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my friend plays a shadow dps (not the tank spec) and I play a Jedi guardian (focus). When we pvp hes like sweet a sorc or sweet a jug and he goes up and literally destroys them in 10 seconds easy. While saying "here comes the crits." OMG i love jedi shadow.


here is where I come in. I honestly have thought about it, and I dont think I can say without a shadow of a doubt what class I can destroy. 1v1 its seriously a toss up. When it comes down to it, I dont believe a jedi guardian can beat and = skilled/ geared player of any class.


what do you guys think?

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my friend plays a shadow dps (not the tank spec) and I play a Jedi guardian (focus). When we pvp hes like sweet a sorc or sweet a jug and he goes up and literally destroys them in 10 seconds easy. While saying "here comes the crits." OMG i love jedi shadow.


here is where I come in. I honestly have thought about it, and I dont think I can say without a shadow of a doubt what class I can destroy. 1v1 its seriously a toss up. When it comes down to it, I dont believe a jedi guardian can beat and = skilled/ geared player of any class.


what do you guys think?


Sentinel is somewhere around average for 1on1, not particularly weak but not particularly strong either. Problem is people who want to 1v1 against you is usually considerably above average.

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Sentinels have all the tools for 1vs1. They have 3 great cooldowns for 1vs1.

90% decrease accuracy

99% dmg decrease

50% parry/defense with 25% dmg reduction on force/tech attacks

Stealth to get 1-2 free shots.


Then they buff ravage and smash. Which makes Gore + ravage + smash or force scream, an instant win.


im a 6 year pvper, 2.2k rated player in wow on the Darkspear server ( if that means anything ) Duelist. Razor Naga epic, everything keybinded not one move I click.


well my question is that if you use an ability every 1.5 seconds or every global cooldown.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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Sentinels have all the tools for 1vs1. They have 3 great cooldowns for 1vs1.

90% decrease accuracy

99% dmg decrease

50% parry/defense with 25% dmg reduction on force/tech attacks

Stealth to get 1-2 free shots.


Then they buff ravage and smash. Which makes Gore + ravage + smash or force scream, an instant win.


"need help. 1 inc right"

"dude, 1 inc you cant handle that yourself?"

"im a Jedi guardian for crying out loud, and its a sentinel"

"sentinel...im coming, Survive for as long as you can"

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You thought you could kill a sentinel?


Whoa bro


I know rite? Ive had alot of people tell me to reroll, but I dont enjoy they story in this game. Maybe triangulating and saving galaxies all by myself wasnt exciting. But every class should have a class it destroys and a counter class, or LOL LOL make it lol bla-lol-anced

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Try the Immortal/Vengeance Hybrid spec, rage just doesn't cut it in 1 v 1's with the narrow radius and it being buggy with the way other players positions are detected on our screens. Mine's BM geared and tends to beat sentinals/maras.
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when bioware balances classes they can not possibly make each class balanced in 1 v 1's


but i play guardian tank/vigilance and the only people i cant kill for sure is the class that spits fire. no idea what the class name is but i know if i see fire cc and line of sight him until back up arrives :D (if they are geared)



i use this spec, vindicator gear with all power mods. and enhancements that give 20 defence/51 surge that i stripped from war leader boots for all my pieces.

using relics/adrenals (or the expertise boost) is a must tho


there are people i know to stay away from but there isnt a class besides pyro maniacs that i am afraid of.

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Also focus is really bad for 1vs1 since smash is aoe. Lots of dps have 30% decrease damage to aoe.

Lots of people don't know this. It maybe your problem.


30% is alot, i just think they need to buff the filler moves in the rotation of Focus and it will be better. But ya, due to latency and many other factors, if you miss one sweep, count yourself dead. The spec shouldn't revolve around one power move, thats just me. I love it though its fun, just needs something more

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my friend plays a shadow dps (not the tank spec) and I play a Jedi guardian (focus). When we pvp hes like sweet a sorc or sweet a jug and he goes up and literally destroys them in 10 seconds easy. While saying "here comes the crits." OMG i love jedi shadow.


here is where I come in. I honestly have thought about it, and I dont think I can say without a shadow of a doubt what class I can destroy. 1v1 its seriously a toss up. When it comes down to it, I dont believe a jedi guardian can beat and = skilled/ geared player of any class.


what do you guys think?


focus is **** in 1.2, but even before that it was subpar vs a shadow. Vigilance absolutely wrecks equal geared shadows though, they have no chance equal skill/gear. We eat infiltration/deception spec for breakfast, just use focus defense thats 20% damage mitigation and usable while stunned.

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Sentinels have all the tools for 1vs1. They have 3 great cooldowns for 1vs1.

90% decrease accuracy

99% dmg decrease

50% parry/defense with 25% dmg reduction on force/tech attacks

Stealth to get 1-2 free shots.


Then they buff ravage and smash. Which makes Gore + ravage + smash or force scream, an instant win.




well my question is that if you use an ability every 1.5 seconds or every global cooldown.


You forgot cloak of pain 20% dmg reduction for 30 sec with only 1 min cd,,,,

And 30% passive aoe dmg reduction on talent , which makes smash and death field crit on them for less than 2k

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when bioware balances classes they can not possibly make each class balanced in 1 v 1's


but i play guardian tank/vigilance and the only people i cant kill for sure is the class that spits fire. no idea what the class name is but i know if i see fire cc and line of sight him until back up arrives :D (if they are geared)



i use this spec, vindicator gear with all power mods. and enhancements that give 20 defence/51 surge that i stripped from war leader boots for all my pieces.

using relics/adrenals (or the expertise boost) is a must tho


there are people i know to stay away from but there isnt a class besides pyro maniacs that i am afraid of.


im not doing the FOTM and going tank spec like every other dps class has done. Im not going the coward way out. -incoming if you want to win then go tank or stop complaining rants

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focus is **** in 1.2, but even before that it was subpar vs a shadow. Vigilance absolutely wrecks equal geared shadows though, they have no chance equal skill/gear. We eat infiltration/deception spec for breakfast, just use focus defense thats 20% damage mitigation and usable while stunned.


So what your saying is go Vigilance? /Sigh fine, Is it fun / more fun then focus? Man focus is fun!

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So what your saying is go Vigilance? /Sigh fine, Is it fun / more fun then focus? Man focus is fun!


Fun is subjective, try various specs and see. There's no point in coming here lamenting that your AoE spec isn't doing so great 1 v 1 if you can't be bothered to try other specs more aimed at that scenario.

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when bioware balances classes they can not possibly make each class balanced in 1 v 1's


but i play guardian tank/vigilance and the only people i cant kill for sure is the class that spits fire. no idea what the class name is but i know if i see fire cc and line of sight him until back up arrives :D (if they are geared)



i use this spec, vindicator gear with all power mods. and enhancements that give 20 defence/51 surge that i stripped from war leader boots for all my pieces.

using relics/adrenals (or the expertise boost) is a must tho


there are people i know to stay away from but there isnt a class besides pyro maniacs that i am afraid of.


Hehehe lol class that spits fire. Might be a pyrotech. Those things are pretty powerful also.

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