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maintenance, why so much


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I'm happy their updating the game on a regular basis.


What I'm not happy is the downtime is during the hours I play the most. Once a week I understand, but having a good session pulled out from under me 2 or 3 times a week is getting really frustrating...

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You guys really need to stick to a one day maintenance. This is crap that you guys are shutting down servers because things are not getting tested properly and you guys need to fix it. My theory is less content right now and JUST FIX THE BUGS! You guys are not in a race with World of Warcraft!!! Take your time Bioware this game hasn't been out for me than 5 months! Please just take your time and fix bugs and then make new content. If not, this beautiful game is going to unfortunately be a free to play mmo. And i would not like to see that.
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I signed up for this game a few weeks ago and i primarily play at night and i'm getting sick and tired of logging on to relax for a few hours after the wife goes to bed only to find that servers are shutting down yet again and again within 10-30 mins of me logging on. If this is what i have to look forward to then i'm thinking i may be looking for something else to play.


You literally took the words out of my mouth. I work weird hours so I usually get home at 230 am. Downtime always starts at 3 am on the east coast. Many of my nights have been taken away. So.... I'll just sit here and troll a bit because there's nothing else to do.

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I'm happy their updating the game on a regular basis.


What I'm not happy is the downtime is during the hours I play the most. Once a week I understand, but having a good session pulled out from under me 2 or 3 times a week is getting really frustrating...


Spot on comment to my situation as well.... add in the horrible timing and untested days of the 1.2 patch (and corrupted prepatch that was sent to some people before 1.2 day).... I've got 3 days of down gametime in the past week.








RIGHT! :rod_mad_p:

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I have never come across an mmo that goes down as frequently as this. My list of mmo"s is extensive ranging from asherons call, daoc , eve , aion, Conan, coh, SWG, warhammer and probably some I've forgot. Is something so broken it needs fixing immediately and can't wait till next Tuesday? I know some people are complaining about things suh as sound problems etc but unless I've missed something have they announced what the downtime it for?

Most emergency patches are due to biowares own incompetence. I know some people defend Bioware saying fixes are needed but they must realise that with servers going down same time globally they are pissing off a lot of people.


Bioware should implement the 6 P philosophy .... Perfect Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance!

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I'm sure they implemented a PTS so that bugs could get squashed before they get to live...


And hundreds did. Unfortunately, a few hundred or even thousand people can't possibly bring about all of the bugs that will be discovered when there are 10s of thousands of people, with 10s of thousands of different hardware and software configurations, and so on and so on. It would be nice if you could catch and fix them all, but sometimes you can't.


Add to that, sometimes you think you've gotten something fixed until it goes out on those 10s of thousands of systems and all of a sudden, you find another facet of that problem that your fix didn't address.


That's software development.

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You guys really need to stick to a one day maintenance. This is crap that you guys are shutting down servers because things are not getting tested properly and you guys need to fix it. My theory is less content right now and JUST FIX THE BUGS! You guys are not in a race with World of Warcraft!!! Take your time Bioware this game hasn't been out for me than 5 months! Please just take your time and fix bugs and then make new content. If not, this beautiful game is going to unfortunately be a free to play mmo. And i would not like to see that.


I know right? I logged in twice now the past few days, and can only play about an hour or two before being booted off for "unknown maintenance"


dont even get me started with the horribly designed and untested 1.2 prepatch (corrupted)... at least they did the right thing and gave us SOMETHING back (2 would of been good, but 1 seems very cheap of them since it was 2-3 days of downtime and reinstaling for the corrupt prepatch people!)


We should get time for constant downtime like this....... :wea_03:

Edited by Luxorxp
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And hundreds did. Unfortunately, a few hundred or even thousand people can't possibly bring about all of the bugs that will be discovered when there are 10s of thousands of people, with 10s of thousands of different hardware and software configurations, and so on and so on. It would be nice if you could catch and fix them all, but sometimes you can't.


