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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Won't happen. The people complaining on here about the Rakghoul plague happens to be the extreme minority of players that can't adapt to a multiplayer game.


That and theyre not actually greifing. Greifing is a level 50 hanging out killing a quest giver over and over or something that actually PREVENTS you from playing. Heck I would even call those guys who click on a node but don't actually take the stuff thereby locking that node out until the next server reset greifing(did they fix that? No idea but instill nodes that can't be collected).

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This is.. immersion breaking how?
Taylora had a good post about it on the last thread.


hmm, search seems to be borken, so I can't search for it. The note I see from my list of people is Talorya: The "plague" part where people stand around is a bit odd though


there's a couple of other good posts out there about it.


The Rakghoul Plague has been part of KOTOR/TOR as far as I'm aware.
I'm not talking about how I dislike Rakghouls in star wars in general; I'm talking about the immersion breaking parts of the plague event in and of itself that have been pointed out by several people over the last couple of days.
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You know what I'm mad about? The fact that the Sith have weapons and can kill me. It totally ruins my experience when I have to play the game. I wish that the devs would leave all the NPC's in one place, and never change anything...that way I know where everything is, and what to do, and I don't have to worry about thinking, or playing, or even moving for that matter.


Hah.. you remind me of this.


Don't get me wrong, I know it can be frustrating to get interrupted in the middle of RP things, but in this case the guy was idle at the GTN which has nothing to do with Roleplay to begin with.

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I do not play every day as I have a family and a hectic work schedule.


Sweet, I have a job and family too.


I truly could not give a bantha's *** if you believe me or not. The idea you think I would make something as trivial as this up is as laughable as your belief that your idea of fun is magically shared by all of humanity.


Where did I say my "idea of fun"? What are you going on about? Do you argue with your coworkers like this? I just was calling out your inflated reasons for being upset about dying to a in game mechanic about a dynamic world event. That has plenty of ingame RP notifications.


Like I said, shenanigans.


And be nice to the Banthas. Its not their fault.

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The faction complaining about the Plague event is more than aware that they lost this argument.



Bioware designed the infection in such a manner that it does no actual damage to a character.

During the infection you experience no adverse effects to stats, whatsoever.

The only major "effect" beyond the graphic is a few interrupts, lasting no more than 5 seconds.

Death comes at no cost in repairs and with a reward that can be easily sold for 10-20kcr.


This is a fun event that is driving up server population, instigating more grouping than I have seen in a while for true MMO interactions on Tatooine, and giving players new content to play with.


The argument here is that a player in an MMO should be allowed to exempt themselves from Game-Wide Events because they do not like them and do not think it appropriate that it forces player to player interaction.


I am sorry; this is not a single-player RPG.


Other individuals impact your play-time.


I see no logical basis to this argument.


As for the effect of the infection on PVP....


I died at an inopportune time defending a door with a SIN during Void Star yesterday.

I was mildly annoyed at the death...but the ironic thing is that since I knew it was coming I should have called in reinforcements instead of pushing it towards the end of a timer I was aware of.


I too have gone through WZ's with only a single death...who cares.


You die, you respawn, you get back into the action. I don't think finishing with a paltry 7 WZCs because you missed a cap thanks to the infection is really going to ruin your day.


If it does...well I cannot help with that....

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So everyone who is doing the quests or simply farming is griefing you? Or is it just the ones that abuse you in chat as well?
Some of one, all of the other.


Lumping so many people on this forum in with that bunch is just insulting.
Then stop advocating for them... and people won't lump you in with them.
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You forgot a group of people who just want a method to OPT OUT that incures neither time nor treasure (which I believe is the majority of the people that are not infavor of how this event is implemented). 0_o


If you read my post more closely, you'll note that this is the second group I mentioned. I'm a member of that group. Although I enjoy the event and want to take part in it, I also strongly advocate for a free vaccine, as well as increased announcements about where to obtain the vaccine (since not everyone immediately knows where it is).


There's one nit I'll pick here though: what you're asking for isn't reasonable. :) That is to say, it's obviously going to take SOME time to opt out of anything. Asking that it take no time is the same as asking for everyone who wants to participate to have to opt-in, which runs counter to the nature of the event.

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Taylora had a good post about it on the last thread.


hmm, search seems to be borken, so I can't search for it. The note I see from my list of people is Talorya: The "plague" part where people stand around is a bit odd though


there's a couple of other good posts out there about it.


Standing about? There have always been people in outbreaks that wish to spread them. It's not sane, it doesn't make complete sense, but every outbreak has it's aggravating factors beyond just simply "I wanna get out of the quarantine."


I'm not talking about how I dislike Rakghouls in star wars in general; I'm talking about the immersion breaking parts of the plague event in and of itself that have been pointed out by several people over the last couple of days.


Eh.. there's got to be a compromise between completely rigid implementation and something players can use.

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I do not play every day as I have a family and a hectic work schedule. I truly could not give a bantha's *** if you believe me or not. The idea you think I would make something as trivial as this up is as laughable as your belief that your idea of fun is magically shared by all of humanity.


