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maintenance, why so much


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Well, the thread seems to be shaping up.


I've actually found quite a bit of humor in a lot of these posts. Especially the rental car one, because every time I go to enterprise they can never give me the damn car I asked for because of some BS reason like the ones listed.


I think it should be said that BW is doing a good job with the large patches. It's just the scheduling of the small ones that's a kick in the balls to a lot of people.


But on a side note, could you at least warp me back to a rest zone when you shut down so I can get a little something out of it. I had to go make some tea for my sick girlfriend and got an unpleasant surprise when I got back to the computer.

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How many of you think that some of these post are from Bio Ware employes? Are the ultimate defenders of loose time for play and pay really implants for our ear? Be careful here. All corporations have public relations experts to rebuff our augment that we are not being served.


LOL that would make it seem like there were actually more players than there really are. What if there were only 10 REAL consumers here..BUM BUM BUUM :eek:

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How many of you think that some of these post are from Bio Ware employes? Are the ultimate defenders of loose time for play and pay really implants for our ear? Be careful here. All corporations have public relations experts to rebuff our augment that we are not being served.


Probably some. But they can make all the arguments they want but whatever their arguments are the repeated, unscheduled lengthy downtime is damaging to their reputation and customer good will if it doesn't provide value to them.

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But, if you rent a car, do you not want to use it? Would you not be a little annoyed that every time you had planned a trip you get a call from the rental company "you have to bring in the car today for 4 hours, we are going to wash the windshield" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to wash the dashboard" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to change the cd-player".


Hit the nail on the head. Well said.

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I like this game alot, but why cant theye do maintenance like on wow Europe

start at 3 at night finisch at 9 in the morning and just 1 time a week ,nobody complains at blizz for the downtime

So sort this out swtor IT dudes

There is no patience , there is only game playtime

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I think, as many suggest, I am going to continue to pay for a product that I cannot use, due to maintainance being scheduled during peak periods.


Perhaps bring out a SWTOR - Store where I can buy virtual items for real currency to use in a game that is unplayable during peak periods.

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I can not believe you regularly choose oceanic peak times to continuely have server down times:(. 6pm lets have a game of stwor and "BAM". Just started a 4hr maintance so instead of a game they now have a angry custom:mad:. You really do pick the worst time for server maintance:eek:.
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I like this game alot, but why cant theye do maintenance like on wow Europe

start at 3 at night finisch at 9 in the morning and just 1 time a week ,nobody complains at blizz for the downtime

So sort this out swtor IT dudes

There is no patience , there is only game playtime


I agree. I have no patience when I'm paying for a product I cannot use.

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But, if you rent a car, do you not want to use it? Would you not be a little annoyed that every time you had planned a trip you get a call from the rental company "you have to bring in the car today for 4 hours, we are going to wash the windshield" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to wash the dashboard" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to change the cd-player".



Name one car you can rent for $15 a month, and when you do, I'll tell you WHY they can take it away for 4 hours a week. Stupid analogy.

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But, if you rent a car, do you not want to use it? Would you not be a little annoyed that every time you had planned a trip you get a call from the rental company "you have to bring in the car today for 4 hours, we are going to wash the windshield" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to wash the dashboard" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to change the cd-player".


Totaly there with you ok 50 cents or whatever a day is cheap but its already paid , REFUND MY DAY I lost the game time planned cmon whats a day to u to keep customers coming back get real this is a service , you charge for a service then give a service now or later its paid i wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!:wea_02: Only one mad customer is not good how many u think u getting right now my gun is stuck on fire 45% of the time what the heck is this i paid 70 in canada for this ???:eek:

Edited by thiery
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Alright... so from what I've gathered in the last couple of posts...


BioWare employees are moronically defending their maintenance schedule against Blizzard employees attempting to blatantly slander their game, and there are actually only 10 or so of our dumb asses in here actually being serious. But this doesn't matter because the world is going to end on 12-21-12.


And TuPac and Elvis probably stopped by in their broke down rental car and trolled on Big Foot who was busy mauling on some Aliens that were camping in the woods in their UFO.


But none of this is cool because no one pays attention to the Oceanic crowd, except for the American's that need to stop sympathizing. Even though Americans don't care about anyone but themselves and this is why we're in this situation in the first place.


Overall it seems that I never really needed any LSD in the first place.


Edit: This isn't a shot at anyone. It's just 3:30 AM and I've actually lol'd at some of these posts because they're genuinely entertaining.

Edited by Azurax
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I didn't say you were a bio Ware guy. I only said do you think they try to rebuff our post? I love the game. I just want to play where is the play right now? ma be you are the paranoid one. I didn't mention any names and you are quick to reply. But All I meant to say was I doubt that with all the resources They have and the server being down , some of hem might have time to be here.
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But, if you rent a car, do you not want to use it? Would you not be a little annoyed that every time you had planned a trip you get a call from the rental company "you have to bring in the car today for 4 hours, we are going to wash the windshield" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to wash the dashboard" then, the next day "you have to bring in the car for 4 hours today, we are going to change the cd-player".


LOL =D your post made me wake up my hubby!

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I'm actually wondering what the point of having an Asia pacific server is, sure you get a little better ping, but if your patching primetime all the time what is the point. I could live with the crappy ping of being on a US server, I already have in every other mmo. Its the Aussie prime time patches that annoy the hell out of me.
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Name one car you can rent for $15 a month, and when you do, I'll tell you WHY they can take it away for 4 hours a week. Stupid analogy.


So then why does The Old Republic have abnormally long downtimes compared to almost any other MMO on the market, new or old? It doesn't matter that renting a car is a more important financial choice, the similarities hold true.

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Name one car you can rent for $15 a month, and when you do, I'll tell you WHY they can take it away for 4 hours a week. Stupid analogy.


I didnt bring in the car analogy, I just twisted it to relate to TOR and server availability.

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Note if you want stwor to be not fail as a game and have mass people leaving game, pls learn to test realms properly in ptr and actualy and fix all problem there, pls stop doing it on our time, as the down time we are getting lattly in game is a joke. this game has most down time even in mmos i have played. eg slow down patches untill they are 1000000000% correct. People appreciate quality not mass content that have heaps of glitches
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But endgame being THE most important part of any mmo? Sorry. All aspects of an mmo are important. We don't all play for a 50 level grind to get to the fun. Some (many?) of us enjoy the journey as much as the destination. The endgame may be lacking, but it is not the only point to the first 50 levels, planets, quests, etc.


I have to agree with you. I do enjoy exploring the game not to rush to the end of the game.


And what comes to the maintenance, it does goes at 10 am when most of the people are at work or at the school.

So at the zone where I live it's just perfect.

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