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What I Think Happened to Revan


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Well, most people are very disappointed that one of the most powerful Sith lords was just killed by four random people in the Foundry. But that's not what I think happened. After you "defeat" him, he basically disappears into the air.


My theory: he is NOT dead. :eek:


I'm not sure if someone else has mentioned this...but....

I believe he used a force technique called "Fold Space". It is used by Jedi to travel throughout the galaxy via the Force.


In other words, he used the Force to teleport.


I know this because it has appeared in some Star Wars books I've read. However, this is just my theory.

The bigger question is,


Where did he go?

Edited by Ellvaan
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was just killed by four random people


Okay. Let's say there was 1 SW, 1 Inquis, 1 Agent and 1 BH


The Wrath of the Emperor

A Dark Council Member who gained power on sheer force power

One of the greatest agents in Imperial Intelligence ever

Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, who outdid all the OTHER Grand Champions.


Not just 4 random people, 4 exceptional members of the Empire to take down a very exceptional Force User.

Edited by Guildrum
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Okay. Let's say there was 1 SW, 1 Inquis, 1 Agent and 1 BH


The Wrath of the Emperor

A Dark Council Member who gained power on sheer force power

One of the greatest agents in Imperial Intelligence ever

Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, who outdid all the OTHER Grand Champions.


Not just 4 random people, 4 exceptional members of the Empire to take down a very exceptional Force User.


True. I forgot that each character at level 50 plays great roles in the Empire. But still, people are mad because they overestimate Revan due to that they love him as a character so much.

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True. I forgot that each character at level 50 plays great roles in the Empire. But still, people are mad because they overestimate Revan due to that they love him as a character so much.


I like Revan's character and I hope hes dead , seriously you think its just Revan's fan base that overestimate him ? The haters make him more alive than those who do like him , simply look at all the threads that are made to put Revan down compared to the threads to make him look larger than life . You will find more Revan vs threads that are ment to discredit the character than , OMG I LOVE REVAN threads .


People who like Mara Jade , Chewy , Meetra Surik cry more than anyone when it comes to characters . How many threads are there made to attack Bioware for killing Revan ? I haven't seen one and if there is , then those people are just as bad .


Characters need and should die or the story becomes stale and dull .

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I like Revan's character and I hope hes dead , seriously you think its just Revan's fan base that overestimate him ? The haters make him more alive than those who do like him , simply look at all the threads that are made to put Revan down compared to the threads to make him look larger than life . You will find more Revan vs threads that are ment to discredit the character than , OMG I LOVE REVAN threads .


People who like Mara Jade , Chewy , Meetra Surik cry more than anyone when it comes to characters . How many threads are there made to attack Bioware for killing Revan ? I haven't seen one and if there is , then those people are just as bad .


Characters need and should die or the story becomes stale and dull .


During beta, TONS of people were pissed. Before forum wipe same thing. There's still probably some threads about it. People need to deal with death.

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Okay. Let's say there was 1 SW, 1 Inquis, 1 Agent and 1 BH


The Wrath of the Emperor

A Dark Council Member who gained power on sheer force power


Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, who outdid all the OTHER Grand Champions.


Not just 4 random people, 4 exceptional members of the Empire to take down a very exceptional Force User.

minor fix there....but still spot on

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minor fix there....but still spot on


I'm playing this game as a cotinuation to KOTOR and therefore I was looking forward to a continuation of the revan story. It was a huge disappointment to see him go out like a punk in a flashpoint. They could have allowed Revans disappearance to remain a mystery and our characters through choosing to become revanites perhaps reveal those mysteries. (Revanite as a path to becoming a grey jedi anyone?) Bioware could have done SO much with the legacy of revan and yet they chose...this. Very disappointing.

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True. I forgot that each character at level 50 plays great roles in the Empire. But still, people are mad because they overestimate Revan due to that they love him as a character so much.


This statement implies that Revan actually had any character ever .

Edited by AlyxDinas
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minor fix there....but still spot on


XD Lol

To be honest, they were virtually nothing at lvl 35, just because they became something later doesnt mean anything. For example:

7 year old anakin skywalker kills some BOSS of a sand person... Like a cheiften and 5 gaurds....

"Well, hes vader" <--- Is not allowed. Ever...... Never ever ever ;)

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To be honest, they were virtually nothing at lvl 35, just because they became something later doesnt mean anything.


