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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

maintenance, why so much


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The #1 reason is that's it's still a new game.


The #2 reason is that their technical people are incompetent and they are constantly playing catch up. Like how every patch needs another patch to fix the first patch.

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If you bought a new car and if it was in the shop as much as this game goes down you would call it a lemon, remember it's pay to play not free to play, normal maintenance is to be expected but issues like alot of these should have been worked out in test. Am i going to stop playing SW no way but things do need to improve.


Yeah, but BW made you agree to this thing called "Terms of Service" and "End User License Agreement".

It would be the equivalent of them making you sign a contract that says you had to bring your car into the shop every time they made an improvement. So no, I wouldn't call it a lemon.

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The #2 reason is that their technical people are incompetent and they are constantly playing catch up. Like how every patch needs another patch to fix the first patch.


Which never happens with any other MMO right?


Seriously, just go watch some TV or something...

Edited by Theronlas
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If there is going to be so much maintenance at least put some of them in other peoples prime time.


That's crazy. You have any idea the # of servers you're talking about? It's better to do them all at once to reduce the chance of a screw up. Then you'd be complaining that your server was down while everyone else's in the world was up.

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You made me laugh so hard with this nonsense............


Because I get tired of reading all the whine posts here, which happen to be >80%, I must be a BW fanboy or something else??


Same lame argument all of you use when someone doesn't agree with what you post. So you agree with a "whine" post and add your own "whine" to it.


Are you special??


This game is not perfect, nor is any other MMO out there. Nor is 99.9% of all computer programs. There are other things in life than playing computer games, so go do something else while they are fixing this game. Is that really so hard to do??


Am I special of course I am my mummy always told me I was a very special snow flake. By all means disagree but your post is just as whiny as the OP's "ohhh whine whine whine another post complaining about my beloved Star Wars **** go outside games are not everything".


As you say there is more to life then gaming, then surely there must be more to life than reading forum posts and responding with nothing of substance to topics that clearly frustrate you.


So just because things are not perfect everywhere else we are not allowed to strive to have our expectations met within SWTOR, are we are to take what we are given by gaming companies like some almighty deity and thank our lucky stars they have taken it upon them self's in their graciousness to relieve us of our hard earned cash.

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It's so amusing to see the people unaffected by the downtimes (because it's not in their prime playing time) coming to the defence of the devs on this issue.


Fanboy's will be fanboy's.



Seriously, 2 weeks... 4 separate downtimes


Nice to know that the Oceanic community is still being treated like $#!?

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You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made?


Everyone else has.


Ability delay hasn't gone away completely, it's just been replaced by False Global Cooldowns, where your abilities don't fire, but the game still locks you into a GCD.


FPS still sucks when a lot of players are on screen. It's gotten better, but it hasn't gotten good.


SWTOR has a good amount of content right now, but calling it the most of any MMO ever made at this point in its life cycle is probably an exaggeration.


I still love the game, am an active subscriber and plan on being one at least into next year, but I'm objective enough to call things as I see them.


Why is there so much server down time for Maintenance.

In all the mmo,s i have played this is the worst for the amount of server down time.


I've seen much worse.


I will say, too, that at least when there isn't downtime, it works properly. If you disagree, try playing Champions Online at launch. Hell, try playing it now. If you think SWTOR feels like a beta, Champions pretty much still freaking is. At launch, half the cutscenes weren't even in the game yet, some of them glitched horribly, some powers didn't work at all, some worked but were weak copies of abilities your character already started the game with, and the balance was nonexistent. They redesigned the starter zones half a dozen times because the zones sucked.


Imagine if every character in PvP could spam Force Camo on demand, even through CC, and Force Camo could enable you to fly and made you run faster than God, and if spammed enough times, put you Out of Combat, which was the Out of Combat Regen rate ability, except it could be used while running away at full speed. That's what PvP was: dominated by Teleport. Nobody died except people who didn't have it. It wasn't fixed for over a year, and people who liked Teleport claimed that if you nerfed it, teleport would be useless in PvE (since it was the only travel power that didn't give you a passive in-combat mobility boost).

Edited by Vid-szhite
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I certainly see the need for scheduled maintenance, its the "unscheduled" part that has me a bit put out.

It's disappointing to try to log in, and find out that this downtime has been announced only a short time prior.

More lead time would allow us to adjust play times better.

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I just don't understand why this is such an issue. I play a TON, and the downtime regularly comes during periods when I would like to be playing, but I'm entirely fine with them implementing improvements, fixes, and other things to make my experience with the game better. It's generally only a few hours a week - which I think is pretty darn good for maintaining such an expansive system. Now, they've just rolled out a major patch implementing a boatload of improvements and new features and the integration of this into the already existing system - a tremendously complicated endeavor - has resulted in - gasp - an average of 9 or 10 hours downtime a week instead of 4 or 5.


