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1.2.0c Ninja Arsenal Nerf?


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I woke up this morning to some patch notes talking about heatseeker missle and it doing more dmg than intented due to other Mercs tracer missle stacks. I went to the operations dummy like I do every day to try and tighten up my rotation, try reprioritizing my abilities, and simply trying for more dps.


The best dps I have ever done on the operations dummy with NO buffs, no stims, no adrenals, and no activatable relics is 1209 DPS in a 4 minute attempt.


This morning I went to the dummy and did my exact same priority rotation as previously and the best I can do was 1106 DPS in a 4 minute attempt.


I have tried over and over again and can never reach he 1200 mark as I did before. What is going on?


Before you suggest anything know this.

1. I have always had ZERO buffs on.

2. I am always alone attacking the dummy.

3. I have done 5, 4 minute attempts and can not reach 1200 again.

4. I have the exact same gear.

5. I am not a moron.


What I think has happened.


Bioware you were right to fix heartseeker missile, I hit a boss for 10362 in an ops the other day running with 2 other arsenal mercs. I think something may be wrong that now we aren't getting the appropriate damage bonus from our own tracer missile debuffs and it is causing our own heartseeker missiles to do less damage. My previous HS missile would crit for ~5k now it crits for ~4k.


Any thoughts?

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if it is only a 25% you are lucky, in this patches they killed arsenal build, totally.

I got a full rakata merc dps, and i downloaded some tools to see dps on dummy mine and of different class memembers of my guild, sorcs are still ops they give us at the same gear 400/500 dps.

Consider that i got a columi battlemaster geared juggernaut that easily reach more dps than my merc.

It's been ridicoulus to play arsenal now, and i would like to know if bioware really tested it because now as a raid leader i must decide to not carry animore mercs, having other classes dps so much better overall damage.

This game is becoming hilarious.

A really disapponted customer.

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im seeing the same thing, just tested arsenal/heatseeker and it seems like the 25% buff is missing altogether.


I had several crits in the 6k-7k range yesterday that WERENT stacked cos i was the only arsenal on the team and/or they were solo... today its more like 4k on a fully debuffed target.


So they appear to have accidentally broke the self applied buffs in their attempt to fix corss stacking

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Yes it is definitely broken. Straight away with the first missle I noticed the damage decrease and at first I thought that in order to fix the identified problem they had reverted the skill back to pre 1.2 status rather than fix the problem. Then after doing more tests with my ops dummy on my ship, I realized that it is even worse than that. Seriously, until this is fixed switch to pyro as the skill is completely broken.
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this is bringing me closer to unsubbing this whole stinking game as BH and its respective mirror is the only class i found fitting my playstyle now with nerfing the BH dmg more than it was before 1.2 with added TM nerfed dmg while marauders run wild doing 3.5-4.2k saber throws on 900exp players
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I went and tested this as well. I have been going by myself unbuffed each day to practice and did the same following todays patch. I have noticed a decrease in damage done and no longer crit with Heatseeker missle above 5k. If this only was suppose to affect my DPS with others debuffs and etc, why am I losing DPS solo?
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I noticed a stange thing, After all this post i started again to try the dps and this thing happens.

The Heatseeker Missiles ability deals 2044-2180 kinetic damage with several missiles. There is a damage increase of 5% for each heat signature on the target.

How is that possible that i made an hit of 1893 on the normal dummy?

I'm a full rakata bh about 2000 aim and 400 power.

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HSM is def messed up as you all mentioned along with Crit on TM. Along with stupid TM doesnt want to crit - takes like 7 shots.... Been doing multiple WZ's as i read through all this and nothiced dmg decrease.


This game is becoming like Warhammer where they try to balance classes but in-turn, ruin the class forcing cancelled subs.


P.S im getting melted faster than ever after 1.2

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I am really beginning to think that Bioware has no idea what a QA enviornment is. Honestly, do they ever test the changes that they make to code? This seems like a stupid oversight that could easily have been identified if they tested these changes before they pushed out another patch "fix".


