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why should i respect the hutts


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I am not good with SW lore so i decided to ask to people taht knows better than me, when i was younger i used to be on an anti drugs unit, wath i remember from the cartel guys that i met on those days is that they where cold blodded thougth mofos, i even see one taking a bullet on the chest, 2 weeks later he was walking like anithing happened, now the pint is that hutts are so fat and puffy and they look like tghey cant do anithing by them selves, if i where a twilek under his comand i had alredy put a bullet on his fat head and take oevr him, also thats how things work on that world, so plz enligth me and tell me how teh hutts lore work on this behalf.


PD. i am not a native english speaker so i apologise for the horrid writing, tahts wath you get when you learn english in **** movies.

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hutts have money lots of it. i believe they made there money selling stims, spice, weapons,.slaves, and anything else worth credits legal or not. anyway with money you can buy power and with power comes respect. the way it stands you hurt one hutt and the rest will use there resorces to make your life hell. this is why ppl respect the hutts. but yes a hutt might not look like much. but don't judge a book by its cover.


also i don't respect the hutts either


"never trust a hutt"

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Once? I work for law enforcement. It is not uncommon at all for people (from gang bangers to regular folk) to get shot multiple times and be fine. A large part of it depends on where they get hit and the caliber of the bullets. Some bullets are such that multiple hits won't do a damn thing unless they are vital (I have been to at least 1 CS where someone was shot in the head with a 9 and the bullet travelled the length of the skull and out the back without penetrating). Just saying, it aint that rare.


Gangs don't seek power, they seek "respect". Those who have the most "respect" tend to get messed with the least. They gain respect through different means but a big way of doing that is fear. How do they show fear? By displaying power (drive by shootings, threats, offering protection, etc). Ultimately how do they gain that power? By money and influence.


So like someone else said money is key. Why should you respect the hutts? Because if you don't they have the money, power, and influence to make you fear them, and if you don't fear them then you will probably end up dead (Realistically).


Their is a big difference between respecting someone and respecting them for what they have achieved. You could think a hutt is trash and he won't care but if you disrespect his organization and what he has built for himself then you are going to have issues.

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Once? I work for law enforcement. It is not uncommon at all for people (from gang bangers to regular folk) to get shot multiple times and be fine. A large part of it depends on where they get hit and the caliber of the bullets. Some bullets are such that multiple hits won't do a damn thing unless they are vital (I have been to at least 1 CS where someone was shot in the head with a 9 and the bullet travelled the length of the skull and out the back without penetrating). Just saying, it aint that rare.


Gangs don't seek power, they seek "respect". Those who have the most "respect" tend to get messed with the least. They gain respect through different means but a big way of doing that is fear. How do they show fear? By displaying power (drive by shootings, threats, offering protection, etc). Ultimately how do they gain that power? By money and influence.


So like someone else said money is key. Why should you respect the hutts? Because if you don't they have the money, power, and influence to make you fear them, and if you don't fear them then you will probably end up dead (Realistically).


Their is a big difference between respecting someone and respecting them for what they have achieved. You could think a hutt is trash and he won't care but if you disrespect his organization and what he has built for himself then you are going to have issues.


I've got to admit, as a crim student at SFU my biggest issue has been seeing members of violent organized crime as something other than a problem to be eliminated. Wanting to rehabilitate them has always been less appealing to me than bringing back the death penalty (statistics be damned) and frying half the Hell's Angels in B.C. I guess for me NO ONE should respect the Hutts, we should line them up against a while and start firing practice.


Except I know what happened in L.A in the 1990s when they let cops do stuff like that for while, it got ugly real quick.


And while they did "misplace' 400 gangsters in Manilla the drop in crime was followed by a drop in municipal government popularity. Apparently some of those 400 gangsters were very nice to their innocent families (though if you know what your brother/son/husband does to innocent people how nice are you really?).

Edited by AshlaBoga
missing word
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Hutts are not only almost as a rule tremendously wealthy, they are also extremely long-lived. Other crimes lords will come and go, but a Hutt can live for centuries. They therefore become an institution, and their power is taken as a given.


It also helps that there's a bit of circular justification to it: A Hutt is powerful because other Hutts are powerful. Hutts love fighting each other, but they hate anyone else fighting a Hutt (hence the Hutt Cartel).

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Not every hutt is a giant fat ball of slimy goop.


The biggest hutts are big because they can afford to be big, when you can afford a giant palace, with hundreds of bounty hunters and mercenaries who'll gladly defend the palace for the wealth promised them.


They also control their own section of space, Nar Shadaa and Nal Hutta are their worlds, if you look on the Galaxy map in game you'll see it's in an area of space called, fittingly, Hutt Space, in the 25,000 years the hutts have controls that territory, they've never been successfully invaded and conquered until the vong showed up in 44 ABY.


They are deceptively fast and can easily move without the aid of sleds, Remember, Jabba visited Han Solo in his hanger on Tatooine personally without a sled.


There are millions of Hutts in hutt space, they have workers, medics, scientists, engineers and soldiers just like any space faring race, but they prefer to hire out those roles rather then do them themselves. There has even been a Hutt Jedi.


You should respect hutts because they are long lived, and pretty much control the economy, they have a massive hired army and are incredibly manipulative and will play sides against each other.

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The Hutts are based on mafia bosses in rl. Would you mess with someone like Tony Soprano or Corleone ?

No you would not because there would be alot of people wanting to kill you then if you did.Because these people actually love the boss and follows him/her to the death most times.And remember Hutts are actually well liked by alot of people who profit on doing business with them.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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