Add to that, sometimes you think you've gotten something fixed until it goes out on those 10s of thousands of systems and all of a sudden, you find another facet of that problem that your fix didn't address.


That's software development.


So why have it in the first place, if they're just going to rush the patch untested to live, and make us pay to beta test?


Sounds fair to me


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I happy that there updating the game too. 5 hrs of downtime, I get all excited to see what they fixed, and then WHAM! Changelist comes out.


Change/Fix 1. Blah


And then that's it.


Absolutely! They give us no justification for paying 15 dollars a month to look at a screen flooded with the words "Offline". Why does a seemingly minor fix take 4 hours every time. Either vary the maintenance times, decrease them, or come up with a better reason then twiddling thumbs for 4+ hours a night.

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It was announced 10 hours ago. If its a situation where you are at work or some other place all day and the first you have seen of it is the time when you'd be logging in, I can understand that being somewhat frustrating.


Just try to remember that this unscheduled maintenance is a matter of implementing bug fixes as soon as they're ready.


Rather than behaving as some companies would and deciding that their customers can just deal with bugs until their regular maintenance period, they're taking the initiative to get fixes rolled out sooner - no doubt at the loss of a lot of personal time on their behalf, I'd add. I think it's great dedication to the customer.


10 hours is not long enough to call it "scheduled".

10 hours ago I was sleeping. I got up, brought the oldest kid to kindergarten, got the youngest son to take a nap and was looking forward to some game time, but BAM UNscheduled maintenance that last until I have to go out again. So for me this eats up a whole day of gaming.


This global service is BS, Split up the servers in regions (not just physically, I know they are already split up in location) so that you can bring the servers down during early morning for all your customers, not just the Americans.

Edited by Tigalo
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I know that the server downtimes are based to suit the US and EU servers, but what about the AP servers? Us in NZ get the *** end of the stick. For those of us that work, we get home and the server goes down and we miss another day of play. I'm ok with it, only if a day is added on to our accounts everytime they close the servers. Also, why can't they do the maintenance based on the regions? This sucks and i do enjoy the game, but shutting the servers down 2 or more times a weeks is stupid. we pay to play but only get to play 3 or so days a week. Not that anyone at bioware will even take notice.


I agree. I'm sick of the game being taken down in our peak hours. Seems little point in having our own servers only for the sake of -50 ms ping.

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You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made?


Everyone else has.



also...this is the most down time in any mmo when wow launched it was down almost every day for HOURS, so much so they were handing out free game time like candy. there was also an issue in eq 1 were the servers were down for 72ish hours straight to patch a patch that broke a patch that was supposed to fix a patch sort of deal

i would rather wait a few hours and it be fixed then it being broken and playing.....just sayin :rolleyes:

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is there any way they can mix up the times a lil more for when maintenance is done? seems it is always done around the same time. i know that most of the players are offline at this time, but there are many players that can only play during the hours they seem to choose to do maintenance. those of us that can only play at this time loose many hours a month of play time. we pay the same amount but have fewer hours we are able to play.
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I agree. I'm sick of the game being taken down in our peak hours. Seems little point in having our own servers only for the sake of -50 ms ping.


Honestly, if they did that, I would probably switch to a Euro server if I could ping ok. I'm a night shift / nocturnal American that understand exactly how you feel.

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I know that the server downtimes are based to suit the US and EU servers, but what about the AP servers? Us in NZ get the *** end of the stick. For those of us that work, we get home and the server goes down and we miss another day of play. I'm ok with it, only if a day is added on to our accounts everytime they close the servers. Also, why can't they do the maintenance based on the regions? This sucks and i do enjoy the game, but shutting the servers down 2 or more times a weeks is stupid. we pay to play but only get to play 3 or so days a week. Not that anyone at bioware will even take notice.


Correction: The server downtimes are based to suit the US servers, and only the US servers.

