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PVP Pyro vs Marauder/Assassin


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How the hell is a Pyro BH supposed to kill a marauder or assassin?!? Or how is a BH in general supposed to kill them? Is it me or do they have a counter for everything we do? Knock them back or slow them with Sweltering Heat and they just cast their speed buff or leap at you. The one stun we have doesn't help too much either. And if I do manage to put some distance between us and put lay some DPS down they either vanish or I do no damage due to some skill that causes them to take no damage......And yes I know about Stealth Scan but the time it takes for me to put it down they are back on me anyway. I'm half health before I even start doing damage to them.


Im just really sick of being beat to hell and not having an answer for it. So let the "noob" and "lrn2play" comments begin but hopefully someone will have something constructive to say.

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Pretty much if a melee class wants a merc (any spec) dead. He will kill you. The entire AC req team support to succeed. Kinda unfortunate but ranged classes may look good on damage boards at the end of game, but during we are very easily countered (all specs) by any class with an interupt (most have snares as well and a gap closer with half the cooldown of our gap opener). Kiting is virtually impossible in this game. Melee are always playing the victim so you will only see LRN 2 Play and other idiot speak. They feel that every class should stand next to eachother and mash rotations. Edited by polopopoo
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Kiting is virtually impossible in this game

That's exactly how I feel. When I try it seems I just die just as fast as standing there. Hell I even went Arsenal just to see if I could stand toe to toe and out damage them. They just have more defensive cd's and interrupts... I also tried a hybrid BG/Arsenal but that seemed to do nothing but delay the inevitable.


Do Pyro powertechs do any better? I know by asking around that a lot of melee go pretty far up some other trees to grab defensive skills. Did I just pick the wrong AC? Taking points in Bodyguard just seems bad. It feels like it gimps me more than helps since none of the skills really work together.(talking about Arsenal/BG) I feel like I have to use combat support cylinder and it puts me in this funny play style where I do crappy heals and worse damage.

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These are both FOTM classes and will no doubt be rebalanced at some point. Yes, PT pyros have a problem with them too as they are currently OP - all classes are suffering in fact. The best you can do is use knockback, stuns and kiting with rapid shots. Maras are always affected by your slow but sins are often harder because they can dispel and be immune to dots for a period of time. Sins also have a ranged slow up their sleeves which can really mess your kiting up.


Like others have said, roll with groups and you will die less. Honestly, the past few weeks in 1.2 I have picked fights with maras just to try and get better. You should do this with any class you are having problems with as well as reading their forums. I've had "mixed" success with them so far though lol.

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Pretty much find a buddy.

Only a Tanky Shadow/Assassin can go 1v1 with a Mara/Sent. Your not gonna kill him on your own unless they're really really bad.


Wrong. PT pyro would eat a marauder alive. Perma-snared and and set on fire with spammed railshots? GG marauder. Gg. If he's smart, he watches the marauder pop his undying rage, and stuns him and walks away. Let the dots sort him out.

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Wrong. PT pyro would eat a marauder alive. Perma-snared and and set on fire with spammed railshots? GG marauder. Gg. If he's smart, he watches the marauder pop his undying rage, and stuns him and walks away. Let the dots sort him out.


while I agree PT pyro is probably the best BH matchup, rail spam is spaced 6 seconds appart now right? or did 1.2 not do what I thought?

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The assassin has too much CC for us to take. THey can talent their snare such that it's almost recastable the instant it wears off. That makes kiting virtually impossible. In addition they can always turn on their 100% resist debuff to negate and bring you to low HP. They also have a pull so you can't really run. They simply have too many CCs and too many openers. I know on my assassin I can take down most if not all bounty hunters 1v1.
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How the hell is a Pyro BH supposed to kill a marauder or assassin?!? Or how is a BH in general supposed to kill them? Is it me or do they have a counter for everything we do? Knock them back or slow them with Sweltering Heat and they just cast their speed buff or leap at you. The one stun we have doesn't help too much either. And if I do manage to put some distance between us and put lay some DPS down they either vanish or I do no damage due to some skill that causes them to take no damage......And yes I know about Stealth Scan but the time it takes for me to put it down they are back on me anyway. I'm half health before I even start doing damage to them.


Im just really sick of being beat to hell and not having an answer for it. So let the "noob" and "lrn2play" comments begin but hopefully someone will have something constructive to say.


