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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Thought this may help a little; from the RoC:




I believe points 1 and 5 may be relevant to the Griefing part of the discussion. Thanks!


Wow, you really are going to try and use point 1 when it actually makes your argument weaker? Do you really believe people are intentionally harrassing you? Maybe they should be selling tinfoil hats instead of vaccines.

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No one is misusing the mechanics. The mechanics are for the plague to spread..and a quest to infect other players.

It isn't a misuse of mechanics to do quests and participate in the event AS DESIGNED.


Nor is it PvP. No one is fighting anyone.

It's still not griefing, though I see that you insist on insulting other players and calling them names.


Not quite, I call it Griefing as I believe it fits and have not assigned that title to anyone save the Green Goo Bomber that splattered me on the Fleet Med Station. If others are offended because they also perform like actions, that is their choice.


And standing among the crowd of a Rest Zone seems fairly indicitive of intent, I believe.

Edited by Elhanan
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**** is it ever annoying!!!!!!!![


how do you get rid of this freaking thing if some butt head gives it to you?


i don"t want my combat interrupted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Serious post, not troll) GET RID OF IT NOW

Edited by Meluna
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**** is it ever annoying!!!!!!!![


how do you get rid of this freaking thing if some butt head gives it to you?


i don"t want my combat interrupted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Serious post, not troll) GET RID OF IT NOW


You buy a vaccine for 2k credits or ask on Fleet or any other crowded area, many people have tons to spare.


Or if you are in the "feverish" stage, jump off a height and die. It will be gone.

Edited by Meluna
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I, think players should reach a 3rd stage in the rakghoul plague instead of just 2 stages.


Once a player reaches the 3rd stage of the rakghoul plague he or she becomes red to everyone else and becomes attackable.


PVP mayhem on your own fleet station Republic and Sith Empire alike.


Also containment troopers should be Gold to Champion Elite status. Silver to None is just too easy.


You could get commendations or something used towards getting rewards for killing people infected with rakghoul plague.


Stage ( 1 ) Lightheaded


Stage ( 2 ) Feverish


Stage ( 3 ) Outbreak <--- Player becomes red to all other players.

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These are all good points and I agree with them with one exception. Namely, it's been demonstrated by testing that the plague does incure some small repair cost. At least its been reported in these threads.
Another false belief used by the negative people to try to validate their opinion. Death from the plague costs NOTHING, not a single credit.


I've got a degree which makes me a bit more qualified than an "amateur statistician, thanks :)
And I'm Batman. I have a batcave with super computers that can evaluate everything people do in this game. True story. Don't dare to disagree or I'll visit you tonight with my batmobile.



Edited by Korrigan
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Not quite, I call it Griefing as I believe it fits and have not assigned that title to anyone save the Green Goo Bomber that splattered me on the Fleet Med Station. If others are offended because they also perform like actions, that is their choice.


And stading among the crowd of a Rest Zone seems fairly indicitive of intent, I believe.


Their intent is to finish the quest.

That's it.

Quest says, infect 10 people. That's what they are doing. Or, they are intending to farm DNA tokens, which is also in the design. The intent is NOT to ruin anyone's day or make someone cry green gooey tears. It's to use the in game mechanics...as they were designed, with the correct intent.

IF the quest said "Infect 10 players who have given you permission to infect them" and people were doing something else...you MIGHT have a point.

But that's not what the quest says.


You can call it Doing the Harassment Tango of Griefing, doesn't make it so. Your moral outrage at being splattered doesn't make everyone a bad guy.

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Do you really believe people are intentionally harrassing you?
You mean like the guys who were clustered around the pvp terminal and laughing general chat about how they were infecting all the <redacted> who were trying to pvp?

And the guy who was laughing about how he was going to tython to infect the noobz.



Yes. particularly the ones that responded with a variant of "trololol" when people asked them to stop.

Edited by ferroz
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And stading among the crowd of a Rest Zone seems fairly indicitive of intent, I believe.


Yes, ofc he's intent on infecting those around him.. that is most likely because he has a quest that tells him to do so. Bioware has given him a quest to infect other players, are you telling us they should punish him for that? The quest says nothing about not being allowed to infect players in any specific place.

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You mean like the guys who were clustered around the pvp terminal and laughing general chat about how they were infecting all the <redacted> who were trying to pvp?

And the guy who was laughing about how he was going to tython to infect the noobz.




What he said.... :cool:

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Yes, ofc he's intent on infecting those around him.. that is most likely because he has a quest that tells him to do so. Bioware has given him a quest to infect other players, are you telling us they should punish him for that? The quest says nothing about not being allowed to infect players in any specific place.


I do not blame Bioware for having to clarify that one should not go to a safe Area to blow themselves up to infect others. I blame the Griefers.

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**** is it ever annoying!!!!!!!![


how do you get rid of this freaking thing if some butt head gives it to you?


i don"t want my combat interrupted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Serious post, not troll) GET RID OF IT NOW


I was taking you 4srs cause of the caps. But really? REALLY?

Edited by Meluna
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Another false belief used by the negative people to try to validate their opinion. Death from the plague costs NOTHING, not a single credit.


And I'm Batman. I have a batcave with super computers that can evaluate everything people do in this game. True story. Don't dare to disagree or I'll visit you tonight with my batmobile.