If it were like this all the time, I could understand, but with 1.2 hitting only a week ago, this is pretty fantastic as far as I'm concerned.

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So over all these down times when i want to play, AU TZ always.

Bad support, Char transfer probs,

Fee time to Level 50s Leg 6, so much if u have been subbed from the start but have a life and like to have alts.



Like the game so still subbed but getting closer to un subbing!






PS Bioware ( Can you say SWTOR FREE TO PLAY!) Keep this **** up and that's what you will be saying!

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I signed up for this game a few weeks ago and i primarily play at night and i'm getting sick and tired of logging on to relax for a few hours after the wife goes to bed only to find that servers are shutting down yet again and again within 10-30 mins of me logging on. If this is what i have to look forward to then i'm thinking i may be looking for something else to play.
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PS Bioware ( Can you say SWTOR FREE TO PLAY!) Keep this **** up and that's what you will be saying!


One thing i always said about this game was that it reminded me too much of Star Trek Online and DC Universe Online, both of which are F2P. I have no doubt this is end up as well

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The problem is not the amount of maintenance and patches, its the time. Usually maintenance and patches are in the early hours while people are still sleeping, but, due to BW brilliant idea of a global service, this affects the play time of a lot of people (everyone but the Americans, the rest of us are not valued customers apparently)


Fine, I can accept that I cant play on Tuesdays, and plan accordingly, but all of these other downtimes are really annoying.


Either a) bring the servers down once a week, and only once a week, or;

b) split the downtime and take the servers down at different times for the different regions.

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I certainly see the need for scheduled maintenance, its the "unscheduled" part that has me a bit put out.

It's disappointing to try to log in, and find out that this downtime has been announced only a short time prior.

More lead time would allow us to adjust play times better.


It was announced 10 hours ago. If its a situation where you are at work or some other place all day and the first you have seen of it is the time when you'd be logging in, I can understand that being somewhat frustrating.


Just try to remember that this unscheduled maintenance is a matter of implementing bug fixes as soon as they're ready.


Rather than behaving as some companies would and deciding that their customers can just deal with bugs until their regular maintenance period, they're taking the initiative to get fixes rolled out sooner - no doubt at the loss of a lot of personal time on their behalf, I'd add. I think it's great dedication to the customer.

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Yep. Made an Acct in Nov. 2008. I waited forever for this game. I work late and it seems like everytime I come home from work and want to sit down to play the servers are off line. If it can't be fixed on Tuesday maintenance THEN WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK. The game is in steady decline. I'm losing interest because I am constantly dissappointed with my lack of access to the game. BW had made me not care anymore.


Don't give me the 'you haven't played many games then cause this is normal' Idk what games you have played because I'd love to live in your reality. I can't name a single game that has had this much downtime.

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I know that the server downtimes are based to suit the US and EU servers, but what about the AP servers? Us in NZ get the *** end of the stick. For those of us that work, we get home and the server goes down and we miss another day of play. I'm ok with it, only if a day is added on to our accounts everytime they close the servers. Also, why can't they do the maintenance based on the regions? This sucks and i do enjoy the game, but shutting the servers down 2 or more times a weeks is stupid. we pay to play but only get to play 3 or so days a week. Not that anyone at bioware will even take notice.
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I signed up for this game a few weeks ago and i primarily play at night and i'm getting sick and tired of logging on to relax for a few hours after the wife goes to bed only to find that servers are shutting down yet again and again within 10-30 mins of me logging on. If this is what i have to look forward to then i'm thinking i may be looking for something else to play.


same, I already have 90 days of prepaid playing time but if I can't really get to play what I paid for I will have no problem moving onto something else entirely.

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I just don't understand why this is such an issue. I play a TON, and the downtime regularly comes during periods when I would like to be playing, but I'm entirely fine with them implementing improvements, fixes, and other things to make my experience with the game better. It's generally only a few hours a week - which I think is pretty darn good for maintaining such an expansive system. Now, they've just rolled out a major patch implementing a boatload of improvements and new features and the integration of this into the already existing system - a tremendously complicated endeavor - has resulted in - gasp - an average of 9 or 10 hours downtime a week instead of 4 or 5.


If it were like this all the time, I could understand, but with 1.2 hitting only a week ago, this is pretty fantastic as far as I'm concerned.


I'm sure they implemented a PTS so that bugs could get squashed before they got to live...

Edited by Ignicity
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