I think a typical Bioware Dev staff meeting goes like this:


Dev1 - "Heatseeker Missles is hitting for like 8k, something is wrong guys"

Dev2 - "Yeah it seems to be stacking with other BH Heat Signatures"

Dev1 - "Understood, lets just delete the part of code that buffs Heatseeker Missles, that will most likely fix the problem"

Dev2 - "Right away sir, code deleted. Lets push a patch to the Prod enviornment right now"



This is just getting ridiculous. I'm losing all faith in Bioware that they can actually maintain an MMO for more that 6 months. They nerf'd Arsenals survivability, provided no new utility, and now a ninja nerf to our damage. I know it will likely get fixed, but good lord... what a bunch of amatures... (not sure how to spell that lol)

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I am really beginning to think that Bioware has no idea what a QA enviornment is. Honestly, do they ever test the changes that they make to code? This seems like a stupid oversight that could easily have been identified if they tested these changes before they pushed out another patch "fix".


I think a typical Bioware Dev staff meeting goes like this:


Dev1 - "Heatseeker Missles is hitting for like 8k, something is wrong guys"

Dev2 - "Yeah it seems to be stacking with other BH Heat Signatures"

Dev1 - "Understood, lets just delete the part of code that buffs Heatseeker Missles, that will most likely fix the problem"

Dev2 - "Right away sir, code deleted. Lets push a patch to the Prod enviornment right now"



This is just getting ridiculous. I'm losing all faith in Bioware that they can actually maintain an MMO for more that 6 months. They nerf'd Arsenals survivability, provided no new utility, and now a ninja nerf to our damage. I know it will likely get fixed, but good lord... what a bunch of amatures... (not sure how to spell that lol)


it could be worse, you could play ops :)

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I would crit mid to high 5ks on a training dummy and break 6 on occasion, especially if i used an adrenal.


Now i cant get past 4400. Massive nerf to heatseekers. Will you please for the love of god Freaking test what you Patch? Are the people in the office testing these changes? or do they just throw this bull on the server and see what happens? How can this possibly get through testing?

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this is bringing me closer to unsubbing this whole stinking game as BH and its respective mirror is the only class i found fitting my playstyle now with nerfing the BH dmg more than it was before 1.2 with added TM nerfed dmg while marauders run wild doing 3.5-4.2k saber throws on 900exp players


Unsubb then. All i hear is whine whine whine. OH MY GOD MY CLASS GOT NERFED. Deal with it. Things like this happen in MMOs. But, If this was a mistake give them time to figure it out and fix it. You make it seem everything that is done is perfect. CALM DOWN this is a game. Instead of whining why not post a good constructive message to the dev team in the forums and wait for a respond.


Huh? I only have one 50, Valor 63 Full BM Arsenal Merc.


lol. You really had to say you were valor 63 and full BM. lol

Edited by Welko
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Unsubb then. All i hear is whine whine whine. OH MY GOD MY CLASS GOT NERFED. Deal with it. Things like this happen in MMOs. But, If this was a mistake give them time to figure it out and fix it. You make it seem everything that is done is perfect. CALM DOWN this is a game. Instead of whining why not post a good constructive message to the dev team in the forums and wait for a respond.

After 4 month of farming and getting good result in pve, after lot's of run to have the best gear / mods on your char, have 2 nerf that kills a class, well i think i'm gonna whine for a while.

Also because it looks that this nerf is a bug, because makes ridicoulus the dps of an entire build, no exception, also the most skilled player of the world can't deal with it.

They wrote that bh mechanics will be changed, because they do not like the rotation players do, well seems fine to me, but this is not a change of rotation this is the end of mercs with arsenal build, and i really don't think this was the starting intention.

No matter how, they make me play a class for month, a build for month that amused me, i will appreciate a change not this.

Ask youself why, after a boost of subscription now, servers looks like desert and finally they are considering to merge, this behavior is not professional and i'm not speaking only about this "nerf".

You say that's only a game? Ok it's right, but it's a game i bought and i'm still payng for.

And about a constructive message if you read all the post we found what was the problem and we're still waiting for an answer by bioware, but meanwhile this is creating lot's of trubles for the setup of the operation of this evening.

I'm sorry. i'm really sorry to be so hungry, do not take it personally but i'm really pissed up by this behaviour.

Edited by Aristarco
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