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No Refund for Cancelled Subscription


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I always pay for 1 month at the time.

Yeah i'll have higher prices, but some months u cant play or u simple have better things to do.

Even with those higher prices u'll probably break even or in favor for paying 1 month at the time (depending how dedicated u are) :)

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What's sad though is that this happens all the times in restaurants. I've seen people eat the whole plate of food and then demand a comped meal because they didn't like it.


Of course it's completely asinine.


He's not eating the whole meal. He's attempting to obtain a refund after determining it sucks and sending the plate back with plenty of food still on it and the management at the restaurant is insisting the meal is fine and demanding that he pay for it.

Normally I would point to the terms of service and inform him he's out of luck, but there are a lot of problems with the game and he's justified in claiming that it is a poor quality and even arguably defective product. Every other industry in American would automatically provide a refund, but the video game industry is some how immune from this standard, which is of course completely asinine.

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Wait wait wait. you mean there are new bugs after a MAJOR new content patch is released?!?!?!? :eek:




OP, cut your loses and move on. You made the mistake of purchasing 6 months of gametime, and after you unsub you will still have said 6 months it just won't renew afterwards. You wouldn't be the first person in the world to pay for something and then not use it.

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Because forums are fact and not opinions. Every forum post is 100% truth. Forums are the vocal minority because most people unlike you aren't here trolling they are playing the game and enjoying it and not buying long subscriptions without reading the terms and conditions. To sum up your problem in 2 words


User Error



In the Army we called it "operator headspace".

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He's not eating the whole meal. He's attempting to obtain a refund after determining it sucks and sending the plate back with plenty of food still on it and the management at the restaurant is insisting the meal is fine and demanding that he pay for it.

Normally I would point to the terms of service and inform him he's out of luck, but there are a lot of problems with the game and he's justified in claiming that it is a poor quality and even arguably defective product. Every other industry in American would automatically provide a refund, but the video game industry is some how immune from this standard, which is of course completely asinine.


He had 30 days to decide if the meal sucked. He could have /cancelled at any time before the end of those 30 days without being charged for a sub.

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I love this thread. Posters like the OP are the only reason I read any MMO forums. Seriously. Dude bought the game, got 30 days included, decided to buy 6 more months. Somehow, it is BW's fault that he didn't notice he didn't like it (or, apparently, that is was broken and didn't function) in those 30 days.


It's like calling a car dealership after a lease and having the following conversation:


"That car that I leased 6 months ago? Well, the lease renewal came last month and I signed the papers. But now I want my money back, because the car had no engine and I haven't been able to drive it for 6 months. I didn't notice it before renewing the lease."


The other option, of course, is that the car worked and he just never noticed he never liked it in the first place. There's simply no situation in which the OP doesn't look like a fool.

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He's not eating the whole meal. He's attempting to obtain a refund after determining it sucks and sending the plate back with plenty of food still on it and the management at the restaurant is insisting the meal is fine and demanding that he pay for it.

Normally I would point to the terms of service and inform him he's out of luck, but there are a lot of problems with the game and he's justified in claiming that it is a poor quality and even arguably defective product. Every other industry in American would automatically provide a refund, but the video game industry is some how immune from this standard, which is of course completely asinine.


Hmmm, the concept of a "long-term subscription" must be more complicated than I thought, since you also seem to be unable to grasp how it works.

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It shouldn't be my fault they false advertised a game.


LOL, Im very critical of TOR myself but please explain to me (in rational terms, none of this hater nonsense you showing) how they falsely advertised the game.


This I gotta hear


You truly cant see the empty servers, lag increase, the rise in bugs since 1.2?


Empty servers were around before 1.2


Lag is no different since 1.2 , if your system is lagging, lower your settings, or buy a better system (yes yes you have a uber computer with everything amazing and blah blah blah. yes ive heard the normal respond on telling people it might be their system and how it couldnt be because they spent millions of dollars on their PC). Ive noticed no increase in lag and id be first one to tell EA if I did.


What bugs? Memory leak is back and thats annoying but not enough to cancel over. and... nope thats only bug I can think of experienceing since 1.2 (that wasnt fixed this last patch)


Ill be the first one to stand up for someone with legit complaints but youy seriously dont have any that I can see.

Edited by Kalfear
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LOL, Im very critical of TOR myself but please explain to me (in rational terms, none of this hater nonsense you showing) how they falsely advertised the game.


This I gotta hear



the game does not look and play like this. false advertising. I want my money back! :p

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You can't cancel a 6 month subscription and get a refund for time left when you quit playing.


Your best bet is to contact the company and tell them look I accidently clicked the wrong subscription and want refund for the months ahead for I only wanted to try it for a month. It is wrong of them to not give refunds for months not even yet here there is no reason other than greed for them to not refund.

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I ate one third of a Subway sandwich but was unsatisfied. So I took it back and demanded a partial refund. Shockingly, it was denied! What injustice!!!


That is not same as someone whom pays for 6months, if they use it for 1month and dont enjoy it they have right to be refunded the 5months to come and leave the game.

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That is not same as someone whom pays for 6months, if they use it for 1month and dont enjoy it they have right to be refunded the 5months to come and leave the game.


Were you denied the opportunity to sign up for month-to-month like the rest of us?

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Your best bet is to contact the company and tell them look I accidently clicked the wrong subscription and want refund for the months ahead for I only wanted to try it for a month. It is wrong of them to not give refunds for months not even yet here there is no reason other than greed for them to not refund.


oh thats so full of BS


You get a rebate on the monthly charge by choosing the 6 month plan.


He could have took the monthly plan at $15.00/month


he took the 6 month plan for the savings with the understanding he would be subd for 6 months!


So no its not wrong. Not in the least!

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the game does not look and play like this. false advertising. I want my money back! :p


It doesn't play like a fan made video? That's not false advertising, that's a fan's work. It was based off cinematics that are in fact, in the game. What they showed is what is there.

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It doesn't play like a fan made video? That's not false advertising, that's a fan's work. It was based off cinematics that are in fact, in the game. What they showed is what is there.


actually its an official TV spot, but I suppose my sarcasm was lost on you people. :D


EDIT: ah crap. it is fan made. I didn't read the description or listened to the audio, just searched for a tv ad and that's the first one that popped up. but you get my point. all the tv spots were shots of the trailers and the game does not look or play like them at all. (again, sarcasm for those of you who subtlety is lost on :D)

Edited by Cmdluke
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That is not same as someone whom pays for 6months, if they use it for 1month and dont enjoy it they have right to be refunded the 5months to come and leave the game.


Not when they agreed to no refunds. That little box you check off that has the terms and conditions clearly states no refunds for products purchased.

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