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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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They weren't thinking.. probably too much into a panic mode to use their logic?


Or they just made up their story to add fuel to this thread?


I think I'll actually go with, "they didn't know that wondrously every medical droid in the universe had received an infinite stock of immunity stims that last for 6 hours."


(I will agree that the stims should last through death though)

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It is easier to scream that you are a victim and require special protection then to take a few moments to think and take action. Pretty sure the "chasers" got a pretty nice laugh. Not very manly, though...


The selective reading is astonishing. I'm not sure what part of "we're broke after buying for speeder training/speeders and crafting" failed to come across but I'll repeat: with a character in the mid 20's on that server with roughly 7k credits to his name I'm not wasting 2k on a stim for any reason. Asking me to do otherwise is simply silly.

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Or they just made up their story to add fuel to this thread?


I think I'll actually go with, "they didn't know that wondrously every medical droid in the universe had received an infinite stock of immunity stims that last for 6 hours."


(I will agree that the stims should last through death though)


And still more selective reading. And to accuse someone else for being dishonest in the same post. The hypocrisy is about a 9/10 here.

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Ah so mid-20s and newly come to Tattooine. Yeah, I can relate. I had one character who was parked there when this all began and thought, well, hell...I'm level appropriate, I'll just have a go.


15 ganks later. LOL! And yeah, right after buying the speeder training(thanfully that's a bit cheaper now) and speeder, there's a level or so there where things are tighter than usual but it passes pretty quickly.


Thank you for understanding which is apparently beyond the reading comprehension of most people on your side of this argument.

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I play on PvE, but the Griefing (ie; having the infection forced upon you) is occuring on all types of servers, I believe. It seems that if some mechanic can be explited, it will.....


I'm curious, when you play on Tatooine and get the Womp-rat fever.. do you find that equally annoying?

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Hmm....I'm on a PVE server, and have been running around and have yet to see any griefing either. I'm loving this event TBH, the initial chain was fun (though tedious) and the dailies aren't too time consuming. Also, since the color crystals are BoE, if you save up enough to buy a few you'll be able to make some nice credits off of folks who like the Green Black look but either didn't know about the event or just didn't participate for w/e reason.
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They are not griefers.


If you are questing or doing PvE, pop a stim.


If you are PvPing, just go PvP. The random small stun that happens once every 10 minutes is insignificant. If you absolutely feel that you must be virus free while PvP'ing, then go idle on your ship and queue for PvP. If you don't have your ship, then I'd posit that you should be questing until you get your ship rather than doing PvP anyway.


I have used the serum. But being forced to do so because the person next to you in the marketplace is starting to hurl is problematic. And others are being targetted and chased.


Keep the Event; not the Griefing.

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The selective reading is astonishing. I'm not sure what part of "we're broke after buying for speeder training/speeders and crafting" failed to come across but I'll repeat: with a character in the mid 20's on that server with roughly 7k credits to his name I'm not wasting 2k on a stim for any reason. Asking me to do otherwise is simply silly.


So get infected, continue questing, blow up, rez and continue questing. Those Vaccines are for suckers anyway since there is no death penalty. Also, those DNA samples you get from dieing can sell for good creds.

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Because our characters on that server are absolutely broke after buying speeders and leveling up crafting? This game has a plethora of credit sinks. I refuse to spend 2k credits on a stim that doesn't last through death and only lasts six hours. With training, speeder costs and crafting I believe I have around 7k total on that character and you expect me to waste about a third of my life savings on ONE stim that I'd have to rebuy if I die and only lasts six hours? :eek:


And to add my wife and I are able to do almost all heroics including 4s and the bonus series on planets. So we should have in theory more credits than most at our level for finishing all quests and doing heroics.


By Tatooine level, you can earn 2k credits with vendor trash alone. Quests give something like 700-1200 credits each at that level. I would certainly agree that level 25 is an expensive level but I will not agree that it is a waste to buy an immunity stim for this world event.


There is no reason to ever die while questing normal story/side mission quests. The only time I die (unless I go afk) is if I'm feeling spunky and want to try solo a heroic 2 or duo'ing a heroic 4. There is an assumed risk in doing that sort of thing though and one should not be angry at losing a 2k stim while trying to play in that manner.


