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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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So what your saying is go Vigilance? /Sigh fine, Is it fun / more fun then focus? Man focus is fun!


You should of played during 1.1 where focus was actually good. All the pvp guardians on my server myself included were focus. But bioware nerfed focus so bad that its not really pvp viable in 1.2. vigilance is now the guardian pvp tree. Its not as fun as focus was in 1.1 and the learning curve is steeper, but it gets better when you learn all the moves. You should be able to survive for quite some time by popping enure, biochem medpack if you have one, then focus defense. You can stay up with 2-3 people beating on you with that combo.

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Fun is subjective, try various specs and see. There's no point in coming here lamenting that your AoE spec isn't doing so great 1 v 1 if you can't be bothered to try other specs more aimed at that scenario.


whoa, im not bothered. Yes I do have good AOE burst, but doesnt mean it cant compete in a 1v1 match. but ill give vil a shot, who knows I may like it.

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You should of played during 1.1 where focus was actually good. All the pvp guardians on my server myself included were focus. But bioware nerfed focus so bad that its not really pvp viable in 1.2. vigilance is now the guardian pvp tree. Its not as fun as focus was in 1.1 and the learning curve is steeper, but it gets better when you learn all the moves. You should be able to survive for quite some time by popping enure, biochem medpack if you have one, then focus defense. You can stay up with 2-3 people beating on you with that combo.


Ya ill give it a shot. Hope to see a difference in surv also.

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You should of played during 1.1 where focus was actually good. All the pvp guardians on my server myself included were focus. But bioware nerfed focus so bad that its not really pvp viable in 1.2. vigilance is now the guardian pvp tree. Its not as fun as focus was in 1.1 and the learning curve is steeper, but it gets better when you learn all the moves. You should be able to survive for quite some time by popping enure, biochem medpack if you have one, then focus defense. You can stay up with 2-3 people beating on you with that combo.


wait what server do you play on side and class?

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wait what server do you play on side and class?


I play on west coast Darth Xedrix, and my jedi guardian(republic) is my main. I'm in mostly battlemaster with a few rakata pieces.

Edited by Sickboy_
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as a sniper i have consistantly 5-10% health sents/maras homing on me.

and you know what? if i dont have all my cooldowns and havent see him in time to deploy them they kill me 75% of the times. FFS i see those low health guys attacking and making a mess on 2-3 persons teams usualy killing 1 or 2.

seriusly what the ****.... no one AC so far when it was that low was even remotly thinking take me on or worse teams exept he was kamikaze -ing!

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I play on west coast Darth Xedrix, and my jedi guardian(republic) is my main. I'm in mostly battlemaster with a few rakata pieces.


I know a sickboy sniper on our server. For some reason me and my friend find him and make his life miserable. Im such a bad person

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as a sniper i have consistantly 5-10% health sents/maras homing on me.

and you know what? if i dont have all my cooldowns and havent see him in time to deploy them they kill me 75% of the times. FFS i see those low health guys attacking and making a mess on 2-3 persons teams usualy killing 1 or 2.

seriusly what the ****.... no one AC so far when it was that low was even remotly thinking take me on or worse teams exept he was kamikaze -ing!


there is an abc check imbedded into creating posts, may look into that. But I think I got it. Yes, very frustrating when a sent can take you down when you think you had a Lawl kill

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there is an abc check imbedded into creating posts, may look into that. But I think I got it. Yes, very frustrating when a sent can take you down when you think you had a Lawl kill


if its a 1v1 and none of his friends jump in, and you remember all the moves you have, you should be able to kill a marauder/sent or get him close to death before he kills you. Remember to save awe for when he does undying sage, he'll prob trinket that but when he does, force push, leap, plasma brand, and go to town on him. Use saber ward at the beginning of the fight to mitigate the most damage, it lasts 12 seconds and thats how long fights usually last anyway. I have a good kill ratio against mara/sents. Save combat focus for when you need to use focus defense and always use enure in combination with it.

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im not doing the FOTM and going tank spec like every other dps class has done. Im not going the coward way out. -incoming if you want to win then go tank or stop complaining rants


the only reply to this is wow lol.

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Any squishy classes (sages/ops) you should be able to wreck 1v1. Sages are the easiest. Ops, you just have to be able to survive their initial burst and CC and slow them. You can beat any class 1v1 in this game, its just knowing how the other class plays, but the the squishiest classes are by far the easiest seeing that focus spec crits are still extremely viable



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didnt read reply, but from ops post.


1) you're bad at playing your guardian.

2) The ppl you're friend destroy, do not know how to play, if they are getting destroyed by Infiltration/Deception. Wich is the easiest specc to circumvent and make useless.


l2p issue on all fronts here.

Edited by upzie
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didnt read reply, but from ops post.


1) you're bad at playing your guardian.

2) The ppl you're friends destroy do not know how to play if they are getting destroyed by Infiltration/Deception, wich is the easiest specc to circumvent and make useless.


l2p issue on all fronts here.


so every guardian doesnt know how to play their class. says the assassin, let me guess tank spec, im sure you do.

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Gotta agree with upsee on this one. This is defiantly a learn to play issue. Your probably the same guy who doesnt hotkey pass huttball because he doesnt think he needs it hotkeyed.


n6 razer naga and ***, your my jedi shadow friend daillest. Im telling people you went tank spec and have a sorc alt

Edited by haydenfisher
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"need help. 1 inc right"

"dude, 1 inc you cant handle that yourself?"

"im a Jedi guardian for crying out loud, and its a sentinel"

"sentinel...im coming, Survive for as long as you can"


Really? Jedi Guardians/Juggs can give Sents/Maras a great 1v1 fight with the right spec...but I'm not saying anymore ;)

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im a 6 year pvper, 2.2k rated player in wow on the Darkspear server ( if that means anything )......


With all due respect, it really doesnt "mean anything". This is a different game, with different mechanics, different classes, different PvP environment. Knowing the abilities of all classes and how they work against your class is key. A Tanksin is actually more dangerous than a dps assassin. So there is nothing a dps assassin/shadow can do that a dps jugg cant with more or less similar results.

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With all due respect, it really doesnt "mean anything". This is a different game, with different mechanics, different classes, different PvP environment. Knowing the abilities of all classes and how they work against your class is key. A Tanksin is actually more dangerous than a dps assassin. So there is nothing a dps assassin/shadow can do that a dps jugg cant with more or less similar results.


actually it does mean something, this game is so much simpler then wow is. it has the same mechanics, same type of classes. same pvp environment. Class abilities is key thats about the only thing you said correctly in your statement

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