You would think a game would be an escape for you. I also have a wife and kid and a job. If you get this worked up over honestly is a minor inconvenice I wonder how pissed you get in RL when something upsets you.

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Man, this is the kind of thing that RPers LIVE for.


It's what the whiners live for also. After the patch I think they were running out of things to go on about. LOL


Really people, if this little bit of RP, story line, event has your nickers in a bunch I hope you never face real crisis in your life. You may very well explode just as the infected are doing.


It is what makes MMORPGs, MORPGs.

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This is.. immersion breaking how? The Rakghoul Plague has been part of KOTOR/TOR as far as I'm aware. The fact that you choose to ignore it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Will Guild Wars 2 be a terrible RP environment because things.. y'know.. HAPPEN?


Oh come now. :)


It's immersion breaking because players are forming huge groups on the Imperial and Republic Fleets, to repeatedly infect each other and everyone else. There is nothing whatsoever about that activity that makes sense in character.


You could argue that the people infected with the disease are temporarily addled, or the disease is using them to spread itself, or a large number of other obvious rationalizations, but none of that changes the simple fact that these fleets are FULL of security officers, who do nothing at all about the people actively trying to spread the plague. We're not talking about someone slipping past the security net here, but a mob of people. I'm certain that there's one on every reasonably busy server, right now; this isn't a fluke but an ongoing choice by players. And it's a choice that makes no sense within the constraints of the game world.


Again, I enjoy the event, and although I'm on an RP server I just let this slide, because it's fun for me. But there's no sense pretending that it makes sense in character. It does not.

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It's what the whiners live for also. After the patch I think they were running out of things to go on about. LOL


Really people, if this little bit of RP, story line, event has your nickers in a bunch I hope you never face real crisis in your life. You may very well explode just as the infected are doing.


It is what makes MMORPGs, MORPGs.


I really wish we had the capabilities to Favorite or star posts!

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This silly thread still going on?


I play on 6 servers(altitis..my problem). 3 of them are crowded servers. Never once did I hear a complaint from anyone on those servers.. just a bunch of folks having one h-ll of a good time. I was only effected 1 time by the EEEVIL plague..was able to avoid it with 12+ toons on the fleet...


What are you complaining about? People having fun?????


Why are you against people having fun, what is your agenda?


Never believed in paid peeps from other games tryin to ruin games, but dam this makes me wonder.

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Standing about? There have always been people in outbreaks that wish to spread them. It's not sane, it doesn't make complete sense, but every outbreak has it's aggravating factors beyond just simply "I wanna get out of the quarantine."
That's just the note I have on my list (I posted that at the end of the last thread, so I can quickly find it). The actual post is quite long.


Aloro also had a good post as I recall last thread about the lack of realism, specifically realted to the lack of realistic response of the government in game. (edit and I see he has added another copy of it just a few posts back)

Edited by ferroz
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You forgot a group of people who just want a method to OPT OUT that incures neither time nor treasure (which I believe is the majority of the people that are not infavor of how this event is implemented). 0_o


You know, there was a guy who had a few things to say about people who whined on the forum and made demands of Bioware.


And yet those that try to help the mods police the community are issued warnings and have threads locked?


I agree with the OP.


There are too many entitled children who don't know that life isn't fair and have had everything handed to them without having to wait or work for it. [/Quote]


^ This.


*shakes head*


It will ALWAYS be moved on a holiday.


And to all that complain about "fairness", life is not fair. You are not special. Everyone gets the shaft at some point. Learn to adapt. This too shall pass.


I have to tell myself this often. ;)




When will you people stop making demands like this? If it's met you will just start whining about not having a speeder at level 1. When BW grants that what will be next? A Starship at one? Then what? Instant travel to anywhere for no cost at level 1?


People have forgotten what it is like to work for something in games and in real life.


*shakes head in disgust*




The thing about those open world raids in EQ1 that was really fun was that anyone of any level could participate. The whole guild would go and the Higher level vets would look out for the lower level newbies ( the nice term as apposed to n00b ).


This was especially fun coupled with the fact that because there was no real "story" for most of those open world raids that RP guilds could make up a reason for doing the raid. Make it part of an initiation to some guild status etc.


With the WoW style "competative" raiding its become more "sport" than "game".


I do miss those days. Alas they seem to be gone for good as the calaber of MMORPG player has changed from "gamer" in the old PnPRPG sense to "gam3r" in the new MMOFPS sense. Hence the rise of theme parks, competative pvp and competative raids a la "sport" vs. sandbox "MUSH"-like MMOs where the sky was the limit only by the tools at hand and ones imagination.


YOU state that *I* need a school debate course when YOU engage in ad hominem attacks?




You WON"T get this changed. It's NOT a timesink. It ONLY takes THREE (3) hours to get to level 14. How is that a time sink. If you didn't get sprint until say level 25 then I would agree lower it but, 14 is NOT that hard to get to NORE does it take THAT long.


Learn to Forum PvP. :rolleyes:




I wonder what happened to that guy? He had some reasonable views that people could take lessons from...