One had won the Great Hunt, One had outsmarted and defeated the third most powerful Darth in the game, One was a proven, effective enforcer who defeated a Jedi that their Master never did, and another was already well on their way to becoming a powerful Force walker.


These are not, even onlevel, insignificant people.

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One had won the Great Hunt, One had outsmarted and defeated the third most powerful Darth in the game, One was a proven, effective enforcer who defeated a Jedi that their Master never did, and another was already well on their way to becoming a powerful Force walker.


These are not, even onlevel, insignificant people.


Compared to a darth- Inquisitor is nothing

Compared to killing the f*in chancellor/Jadus - Great hunt is nothing

Compared to the shadow squadron/black cube thingy - Killing a darth is nothing

Compared to being the emperors wrath - Killing a jedi master that their own master had to find for them is nutin.....


Compared to what revan had done, they were nothing. Im not an fangirl. Its the truth. It is fact.

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And what had Revan done other than leave a mess for other people to take care of? Don't kid yourself. Simply shouting out "Revan!" doesn't make any arguments for his achievements all that compelling. Ignoring the fact that he was mentally damaged and essentially atrophied, power wise, through centuries of containment..


All this talk of considering the precise moment is silly. He was not defeated, canonically, by individuals unworthy of notice. Either at the time or later on. Defeating Jadus is enough to already vindicate the Agent, since I think you'd have a hard sell saying that Ardun Kothe or Hunter were the more powerful opponents. The Inquisitor is already sufficiently powerful by the end of Act 1 that a Dark Council member is fearful enough to try to kill them. An achievement like killing Janarus is only a logical extension of what the Great Hunt already proved, to be honest. And the Warrior can already handily dispatch a foe that her master could not defeat in his long career as a Sith.


The four of them could easily deal with a mentally disturbed Jedi master whose achievements are overrated and whose power was severely diminished through captivity.


As a side note:


Compared to what revan had done, they were nothing. Im not an fangirl. Its the truth. It is fact.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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I'm playing this game as a cotinuation to KOTOR and therefore I was looking forward to a continuation of the revan story. It was a huge disappointment to see him go out like a punk in a flashpoint. They could have allowed Revans disappearance to remain a mystery and our characters through choosing to become revanites perhaps reveal those mysteries. (Revanite as a path to becoming a grey jedi anyone?) Bioware could have done SO much with the legacy of revan and yet they chose...this. Very disappointing.


With the book and all, that would be impossible. People have to die. Get used to it.

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Compared to a darth- Inquisitor is nothing

Compared to killing the f*in chancellor/Jadus - Great hunt is nothing

Compared to the shadow squadron/black cube thingy - Killing a darth is nothing

Compared to being the emperors wrath - Killing a jedi master that their own master had to find for them is nutin.....


Compared to what revan had done, they were nothing. Im not an fangirl. Its the truth. It is fact.


In order:

Inq IS a Darth.


Oh yeah slaughtering multiple people while others are trying to kill you in equally devastating ways was is nothing, sure.


lmao you're just stretching


lol not even debatable. logic is too flawed.


Revan was NOT that powerful. He had alien technology that with the dark side of the force was near unstoppable. He had armies fight for him. Revans only major accomplishments in PERSONAL battle are killing Mandalore (if being a merc is so meaningless than this defeats your premise even further), stood up to the Emperor for what? ten minutes lol!, killed an aging Darth that wasn't in her prime (and if killing a darth is nothing, then your this "debate" is already over lmao), killed another merc, then killed Malec who was easily one of the lamest Dark Lords ever and was already weaker than Revan.


Sorry bud, Revan had a lot of people fight for him. His story is cool and inspiring and I love Revan dearly, but he is not the all powerful Force User you claim he is.

Edited by DarthAnaethil
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I liked Revan. He was a great character, and I loved the VA they gave him in this game. And really, when I look at the fight on the Foundry, I look at it like this: it took 4 of the most powerful people within the Empire to take Revan down. Now compare that to the Emperor, who got his *** handed to him by one Jedi Knight. Pretty ******.


Also, I don't put to much stock into 'character level.' On a story basis, it doesn't apply. For example, when your watching the 'Return of the Jedi' your not told Darth Vader is level 49 but Luke is level 50. It's a game mechanic, and really just doesn't apply. You can't measure this sort of stuff by level, you measure it by what happens within the narrative. And in this story, Revan loses to 4 extremely powerful characters.


