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maintenance, why so much


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I love how people say why so much maintaince this game has had less maintaince since launch then other major mmo's heck WoW in the first 2 months had alot of maintaince (including a day or more at a time to the point that they were giving out free days think there was like 6-8 free days in the first 2 months and they only did that when the servers were down for 1+ days)


sorry you have 0 credibility on my book. give me some real figures on historical MMO downtime to back up your mindless statement. this is total BS.

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would just like to add having downtime during 5pm-9pm AEST is our primetime yet other MMOS that i have played wait till 10pm AEST to take down the server which is when prime time starts to degrade.


but also so much downtime have re-subbed for one week and have prolly missed out on 4 days of good play time.


Plz Bioware either later/earlier maintance not as often or even just different times unless its a MAJOR UPDATE eg 1.1 to 1.2

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The problem is not the amount of maintenance and patches, its the time. Usually maintenance and patches are in the early hours while people are still sleeping, but, due to BW brilliant idea of a global service, this affects the play time of a lot of people (everyone but the Americans, the rest of us are not valued customers apparently)


Fine, I can accept that I cant play on Tuesdays, and plan accordingly, but all of these other downtimes are really annoying.


Either a) bring the servers down once a week, and only once a week, or;

b) split the downtime and take the servers down at different times for the different regions.


Make no mistake this sucks for Americans too, Most games down at 3-4 am pacific TOR goes down at midnight when the servers are far from empty. Everyone told Bioware that the "global service" wouldn't work, but once again Bioware decided they would just ignore feed back and do what they wanted. I feel for the AUS/NZ players though, I would be pissed if they pulled that **** on me, don't know why you're still paying for this game.

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So you're saying that BW should cater to your schedule? LMAO

not sayin they should cater to anyone's particular schedule however this is the kind of thing that makes these types of games lose accounts, this game is fantastic id really hate to see it become another MMO that WoW just ***** all over

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Have to agree with everyone who is unhappy with the Asia/Pacific downtime. I understand that Bioware and most other companies operate in American time zones and that this is the best time for those servers. But from our perspective this is the time when most of us will be online and wanting to play in Australia/New Zealand, and it is frustrating when we cant. The weekly maintenance on Tuesdays is fine as it is expected and not unwelcome, its the unscheduled and irregular ones that are the most painful.
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If this is the worst downtime you've seen in an online game, you've not played many. I'm being serious. Anyone who's been round the gaming circuit for a while will have experienced firsthand or at least heard of awful downtime in online games over the last ten years. In comparison, SWTOR has managed amazingly.


Personally I'm HAPPY when there's downtime to put new patches in, as hopefully it means bugfixes, especially for some of the issues introduced in 1.2.


As for the progress of the game, you're right that the game needs more than has been done, but to suggest tha nothing noticeable has changed, "well, that's just like your opinion, man...".


The game needs to keep up the update pace and possibly even quicken it, but complaining about maintenance? Seriously?

why wouldnt we complain about maintenance is the server crashing?... no its not it is not a completely necessary maintenance they could have waited til Monday like it is said but no they dont.

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I can't say I 100% agree with this post. But I'd like to say I appreciate that you wrote something that not only can be understood, but comes across as an intelligent and valuable opinion rather than attempting to bludgeon your way through an argument, which has become so common place on the internet. If everyone could offer at least this much I think we could come up with better results as a community rather than "QQing" and "trolling".


Thank you for that response, although I would like to know which parts you do and do not agree with, out of curiosity and a hope that maybe, just maybe, we can breathe some life back into this thread and turn it back to a constructive version of it, instead of what it's currently turned into

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Why is there so much server down time for Maintenance.


It is a young MMO. They will be fixing issues til the unforeseeable future. And when theyve done fixing issues, they will introduce new content. Which requires downtime. And when they have done that, they will start fixing issues introduced by the new content. And then they




Get used to it


There will be less unscheduled downtime after the most glaring bugs have been rooted out.

Edited by Karkais
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This is an American game, for Americans. They sleep well through the downtime while we are wasting nerves. My response is clear and sound: I cancel my subscription. Now all the data from Torstatus makes sense. Happy single playing to all!


i'm an american and i can't play.

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Does it matter? i think Europe has a point. why not just wait and make all maintenance on Thursday? Why do they haft to push maintenance at any time they want? We need to know when we can play. I was in the middle of a recruiting drive for my guild and had half a dozen players on the edge of joining when I got the 15 min. notice?
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When was wow released ? You can't use that as an example it's far too long ago (nobody knew what they were doing back then)


i have been around for all the major releases of mmo's and i have to say this has been very very poor.


They release a patch and two days later downtime again seems to be the norm.


Actually you can use that as a Perfect example, since Blizzard broke into the MMO buisness with WoW same as Bioware is doing with SWTOR. Age of Game doesn't matter, most if not all MMOs have these bugs at the beginning especially from new developers.

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Reporting this here.


As an Oceanic Player, with how much maintainance tehre has been going on, I'm paying for a subscription to a product that is not available during peak periods.