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Why should you be able to "opt-out" in such a way? Should you be able to play this game locally only as if it weren't a Massively Multiplayer Online Game? Should people who don't want to die be able to opt out of dying without paying time or money simply because it's inconvenient?


Do you play on a PvE server? If you, how would you feel about other players being able to flag you for PvP whenever they wish, against your will?


The issue here isn't a new one. Players develop an expectation of how the game will play, and many players are upset when you remove freedom of choice that they're used to and enjoy. Similarly, players here are used to being able to play the game without having to get infected and die. It doesn't bother me, and it doesn't bother you, but I at least can understand that it does bother some people, and I choose to respect their choices.

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Wait, I think I missed something (might be because I'm half asleep) but when did BW clarify that one should not go to a safe area to blow themselves up to infect others?


I sure haven't seen anything like that? If they did, the GMs are slacking off something fierce.


Guess the idea of a Safe Area actually being Safe (ie; Off Limits) might be a bit hard for some Players to understand, which may elevate such play to Griefing. But I also just awoke from a nap, so expecting them to have common sense might simply be wishful thinking on my part.


Do not blame the Event for Griefing; blame the Griefers.

Edited by Elhanan
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You mean you don't like this? Why not ignore that if your'e into the RP side? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see more combat brought in by NPCs (though that in itself has a more negative and interrupting affect than the infection does now), but I think it's a fair compromise.

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Do you play on a PvE server? If you, how would you feel about other players being able to flag you for PvP whenever they wish, against your will?


I play on a PvP server, but that doesn't mean that even on a PvE server I wouldn't be impacted by other players. Hell, should people not be allowed to undercut me on the GTN simply because it's a PvE server? I can understand the frustration behind it to some degree, but it's nowhere near as big of an issue anyway. It ends on the 24th, which is fairly soon. In the meantime you can queue for Warzones wherever that's away from other people that might be infected. A small adjustment to the boring routine isn't too much to ask.


Guess the idea of a Safe Area actually being Safe (ie; Off Limits) might be a bit hard for some Players to understand, which may elevate such play to Griefing. But I also just awoke from a nap, so expecting them to have common sense might simply be wishful thinking on my part.


Do not blame the Event for Griefing; blame the Griefers.


The intent was to smuggle it off-world. Sorry, but that's how it was intended. (There'd not be containment troopers and probes on the fleet otherwise.)

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ok just been reading thrue this and noticed 2 things 1 the explodign and infecting other playes greafing and 2nd the you can change planets and get to staion while infected thing .


ok to soem players its greifing but for lots of others it them trying to do a dailey. yes infecting 10 people is a dailey so not evryone is greifing


2nd there are scanners and gurds when you try to leave tat and when you land on the staion whitch attack you if you are infected so really im just saying they have set something up but im not sure what really since the gurds die in around 2 hits .


but anyway the so called greifing is nothing mroe than Most people doign a dailey and ok there will be some people who are greifing but that is the minor group so i guess it just depends on what you class as greifing.


and if you dont liek what im saying can you pleas enot be rude about it say whats wrong and i will try to arnser polightly in return



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Aloro also had a good post as I recall last thread about the lack of realism, specifically realted to the lack of realistic response of the government in game. (edit and I see he has added another copy of it just a few posts back)


Timing is everything! Yeah, I paraphrased the original for this thread, since some people were still trying to claim that packs of infected players standing in tightly packed mobs on fleets for HOURS makes some sort of sense in game.


Just like how shuttles can pick us up even when we're in caves or buildings, and just like how when we die we reappear at med centers, the players standing around infecting each other is something we just have to accept. Not everything in a game will strictly speaking make sense internally, and that's ok. And so it's ok for these players to stand around... hells, I'm likely to go do so later this evening... but that doesn't mean it's in character. It's metagaming.

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Does anyone know if the "infect 10 people" is a pre-requisite quest to open up more of the dailies to get the containment officer gear?


So far the two guides I have read mention something to this effect, and I am curious if thats true, as I really didn't want to have to lolgrief anyone. :(


But I shall now, and call them newbs and dance on their in game corpses. Cause thats what everyone is doing, right?

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ok just been reading thrue this and noticed 2 things 1 the explodign and infecting other playes greafing and 2nd the you can change planets and get to staion while infected thing .


ok to soem players its greifing but for lots of others it them trying to do a dailey. yes infecting 10 people is a dailey so not evryone is greifing


2nd there are scanners and gurds when you try to leave tat and when you land on the staion whitch attack you if you are infected so really im just saying they have set something up but im not sure what really since the gurds die in around 2 hits .


but anyway the so called greifing is nothing mroe than Most people doign a dailey and ok there will be some people who are greifing but that is the minor group so i guess it just depends on what you class as greifing.


and if you dont liek what im saying can you pleas enot be rude about it say whats wrong and i will try to arnser polightly in return




Actually when I was 12 and tried to leave with infection, I got level 36 guards that kicked my assests. Only those close to 36 or above can leave freely. lol

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