Now you're just being silly. I was awarded my degree on May 19th 2009. (I'm 28 years old) It's a bachelor of science degree in mathematics from a northeastern US university.


In any case, I'm only reporting what one person said. He claimed to have repaired himself completely, did no combat and waited to die from the plague before returning to the droid and having a 60 credit repair bill. Small, but greater than zero.


Or greater than epsilon, as a mathematician might say if he wanted to make himself sound smarter.

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You mean like the guys who were clustered around the pvp terminal and laughing general chat about how they were infecting all the <redacted> who were trying to pvp?

And the guy who was laughing about how he was going to tython to infect the noobz.



Yes. particularly the ones that responded with a variant of "trololol" when people asked them to stop.


Then report them ingame, let BW deal with it.. not everyone is hellbent on griefing you.

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I do not blame Bioware for having to clarify that one should not go to a safe Area to blow themselves up to infect others. I blame the Griefers.


Wait, I think I missed something (might be because I'm half asleep) but when did BW clarify that one should not go to a safe area to blow themselves up to infect others?


I sure haven't seen anything like that? If they did, the GMs are slacking off something fierce.

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northeastern US university.


I know someone who went to that school.


How is this relevant? Having a degree does nothing to back up your statements on an online game forum. Let alone CHEST HUFFING it to try to get your point across. How is this relevant to the Rakghoul Infection?

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I do not blame Bioware for having to clarify that one should not go to a safe Area to blow themselves up to infect others. I blame the Griefers.


Then you are doing it wrong, it's not griefing unless BW says it is.

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1. If you're in favor of this galaxy wide event: You're being trolled. (no matter how valid your reasons for liking it are -- and they're numerous and good).


2. If you're opposed to this event: you're being trolled as well.


Home many threads now? 3000 posts? Someone is having a great laugh over this. And I bet it's upped the interest in the event. :)


As a public service I present the following definition stolen form Wikipedia (cause it was more convenient than other sources): Troll: "a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".


BTW: whomever put me in the opt out category of detractors, please don't. I don't like the event because: I don't like the looks of the pet you can get, the companion 'skins' you can get or the armour or pretty much anything else you can get (except perhaps the cerdits for selling dna). I also hated the whole rakghoul story lines in KOTOR and here. So i don't participate. It's that simple, I go do other things in game... which you can still do! Imagine that, no mandatory participation. At worst, maybe a 1 time infection if you'e unlucky. I'll send you the credits for an vaccine or three if you're that broke.


And since I'm on a RP server most of the time: My republic characters all cured the plague anyway and are immune. But seriously other than first few hours of the event on Lord Adraas folks aren't intentionally congregating around every possible player log jam area so avoiding an unwanted infection is easy. If you like the event go for it. If you don't go do something else in game. it's not like it's impossible to do.

Edited by Keta
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Wait, I think I missed something (might be because I'm half asleep) but when did BW clarify that one should not go to a safe area to blow themselves up to infect others?


I sure haven't seen anything like that? If they did, the GMs are slacking off something fierce.


They haven't. And they aren't going to.

The event is working as intended. :)

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I know someone who went to that school.


How is this relevant? Having a degree does nothing to back up your statements on an online game forum. Let alone CHEST HUFFING it to try to get your point across. How is this relevant to the Rakghoul Infection?


It was relevant to the discussions pertaining to statistics which the mods have since asked us to get away from. The other poster was referring back to that discussion and questioning my claim that I had a degree which would qualify me to look at the numbers.


As the mods have called for us to move on, its not worth discussing at this point.


EDIT: Also, I want to clarify for the sake of full disclosure that I didn't claim to have gone to NorthEastern University, but to a university in the northeast of the US.

Edited by Skolops
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1. If you're in favor of this galaxy wide event: You're being trolled. (no matter how valid your reasons for liking it are -- and they're numerous and good).


2. If you're opposed to this event: you're being trolled as well.


Home many threads now? 3000 posts? Someone is having a great laugh over this. And I bet it's upped the interest in the event. :)


As a public service I present the following definition stolen form Wikipedia (cause it was more convenient than other sources): Troll: "a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".


BTW: whomever put me in the opt out category of detractors, please don't. I don't like the event because: I don't like the look pet you can get, the companion 'skins' you can get or the armour or pretty much anything else you can get (except perhaps the cerdits for selling dna). I also hated the whole rakghoul story lines in KOTOR and here. So i don't participate. It's that simple, I go do other things in game... which you can still do! Imagine that, no mandatory participation. At worst, maybe a 1 time infection if you'e unlucky. I'll send you the credits for an vaccine or three if you're that broke.


And since I'm on a RP server most of the time: My republic characters all cured the plague anyway and are immune. But seriously other than first few hours of the event on Lord Adraas folks aren't intentionally congregating around every possible player log jam area so avoiding an unwanted infection is easy. If you like the event go for it. If you don't go do something else in game. it's not like it's impossible to do.


As I compiled that list, I want to clarify that I didn't intend to say you wanted an opt-out. I had said that the people on the list had objected for a wide range of reasons. I apologize if you feel I misrepresented your beliefs.

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people standing around, at spawn in, to fleet for hours, on end,is just lame.


doing a mission you can get a free cure on tatooine or after you get feverish jump off the space station and it will go away... Nothing is wrong in my opinion.

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