2k for a 6 hours stim for a level 25 is chump change - especially if it provides you with a means to nullify what two "supposed players" are trying to do.


Even if the other players infected you - big deal. You'll experience a 2 second stun every 10 minutes or so. You get no stat losses. No damage/healing penalties. Eventually you'll get a green animation and yellow eyes. 20 or 30 minutes later, you'll explode - providing it doesn't bug out for hours like it has for me. When you do die, you don't take any death penalty at all and can use your medical droid to rez on the spot for free with 5 DNA in your inventory.


A few people in this thread make it out like being infected in game is the equivalent of getting HIV in real life - when it absolutely is not. Except for eventually dying at some point - this is the most harmless virus in any game that I've ever played - yet some players view it as the Black Death.


I quested with my level 11 Gunslinger last night that got infected on Coruscant. I knew I was infected. I simply kept questing until I blew up. The infection never slowed me down. I died. Rezzed 10 seconds later with the medical probe, buffed back up and resumed questing. Tonight, I'll mail my 5 DNA to my main and hopefully get a companion customization kit that isn't for Vector. Yes, my first two companion kits that I bought (cost 20 DNA) were for the same stupid companion that isn't even on the same faction that my main is on.

Edited by Raeln
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And others are being targetted and chased.


Once again: You can not be chased, several seconds before exploding the infected player is stunned and remains so until dead. The only way to truly target someone, that I have seen at least, is to jump off the lounge while feverish.

Edited by Lundli
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They can make it as flashy, and noisy as they want if they want me to see it. But it should not force me into PVP mode if I do not want to.


The problem is forcing people into something they do not want to do. Would you like an event that allows me to force you into a PVE operation? or a PVE flashpoint? or space combat? No, I would not think so...


Edit: Just to clarify. I'm not saying the event should be removed, but it should just be tweaked so you cannot be forced into PVP. And that should apply to future events.


I already do PvE operations, flashpoints and space combat. I'm not opposed to doing PvP either but I just usually do not for gear reasons. It wouldn't bother me at all.


Regarding explosions flagging for PvP - use an immunity stim. If you are not PvP'ing, they are a 6 hour opt-out switch.

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So get infected, continue questing, blow up, rez and continue questing. Those Vaccines are for suckers anyway since there is no death penalty. Also, those DNA samples you get from dieing can sell for good creds.


I think you are missing a point I made earlier in the thread. I appreciate that you are giving good friendly advice but my wife and I simply do not want to participate in this event. We don't want to get infected and blow up in the middle of a heroic because we can't afford a stim. All we and others in this thread and the other versions of this thread are asking for is a no cost opt out. I don't think that is much to ask for and it has no detrimental effect to the others like yourself that are enjoying this event.

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I'll be glad when the 24th hits. Last night my wife and I were playing on Tatooine where our next story quests were and were literally chased around Anchorhead after getting off our ships by three people trying to infect our characters because they were screaming in general TWO NON INFECTED WITHOUT VACCINE and the only recourse we had was to find the cantina and log. I absolutely love a game that encourages griefing of this level on a pve server. :rolleyes:


I truly hope the next time they do a world event it has absolutely no mechanism that encourages griefing and having your character be affected by something you choose not to participate in.




1. You can't be mounted and explode.

2. You can't be moving and explode. It is literally impossible. You are rooted in place a few seconds beforehand.

3. They can't have possibly known you didn't have vaccines in your bag, even if you had no buff.

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So get infected, continue questing, blow up, rez and continue questing. Those Vaccines are for suckers anyway since there is no death penalty. Also, those DNA samples you get from dieing can sell for good creds.


There is a problem with your analogy. If they are questing and it takes 20/30 minutes to get to the blow up stage there is a very possiblity that if someone is questing they could be at a point they are facing a gold elite and have it's health down and then they die. That would make some people very upset if they had to start to kill the gold elite over again.


I don't think I would like that and no vaccines are not for suckers as you so eloquently said it. Some people have stated they don't care about this event so they would not want to be infected. Vaccines are there for a reason and they should last through death for a number of hours .

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Or they just made up their story to add fuel to this thread?


I think I'll actually go with, "they didn't know that wondrously every medical droid in the universe had received an infinite stock of immunity stims that last for 6 hours."