For marauders, if they use their 30m jump on you knockback right away. Only rage spec has another jump, and that is only 10m. He will be slowed, and he will have little raged built. In that time incendiary missile, TD, and railshot while moving further away from him. At best he will get in a saber throw or obliterate if he is rage spec (10m jump). Then he won't have any rage. So probably either a rage builder or ravage is next. If ravage, get the heck away if possible (it's their only channel and lasts 3 seconds, easy to recognize). Now it's a dps race where he has a huge advantage, but he will also be really low health wise. You should be able to get him to the point of using undying rage. Electro dart, move away, and then finish off with rapid shots.


That is the best I can tell you, and that will win you some. On the other hand if he has built up fury (which they have a cooldown that can do that instantly), was able to get on you without using their 30m jump, or jet boost is on cooldown you are pretty much screwed. Run, hope to get help, and maybe pray. Those are pretty much your options at that point.


They of course can also use 1 of their seemingly 100 defensive cooldowns to make the fight even tougher. Cloak of pain really sucks for pyros since dots refresh it. That whole ability is completely OP. There is also saber ward (although that at least is a 3 min cooldown), obfuscate which lower your ranged accuracy 90%, force camo, and of course undying rage as mentioned (they always use it right before they die since it takes half their health).


Assassins you have to watch for them glowing. Don't use stun or knockback at that point. I don't know assassins as much, but that is the #1 thing to do. Also, if they are deception (I think that is the spec name) and knock you down coming out of stealth, don't waste your cc breaker. Lie there and take it (just like you should do with ops). Get in a knockback if they are not glowing. Again, kite while they are slowed (of course they have force sprint or might pull you).


Marauders, assassins, and powertechs are going to be really tough to beat 1v1. Those are pretty much the flavor of the month classes. Everyone is pretty much rolling those 3 classes now.

Edited by McGarnagle
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I agree on most of the last posters comments as they seem to be the only classes I have any issue with 1vs1. A good maurader with his cd's up, /stunrun or you're basically dead. They have far to many defensive cd's and dmg to even try. PT's, try and go toe to toe with a really good one, simply put he'll far out dps you with burst. If there's room to kite/los you've got a good chance. Assassins, well it's kinda like the maurader. Fortunately the realy good ones are far and few between, it'll just take for ever to drop one.


I run pyro myself, always have. Personally I think the only thing the class really needs for pvp is a interupt of some sort and a bit better heat management. Dmg wise there's no real issues and I really won't compare them vs other high burst classes like mauraders/pt's as they are far from balanced as of 1.2. I have little faith in bioware to address anything though so, just a waiting game really on gw2.

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I run pyro myself, always have. Personally I think the only thing the class really needs for pvp is a interupt of some sort and a bit better heat management. Dmg wise there's no real issues and I really won't compare them vs other high burst classes like mauraders/pt's as they are far from balanced as of 1.2.


Ive been running pyro since I hit 50 forever ago and I totally agree. I use a instant conc. missle, electro dart or jet boost for a interupt but other than jet boost they have long cooldowns. I would kill for some type of dedicated interupt skill. I know PTs bounty hunters have one but I dont know much about it. Stupid Mercs...:D

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That's exactly how I feel. When I try it seems I just die just as fast as standing there. Hell I even went Arsenal just to see if I could stand toe to toe and out damage them. They just have more defensive cd's and interrupts... I also tried a hybrid BG/Arsenal but that seemed to do nothing but delay the inevitable.


Do Pyro powertechs do any better? I know by asking around that a lot of melee go pretty far up some other trees to grab defensive skills. Did I just pick the wrong AC? Taking points in Bodyguard just seems bad. It feels like it gimps me more than helps since none of the skills really work together.(talking about Arsenal/BG) I feel like I have to use combat support cylinder and it puts me in this funny play style where I do crappy heals and worse damage.


I'm a Pyro powertech and I'd say I'm relatively good. I'm able to stand toe-to-toe with a mara in terms of burn speed, but when crunch time happens, he's got about ~4 different defense abilities to pop that just dwarf mine by comparison....I've only got two for that matter. My CC's are quick (carbonize is only 2.5 sec stun and Electrodart is 4 sec), whereas he has Force Choak and Intimidating Roar. He also has the ability to Obfuscate, punching my ranged Accuracy in the gut. Gore gives him 100% armor pen (if carnage) to punch in his heavy hitters for full damage. You can't interrupt Ravage anymore, and with it's mile-long range, it's annoying as hell.

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