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Vanguard Threat


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Is taunt tanking during the first minute of the fight common for other vanguards?


I can't hold agro unless I do this for the first minute or so.




Close the Gap (Storm)

Pop crit buff (can't remember the name)

High Impact Bolt

Stock Strike

Ion Pulse (keep debuff up 4% dmg reduction from boss)

Hammer Shot to fill and keep ammo recharge up


I usually try to keep my ammo recharge at 4 arrows but will drain it in the beginning using our ammo recharge ability to compensate.


Granted I was a tank in WoW and threat was basically given to the tank at all times, and because of this I feel that taunt tanking means your a poor tank.


Any comments / suggestions would be great.

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Depending on the fight (are things CC'ed, etc), you might look into using sticky grenade and pulse cannon too. With the changes to shield spec, it 's also worthwhile to take the top tier talent(Energy Blast) as it builds up our absorb buff quicker and is off the GCD, so it can be fired at any time it's off CD. It's also free damage + 1 ammo. Also look at Mortar Volley to start with if there's nothing to be CC'ed or moved into position ASAP. The radius has been nerfed, but it still hits hard. Finally, use harpoon whenever you get a chance.
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Use pulse cannon every chance off cooldown. It can't be interrupted nor lose a tick, and it hits like a truck (and that's for commando, you guys.. whew). Our van tank uses at the start and often and I never pull anything unless I try to be a dick and burn all my ammo at the start of the fight.
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Consider a priority order more like this: (adapted and simplified from MorningMusume)



Pulse cannon

High impact bolt

Ion pulse

Hammer shot


Use reserve cell for pulse cannon and throw in energy blast every time you're 2-3 cells down. Use battle focus when you're confident you will get 2+ stockstrikes and 1 pulse cannon during the buff.


Also, if you're not already, be aware of and (ab)use the taunt mechanics described here by Kor.

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