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Ah yes. More QQ and impatience from people who have clearly never subscribed to an MMO, especially an MMO that graphically is far superior to any other ever implemented. The game itself is hardware intensive and also sees (although you might not think it) a large amount of traffic and as such is inevitably doomed to experience gigantic road blocks. Get used to it. The game has been live less than 6 months and already there are people willing to give up all hope and unsubscribe. I say farewell and good riddance. I would hate to run end game content with those types of people because if they're so willing to get bent out of shape over server downtime in a new game experiencing growing pains, They'd be worthless, impatient pains in the *** when it comes to the difficult content that REQUIRES patience.


Yes, the downtime is quite inconvenient but after playing this game and seeing the attention to detail the devs at Bioware have committed to not only in questing but the environments as well, it's no surprise that they have constantly experienced periods where they are required to shut down servers in order to address bugs or exploits in order to improve the overall gaming experience.


Downtime is to be expected. If you can't handle that hard truth, get off the servers and go back to Call of Duty or whatever flavor of the month, half-assed game you play that caters to your impatience and lack of faith. We don't need you here anyway.

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To be honest, I'm a little pissed off. I'm a nocturnal gamer, and so far I haven't been able to play for a total of 12 hours within the past 3 days (including today, I didn't get the chance to log in last night).


And this is JUST after I found out about the Legacy Promotion. So I have approx. 3 days to level my character from 24 to 50. I even have a stack of 15 energy drinks in my fridge just for the occasion. And I'm not doing this just because I want to get game time, I want to do this so I can prove to myself I can commit to something and get it done even if I start to lose interest while doing so. I've never gotten to max level in ANY MMO, and I wanted to make SWTOR the first. Not only that, but I wanted to power-level through it and live through the story of my slave-turned-Sith-Master in an unforgettable span of 72 non-stop hours.


Yeah, I probably won't get to level 50, and yeah, I'll probably pass out at some point and lose some game time, but I wanted to have a shot at it if I tried hard enough. Now, it almost seems as if you're trying to keep me and anyone else striving for the goal YOU'VE set for us.


Do I feel entitled? I guess I do a bit, but maybe that's because I'm paying monthly for a subscription, and I don't have that much extra cash to throw around. And the first opportunity I've ever gotten to earn something that actually holds monetary and sentimental value to me, now seems like it's stacking the odds against me.


I do enjoy this game, I really do. I just don't understand why there are these completely unexpected 5, 6, or even 7 hour maintenance blocks when before you could update without having to shut down ANY server. I feel a little jipped, and I know I'll get over it, but for tonight, Bioware, you're sleeping out on the couch.

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:wea_02: OK I know another patch is needed yet again! But im just glad I didnt get a subscription for a year instead I bought some prepay and now I'm so glad I did. Big fan of Sw but this game is lame too many repetative quests and what is it with the Social points thats so lame scrap it. Im off back to WoW
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having recently went through a training class entailing proper software development life cycle, i have to say I agree with the OP. bioware is not following proper practices


granted, we got a free day for unplanned maintenance. wheres my free day for today then. i live in the rim of fire and already can't play 1/7 days due to my hectic work schedule. there were 2 other patches this week. so thats 4/7 days i can play.


any changes being made should be done through a test environment. and when the change or patch is ready for deployment, it shouldn't take 4 hours to perform. on top of that... unless it is game or community breaking, do it once a month at a very minimum.


something tells me the way they are updating the game would make most people familiar with change management cringe.


I've been playing persistant-type games since 1991 and this is the worst maintenance impact i've ever seen. totally agree with OP. 100%.

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If your tired of the downtime then I think it's time to organize a 'strike' to let BW know that they can't keep doing this. Instead of just ranting about it. I say we unsubscribe for a week. BW won't actually lose anything if you decide resubscribe. But, just seeing the number of people all hitting the button in a relatively short amount of time is something that might actually catch thier attention.


As for myself. I'm unsubscribing after this post is put up.

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