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maintenance, why so much


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How do I make a purple chat disclaimer that says I'm not a bio ware employe? Am I expected to believe that I'm so bad at this game I cant purple chat a post on this forum?
hedx colors you have to enter numer before chat example /f34545 wqdqwdqdwq hex numers can be found on the internet
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So you honestly have no characters on any server? Find it hard to believe. The product has been playable to you since day one. Just cause they have to bring servers down here and there, doesn't mean you aren't getting your moneys worth. Cause when they bring em back up, you have more to play than you did when you bought it. And thats true for any content added, bug fixes, items added, options added. Eitherway, you are getting what your $15 a month pays for. Believe it or not, this thread was started because someones being a baby bout not being able to play for 4 hours. Theres 24 of those in a day, theres 7 of those 24's in a week, and 365 of those 24's in a year. I'm sure you'll get to play the game 90% of that time.


We pay for a month of game time. If the game is unavailable for ANY unscheduled maintenance, that cuts into the time we are paying for. So, no, we're not getting the $15/month we pay for this game.

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As a paying customer of 2 accounts I would like to put in my $29.98 worth. First of all the midnight maintenance time is BULLSh*T. Why is not 4am like ever other mmo in the U.S.? Why is not at a time when the server population is low like 4am-10am? I play all the time I know when people are on, and the fleet is empty at 4am. Thus having it at 4am would affect less customers. Thus lessB**ching, more happy customers means more returning customers plus chance of us recommending game & creating more customers(this means money for you bioware!). Personally I work late & sometimes don't get home til 12am PST so basically I don't get to play that day and I have been personally getting frustrated with the dam midnight down time every since game launched & now its really starting to piss me the F**K OFF. Since we are paying customers of a service we cant use a couple days a week this should be addressed. I guess I have to keep B**ching like everyone else until you change the dam maintenance times. .... god dam bioware.


A pissed off customer

Edited by airdog
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Why is there so much server down time for Maintenance.

In all the mmo,s i have played this is the worst for the amount of server down time.


WTB: Clue.


Okay, how about it's a new release adn they are constantly monitoring/tyweaking the live servers?


Plus a weekly downtime is not uncommon. EVE has a daily downtime, but for more complex reasons.


TL:DR? Nothing to see. PLEase move along.

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TY for being a voice of reason--yes, they can take the system down anytime they want to for any reason...BUT...as Chris Rock, just because you can do it, that doesn't mean it's a good idea....and again, the free day they gave us they just took back so TY for nothing BW/EA




What kind of fool spends his money and argues for the right of people he pays to not provide him service? I'm seriously baffled by the people who defend this issue. Did we click agree? Yes. Does that mean they should abuse the hell out of 1 clause in the agreement? Maybe I'm old, but I remember the days of the customer always being right when businesses were actually expected provide you with the service you payed them for.


Down time is bad no matter how you slice it. The developers should have had some foresight, especially considering the budget, and came up w/ a model that has no or at least minimal downtime. At the VERY LEAST, all down time should be compensated.


Anyway, keep telling them it's OK to rip us off and see how many stick around. Won't take long for something else to catch our interest and money at this rate.


It's fine to be a fanboy. I enjoy the game too, but cmon... bad design is bad. Better to shoot straight in hopes they'll actually strive to set things right and make it more fun and appealing to keep a strong player base.

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Shall I grab my silver spoon as well. Like I said, do YOUR homeworks... I did mine already.


This isn't high school, oh you-who-insult-other-people's-analogies. This isn't like letting someone cheat off your test. You post something you say is fact, you back it up with your sources, or you can expect that people aren't going to believe you.

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I agree. Down time should be re payed. that's all I have been trying to say this whole time. If you cant play when we pay then you pay us for the lost time even if its a penny. I am 57 years old and star wars was a new movie when I was young.
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Theres 24 of those in a day, theres 7 of those 24's in a week, and 365 of those 24's in a year. I'm sure you'll get to play the game 90% of that time.


well there you go you said it yourself 90% of the time.


I understand maintenance and agree with it (reluctantly) but everytime they add even the smallest patch two or three days later bam another one has to be rolled out. I think there QA is shockingly bad or they need to get people that can do the job right first time

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Huh? My account name is Sparxysparx, and will probably stay that way.
You can stop saying youre not affiliated if you ever come close to saying something official youll get to know yourself you are in no way affiliated
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We pay for a month of game time. If the game is unavailable for ANY unscheduled maintenance, that cuts into the time we are paying for. So, no, we're not getting the $15/month we pay for this game.


And when they strayed from the scheduled maintenance in to unscheduled, they gave you a month and a day to make up for the so far 12-16 hours taken. That's way more than they needed to. Thanks bioware, oh, i mean boss.

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Rubbish Rubbish Rubbish...


Rolling Maintenance you *****!!!

how many days do i need to come home and have 7-11pm down because some other **** in the US wants to play his game at 7am.. Eat A Big Fat One..

So annoyed..

Will I see any Compensation for being inconvenienced?? No, Il be told to stick it up my ....

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As an Aussie who has played online games for so many years, this isn't so bad. Other companies products are far more unstable after major patches and game updates. TOR is at least mostly playable - that is a credit to the development team for sure.




Indeed, make lemonade! Sweet, sweet lemonade.

ya it isnt so bad but we were told we could play now and what ? no play drink your lemonade cause that is all you got ....me i think ill drink a beer and tell BW that what they are doing is bad business because i am a customer and they are not supporting my need as a customer..... will i stop playing ......no .....but others will and that just means i cant sell sell stuff in the AH ...so their quitting affects my game time ...get it together if it is a patch that they have a time limit on game content to so then...... they control the whole game in a sense that entire world extend the time of the event that isnt so hard considering the server is already down..

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WTB: Clue.


Okay, how about it's a new release adn they are constantly monitoring/tyweaking the live servers?


Plus a weekly downtime is not uncommon. EVE has a daily downtime, but for more complex reasons.


TL:DR? Nothing to see. PLEase move along.


4 months is a very long time in computer terms. Hardly a new release anymore ?

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This seems appropriate.


What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.


Oceanics have feelings too!!

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