specs, making power much more desirable from early on.

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Can anybody help?


I have previously put all my stats into aim, but someone has said power is more important?


Interesting that nobody has even asked the OP's spec.

Either way, aim and power are only rarely in direct competition. You'll find there are some choices to make on bracers/belt, and potentially with mods and augments. That's it.


Short version, stack both.


If you're a healer, I would recommend favouring power.


The real discussion is in terms of secondary (power vs crit) and tertiary (alacrity vs surge.. and I guess accuracy if you're pew-pew) stats, though as a rule surge beats alacrity hands-down... for bodyguyard anyway.



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Now.. this is the type of thread I like to see.. players helping other players :)


But.. brings me to a few questions:


I've got a 33 Arsenal Merc.. when should I start letting go of my "MORE AIM! MORE AIM!" mentality and start slotting for power to gain the larger buff? Currently my aim's at 745. How does the level change for a Pyro Merc?


Now.. for the biggie: Crit chance or surge for a Arsenal Merc? I've been setting up for +Crit and +Accuracy (since anything over 100% Accuracy gives the bonus damage to targets) to balance any losses later, but should I be looking at surge for a Arsenal?


Sorry if this seems like a hijack, but the thread answered some of my big questions, and unfortunately left me with a few more! Thanks for the help in advance!

Edited by PseudoCool
missed a word
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I'm starting to believe:


AIM as high as possible (currently 2056 with Rakata stim & 2196 with all class buffs)

Crit 30% unbuffed & 36+% with all class buffs

Surge 75%

Accuracy 100%


Then work to add as much power as possible (currently 510)


This has been working pretty well for me with my 5/31/5 arsenal build.

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going over 100% acc DOES NOT increase damage, but lower defenses, in any case it is not worth it going over 100%


also afaik ALL stats are subject to deminishing returns, but have different formula...Eg. Aim is less harsh on it then crit.


at lvl 50 I'm currently at about 1520 aim, 75% crit damage from surge, 100.7% acc and 28.something crit unbuffed and about 300 power iirc...Will likely keep stacking aim for some time longer :)

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going over 100% acc DOES NOT increase damage, but lower defenses, in any case it is not worth it going over 100%


also afaik ALL stats are subject to deminishing returns, but have different formula...Eg. Aim is less harsh on it then crit.


at lvl 50 I'm currently at about 1520 aim, 75% crit damage from surge, 100.7% acc and 28.something crit unbuffed and about 300 power iirc...Will likely keep stacking aim for some time longer :)


Agreed, and as you increase AIM which benefits accuracy, you can swap out an accuracy enhancement for power/surge or crit/surge.

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also afaik ALL stats are subject to deminishing returns, but have different formula...Eg. Aim is less harsh on it then crit.



Power gained from aim

Crit gained from aim


Accuracy (to cap)

Tech power


Diminishing Returns:




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