That all being said, I don't think Revan is dead (yet), and we'll probably get see him again in a future expansion pack (where he will die for good). And I'm excited for that

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I liked Revan. He was a great character, and I loved the VA they gave him in this game. And really, when I look at the fight on the Foundry, I look at it like this: it took 4 of the most powerful people within the Empire to take Revan down. Now compare that to the Emperor, who got his *** handed to him by one Jedi Knight. Pretty ******.


Also, I don't put to much stock into 'character level.' On a story basis, it doesn't apply. For example, when your watching the 'Return of the Jedi' your not told Darth Vader is level 49 but Luke is level 50. It's a game mechanic, and really just doesn't apply. You can't measure this sort of stuff by level, you measure it by what happens within the narrative. And in this story, Revan loses to 4 extremely powerful characters.


That all being said, I don't think Revan is dead (yet), and we'll probably get see him again in a future expansion pack (where he will die for good). And I'm excited for that


Exactly. You're already as powerful as you can be at level 1. It just doesn't reflect because it's a video game which OP seems to forget. Revan most likely is alive, I'll believe he folded space for now. But I will not be sad if he's dead.

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In order:

Inq IS a Darth.


Oh yeah slaughtering multiple people while others are trying to kill you in equally devastating ways was is nothing, sure.


lmao you're just stretching


lol not even debatable. logic is too flawed.


Revan was NOT that powerful. He had alien technology that with the dark side of the force was near unstoppable. He had armies fight for him. Revans only major accomplishments in PERSONAL battle are killing Mandalore (if being a merc is so meaningless than this defeats your premise even further), stood up to the Emperor for what? ten minutes lol!, killed an aging Darth that wasn't in her prime (and if killing a darth is nothing, then your this "debate" is already over lmao), killed another merc, then killed Malec who was easily one of the lamest Dark Lords ever and was already weaker than Revan.


Sorry bud, Revan had a lot of people fight for him. His story is cool and inspiring and I love Revan dearly, but he is not the all powerful Force User you claim he is.


Again, im not a fangirl, just providing the facts but revan is more powerful than the inq lvl 50, most likely:

He killed the most powerful dark council member of the time during post kotor era.

He killed darth malak (Malak was more powerful than dark council members, we think)

He stood his own against the Emperor himself.

Amongst other things.

Granted after 300 years of his defeat and constant power saping by the emperor, hed be left weaker.... He is possibley equal to those lvl 35's who attacked him, but he is definatly not weak...

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(Malak was more powerful than dark council members, we think)


You think. Unless you are intentionally using the royal "we", I which case....


In any case, this does not seem to be a commonly held opinion. As a side note, I'm ignoring some of the revisionist history. (Hint: each and every time Revan "stood against the Emperor", it didn't really end well for him.)

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Again, im not a fangirl, just providing the facts but revan is more powerful than the inq lvl 50, most likely:

He killed the most powerful dark council member of the time during post kotor era.

He killed darth malak (Malak was more powerful than dark council members, we think)

He stood his own against the Emperor himself.

Amongst other things.

Granted after 300 years of his defeat and constant power saping by the emperor, hed be left weaker.... He is possibley equal to those lvl 35's who attacked him, but he is definatly not weak...


you are so dilusional. Source that the dark council member was the most powerful? There is none. She was old and past her prime. Regardless as the Inq you kill one as well who IS more powerful.


Malak was weak, there is no source he was more powerful than dark council members. Malak needed enslaved jedi just to keep up with Revan.


He did NOT stand his own. First time he didn't stand at all. Was immediately dominated. Second time 3 on 1 and he still got owned.


Among other things you can't name cuz I named all the things he did which was PISS POOR.


He was always pretty weak. What made him powerful was the ability to obtain and control followers whether it's Jedi, Republic Soldiers, Dark Jedi, Sith Soldiers, or an endless stream of droids. He was a tactician and commander. Nothing more.


I owned you on all points. Deal with it. Facts beat what you THINK.

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you are so dilusional. Source that the dark council member was the most powerful? There is none. She was old and past her prime. Regardless as the Inq you kill one as well who IS more powerful.


Malak was weak, there is no source he was more powerful than dark council members. Malak needed enslaved jedi just to keep up with Revan.


He did NOT stand his own. First time he didn't stand at all. Was immediately dominated. Second time 3 on 1 and he still got owned.


Among other things you can't name cuz I named all the things he did which was PISS POOR.