(I will agree that the stims should last through death though)


Note that this is not the only complaint thread in the Forums; discovered that when one becomes infected it Flags you for PvP in another.


No need to invent anything; enough Griefing to go around as is....

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Thank you for understanding which is apparently beyond the reading comprehension of most people on your side of this argument.


You're most welcome although I didn't know I had a side here. I thought I was pretty much neutral in my stance that:


1. Opt-outs are a good idea (even though I'm a bit bemused at the reasoning behind some folks' desire for 'em) and


2. That NO ONE on a PvE server should EVER be flagged involuntarily. Ever. Never. and finally


3. The vaccines should have persisted through death.


I was pretty bummed on my first char. through Tattooine (rep. side). I was flat broke, barely made it through the speeder/training thing and I may have passed on another skill to get 'em. But I learned that they give really decent money and items in Tattooine and haven't felt all that pressured since. But yeah, first time through I was cranky.

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I'm curious, when you play on Tatooine and get the Womp-rat fever.. do you find that equally annoying?


I give those suckers wide berth because I figger if there is a vaccine there must be a good reason. So, I'll risk being jeered at for bein' a n00b and ask...what happens if you get womp-rat fever?



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I already do PvE operations, flashpoints and space combat. I'm not opposed to doing PvP either but I just usually do not for gear reasons. It wouldn't bother me at all.


Regarding explosions flagging for PvP - use an immunity stim. If you are not PvP'ing, they are a 6 hour opt-out switch.


So you would not mind being forced to do something in the game even if you do not want to? Ok, interesting... You would not mind if you are in an operation, and suddenly someone can force you into crafting 10 stims or something...


It should not be forced on people. There is a big difference between opting in and opting out. People should opt-in for the event, they should not have to opt-out. Just because there is an "opt-out" option from spam, does not make it ok to send you 1,000,000 emails before you can opt-out...

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And still more selective reading. And to accuse someone else for being dishonest in the same post. The hypocrisy is about a 9/10 here.


I would have spent 2k out of my 7k in a heartbeat.


... but I know that I'll earn 10k credits by just doing the next 3 or 4 quests.


I also operate with some other rules, like not sending companions on crew missions when I have less than a specific amount of credits to my name.


If we want to complain about the cost of something, we could complain about the repair costs associated with raiding. Repair costs were nerfed in 1.2 and I still spent 50k+ while raiding this week.

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I'm curious, when you play on Tatooine and get the Womp-rat fever.. do you find that equally annoying?


I played through Tatooine on two different characters and never contracted womp rat fever. I didn't even realize it was real until I went codex hunting and had to fight womp rats for about 20 minutes to finally get it.

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I would have spent 2k out of my 7k in a heartbeat.


... but I know that I'll earn 10k credits by just doing the next 3 or 4 quests.


I also operate with some other rules, like not sending companions on crew missions when I have less than a specific amount of credits to my name.


If we want to complain about the cost of something, we could complain about the repair costs associated with raiding. Repair costs were nerfed in 1.2 and I still spent 50k+ while raiding this week.


I agree that the costs of repairs as well as the costs for training, speeders and crafting is just insane. You don't start making real money until late in your 40's and that does you no good while leveling up. I still find it unreal that for almost all my BH life on my main server he was flat broke and then somehow started making credits late in the 40's. The credit costs for life below 45 should be looked at again by Bioware.

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I give those suckers wide berth because I figger if there is a vaccine there must be a good reason. So, I'll risk being jeered at for bein' a n00b and ask...what happens if you get womp-rat fever?




I've never suffered the full consequences myself but the tooltip states: "Causes progressive effects over 3 hours until killing the player. Requires a cure."

Gives you a codex entry too..

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I've never suffered the full consequences myself but the tooltip states: "Causes progressive effects over 3 hours until killing the player. Requires a cure."

Gives you a codex entry too..


Uh oh, am I about to look really stupid here? Is that tool-tip on the vaccine or the "fever" that results from a rat gnawing on you? If it's the former, I'm an idiot. But thanks for the reply!

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I give those suckers wide berth because I figger if there is a vaccine there must be a good reason. So, I'll risk being jeered at for bein' a n00b and ask...what happens if you get womp-rat fever?




I think your out-of-combat regen rate is cut in half.


Yep, so scary!

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