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Why So Many Servers?


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I think people just make up their own statistics. Over half of the US servers are standard or higher around 8pm eastern time. i've seen three at a time with wait times (or FULL). People get so overly dramatic about the servers. Bioware has announced that they are going to release server transfers, but they can't just materialize something out of thin air. They have to write the programs to make it happen.


As for the actual OP's question, its been explained. People *****ed at launch that there wasn't enough servers so BW gave us more. They need plenty of servers to ensure new players have room.


I think people forget that it was their decision to play on the server they chose.




I'd say about 1/3 of all US servers are consistently light in peak times. If they took 2 of these and combined them into 1, they could cut out about 30 servers, still have almost 100 total, and everyone would be reliably standard +.


Still, character transfers are coming fairly soon...this will be their first step in alleviating the dead server issues.

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I was amazed when playing yesterday. Two people on the entire planet. Both playing from inside my house.


While several servers may hit Standard for a few minutes on some days and there may be brief periods when there are over 10 players on one planet that is not enough to make a game feel like an MMO.


Allowing players to transfer characters will not fix anything on a large scale. It requires action from the Dev team.


Merge Merge Merge Merge Merge!

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I think people just make up their own statistics. Over half of the US servers are standard or higher around 8pm eastern time. i've seen three at a time with wait times (or FULL). People get so overly dramatic about the servers. Bioware has announced that they are going to release server transfers, but they can't just materialize something out of thin air. They have to write the programs to make it happen.


As for the actual OP's question, its been explained. People *****ed at launch that there wasn't enough servers so BW gave us more. They need plenty of servers to ensure new players have room.


I think people forget that it was their decision to play on the server they chose.


i agree people (especially on these forums) make up their own statistics and like to pull numbers from every orafice possible. however, some of us have first hand experienced their server "die" (as in, only is listed as light now and never has more then 15 ppl on fleet). didn't make that up. we're not all rerolling to fatman on a whim.

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I just started playing last week. Other than the frequent and very annoying lag spikes and disconnects, it is a great game.


Because they listened to the whiners complaining about 15 min queue times at launch, put up a bunch of servers instead of allowing populations to settle in, and are now listening to the whiners complain about low population.


In short, they learned their first major lesson regarding game management: Put the whiners on ignore. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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I think people just make up their own statistics. Over half of the US servers are standard or higher around 8pm eastern time. i've seen three at a time with wait times (or FULL). People get so overly dramatic about the servers. Bioware has announced that they are going to release server transfers, but they can't just materialize something out of thin air. They have to write the programs to make it happen.


As for the actual OP's question, its been explained. People *****ed at launch that there wasn't enough servers so BW gave us more. They need plenty of servers to ensure new players have room.


I think people forget that it was their decision to play on the server they chose.


They get over-dramatic about everything it seems. LOL

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Because they listened to the whiners complaining about 15 min queue times at launch, put up a bunch of servers instead of allowing populations to settle in, and are now listening to the whiners complain about low population.


In short, they learned their first major lesson regarding game management: Put the whiners on ignore. ;p


Except is wasn't "15 min queue times" it was more like 2 hours queue times (on my server anyway). When you have 4 hours of play time and 2 of them are burned up just to get into the game, that is not fun.


I suggest the OP has probably logged onto one of the newer servers and therefore will not see more activity. Also, what is "prime time" for him? He really didn't say did he? Also, if he is basing this on "starer" worlds he may just need to head over to one of the next planets to see more people. If he just created a character on that server and it appears "light" all the time, I suggest he just re-roll on a new server.

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Because they listened to the whiners complaining about 15 min queue times at launch, put up a bunch of servers instead of allowing populations to settle in, and are now listening to the whiners complain about low population.


In short, they learned their first major lesson regarding game management: Put the whiners on ignore. ;p


Wouldn't it be nice if the world were this simple? A lot of decisions that folks hate are made by for profit companies (like BioWare) after their product managers evaluate business cases of the various scenarios like "should we add a lot more servers for the launch or not?". At the very least, the decision matrix is 2 dimensional. Engineering assigns costs to various desired changes and product managers evaluate business impact of changes.


We got Rakghoul Plague (new content) instead of widespread server transfers (addressing the population issue) because the business case for the plague was better.


I really don't think the business case dominated by forum posts. The product managers are very smart people who look at a lot of factor for their business cases. I'm sure forum feedback provides a lot of ideas for new features and some input into ranking the importance of changes but they didn't add more servers to the launch because of whiners -- the added the servers because there is good evidence (or strongly held conventional wisdom) that this is the best business case.

Edited by funkiestj
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I just started playing last week. Other than the frequent and very annoying lag spikes and disconnects, it is a great game.


But why so many servers?


There are tons of them. Most listed as light, with only a hand full hitting Standard+ on peak hours.


I really enjoy running into people from time to time when playing MMOs but so far I do not think I have seen over 15 people on any given planet at one time, excluding fleet.


Anyone else find the OP a bit disingenuous? Claims to only have started playing last week, but seems to have visited all the planets? Hmmm. Also knows the lingo (fleet). And finally, if he's just started, why didn't he join a more active server like The Fatman?


The OP's story just doesn't add up.

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They've clearly stated they doubled capacity. Are you suggesting they are lying?


They also clearly stated that rated warzones were gonna be in 1.2, that there is no bug with operative (8 second to get out of combat always work like intended), etc...


So yeah i guess its possible they were lying.


Oh and they also said they had the best pvp develloper team... lol

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