He was always pretty weak. What made him powerful was the ability to obtain and control followers whether it's Jedi, Republic Soldiers, Dark Jedi, Sith Soldiers, or an endless stream of droids. He was a tactician and commander. Nothing more.


I owned you on all points. Deal with it. Facts beat what you THINK.


I almost decided not to reply to you, because it honestly seems like your five. Using "Owned" And "Piss poor" Will get you nowhere on these forums


Now where to start... Ahht the malak is weak thing.... I just gotta call BS on that one, just because he could not stand up to revan doesnt mean he was weak, he dominated the dark jedi, and managed to harness the dark energies of the star forge. o.0

Apparently u havnt properly read the revan novel, he stood on his own while meetra and scourge held off the guards. Thats an acomplishment in itself.

Now for your little Nyriss point. She was not past her prime. It stated in many parts of the novel stuff like this.

- She was the longest serving member of the dark council

- She held her frail exterior up to make enemies under estimate her, she held true knowledge of the dark side

- She was a deadly sith, and could best any member of the dark council, but she was afraid shed lose everything she had gained.

THose were all points scourge brought up in the novel, wether in his head or aloud.

The other things i apprently cant name (BS again) are the following. SIngle handidly saving the republic by leading the jedi to war. Defeating mandalore the ultimate in a one on one duel. (Not many jedi could do that, maybe meetra and kavar). He managed to shrug off the Emperors control, he erased his own mind of his memories of the emperor to free himself from the emperors domination, (no im not talking about what the council did)

Amongst those things he was a brilliant tactician and military leader.

Those were in the old days however, in tor, hes a frail old man whose had his power sapped.

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I almost decided not to reply to you, because it honestly seems like your five. Using "Owned" And "Piss poor" Will get you nowhere on these forums


Now where to start... Ahht the malak is weak thing.... I just gotta call BS on that one, just because he could not stand up to revan doesnt mean he was weak, he dominated the dark jedi, and managed to harness the dark energies of the star forge. o.0

Apparently u havnt properly read the revan novel, he stood on his own while meetra and scourge held off the guards. Thats an acomplishment in itself.

Now for your little Nyriss point. She was not past her prime. It stated in many parts of the novel stuff like this.

- She was the longest serving member of the dark council

- She held her frail exterior up to make enemies under estimate her, she held true knowledge of the dark side

- She was a deadly sith, and could best any member of the dark council, but she was afraid shed lose everything she had gained.

THose were all points scourge brought up in the novel, wether in his head or aloud.

The other things i apprently cant name (BS again) are the following. SIngle handidly saving the republic by leading the jedi to war. Defeating mandalore the ultimate in a one on one duel. (Not many jedi could do that, maybe meetra and kavar). He managed to shrug off the Emperors control, he erased his own mind of his memories of the emperor to free himself from the emperors domination, (no im not talking about what the council did)

Amongst those things he was a brilliant tactician and military leader.

Those were in the old days however, in tor, hes a frail old man whose had his power sapped.


You make some good points and counter points. I have to disagree with your assessment of Revan in the TOR timeline though. He's not a frail,old man with his power sapped. He's a dangerous, hovering on the brink of insanity, galactic threat. The Emperor may have been feeding on Revan's power to quell his hunger, but Revan was in turn feeding off Meetra's Force Ghost to regain his strength and power.


The Emperor didn't age him, 300 years of torture and trying to fend off the Emperor took it's toll though and he's hovering dangerously close to falling to the Dark Side again,if he hasn't already.


Now that he's free he's got a plan to wipe out billions that have a shred of Sith DNA with his new droids. problem with that is the droids surely can't discriminate and they'll be wiping out former Sith gone over to the light and unfortunate civilians,neutrals or Republic citizens that have the misfortune of having a Sith ancestor, no matter how far back it may go.

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can we just not go for the whole he became one with the force? because plz he died. he just died and became one with the force.


I likee Revan his lore but his era was 300 years ago.


so yea i just say he died. became one with the force.


Yeah I agree with this.


Besides, there isn't a whole lot to be done with a character after turning him into Space-Hitler. Redeeming him again would just be silly.

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I don't want Revan to live forever. But I am adverse to the idea of him getting killed off in the state that he's in. Weakened, perhaps a bit maddened, and skirting the Dark Side, it feels downright depressing for someone like him to go down in such a pitiful way. I'm glad they changed it so his fate is more ambiguous.
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