The amount of downtime may very well be necessary in terms of the latest patch, but thus far this week I have only received 2 out of the 4 days of playable peak subscription that I have paid for.


Schedule Oceanic maintainance during non-peak periods. Poor management imo.


I see no incentive to make the move from WoW permanent if the product is going to be unavailable during peak periods, regardless of whetehr there is a patch or not.

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Your all pathetic , and so am I for even replying to this drivel

let the game develop FFS !!! It's going to need down times and patches to do so .Let the game improve , it's going to need down time and patches to do so .

Let the game expand , it's going to need down time and patches to do so .

Asking for time refunded is just weak . your almost begging . Games go down and need patches to get fixed END OF STORY . ALL Games do it FTP . PTP ALL OF THEM !!!!

As far as I know Patches and Maint, is normal even if not on Tuesdays , sometimes a patch just NEEDS to be done .

or we can let an exploit/cheat/[problem , persist untill you ask for refunds because your being forced to play with this " Problem"

Don't say Goodbye , don't say anything exit -----------> that way

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Oh jesus christ. **** already. WoW has been running for 7 years and their server downtime STILL does not cater to time zones. If you're oceanic, your server will be down during peak hours on maintenance, rolling restart or patch days. Bioware isn't doing anything that other games haven't done when it concerns downtime. It's only inconvenient for you because you're oceanic and live in a different time zone. I've played WoW while living overseas (Japan) and had to adjust to the time zone and way maintenance days operate. I stuck it out because I realized that it wasn't some elaborate plot to snuff overseas players, but a matter of semantics and location of the developers maintaining the game I love being in a completely different time zone.


While you folks on the other end of the world are enjoying your day, 90% of us are asleep or trying to sleep, OR IN THE CASE OF AN MMO DEVELOPER deeply involed in server maintenance while everyone else sleeps.

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I would like to be compensated with gametime, for every peak period (local/country) maintainance that any account has to endure.


Why pay for a product that is unusable at times when most convenient for most people in your area?

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I love how people say why so much maintaince this game has had less maintaince since launch then other major mmo's heck WoW in the first 2 months had alot of maintaince (including a day or more at a time to the point that they were giving out free days think there was like 6-8 free days in the first 2 months and they only did that when the servers were down for 1+ days)


compared to newer MMOs this is a lot i played rift from launch and the downtime was very minimal, however yes compared to MMOs that are 6 years old or older this isn't a lot

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I think its time they split the servers into regional sections, let us have there downtime in the night, eu in the night and oceana in the night. Thats only for the main downtime though.


If its an emergency patch that really needs to happen before the weekly mat then the servers should go down with an hours warning after the patch has been created to go onto the servers, not just when the americans have gone to beddy byes.

Edited by Shingara
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WoW may go down during Oceanic prime periods but its ONCE a week and at the exact same time each week ALSO its LATER in the arvo eg 10pm giving people in ocenaic time periods to actaully play a lil bit and GET ready for down time not just come home and go oh damn cant play
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Yes We are complaining. And We love the game or we would not be so mad because its off right now. just give me my game i payed for and stop making us sit around in the middle of play to get your latest patch right now. i can wait till whatever day you tell me to fix the boss wont spawn . Or the quest is stuck, Just let us know when and where we cant play thats all you really need to do.
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Actually you can use that as a Perfect example, since Blizzard broke into the MMO buisness with WoW same as Bioware is doing with SWTOR. Age of Game doesn't matter, most if not all MMOs have these bugs at the beginning especially from new developers.


no you can't use it. surely game companies would have learned all the lessons that Blizzard didn't know about ?


I have been involved with many many games and yes indeed for the first few weeks you have to accept this kind of thing.


We are 4 months in...... I think it's reasonable to expect a better service from them ?


4 months. we have empty servers. No comment made

4 months. we still are getting server outage twice a week (not always but often) we get a thank you for our patience

4 months. Bugs that were in beta still around. no comment made

4 months. maintenance still at terrible times (even though they said they would change. was said before release)


i have probably missed lots of things out but hey :)

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If this is the worst downtime you've seen in an online game, you've not played many. I'm being serious. Anyone who's been round the gaming circuit for a while will have experienced firsthand or at least heard of awful downtime in online games over the last ten years. In comparison, SWTOR has managed amazingly.


Personally I'm HAPPY when there's downtime to put new patches in, as hopefully it means bugfixes, especially for some of the issues introduced in 1.2.


As for the progress of the game, you're right that the game needs more than has been done, but to suggest tha nothing noticeable has changed, "well, that's just like your opinion, man...".


The game needs to keep up the update pace and possibly even quicken it, but complaining about maintenance? Seriously?


when I played EQ we had a server down for 2 weeks, a few of us played on another server and formed a guild called the gameless, as we were from the nameless. So a maintenance patch here and there to fix bugs is no biggy really, frustrating yes. Back then you could not level a character in 2 weeks like you can now.

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