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reverse eng & nods -- small fail?


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I rarely write on forum, but at the moment i'm really bother that the % chance rated for reverse engineering doesnt reflect the real chance. I often have to try more then 20 times before getting a better item, and i seen a lot of 30+ time. That is far from the 20% chance that i see. If it was rarely happening, ok, you can sometime be unlucky, but it's more then that, since it's most of the time, i have to try at least 15 time and often over 20. Either the % chance shown is wrong, or badly encrypted, it should reflect the correct chance so we can store enough mats before even trying to r.e.


Nods, are as in most mmos, not well balance, because you often cant find correct mats for your level, until you are way pass the level you should need them to craft items for your level. And in some zones you dont find enough if your stay on rep or imp side, like on quess, where most of the nods bioanalysis and scavenging are on imp side. This is also very annoying because crafting items is very usefull for game play, having to try to get mats from a place where mobs are 5+ level then you, is very desapointing. I tought that with all the mmos allready out there, that this kind of mistake would not have been in this game. Because in my point of view, that is one big fail. :(


p.s. dont mind my english, i'm french.

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With a chance of 20%, you are fairly likely to have streak of 15 failures in a row every 100 attempts. At 10% chance the bad streaks will be around 28 failures in a row (mean longest failure streak per block of 100 attempts). And, of course, sometimes bad streaks will be longer, This is just the way random numbers work. If I recall, there was one developer at the conference who suggested they might be looking at adding some streak breaker code, possibly, maybe. This would be a nice addition. They have already implemented streak breaker code in the Social system for conversation rolls, so at least there is some precedent. Edited by Luno
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What was it I said over and over before they made RE so easy? I said NO MATTER HOW EASY YOU MAKE RE SOME PEOPLE WILL STILL COMPLAIN ABOUT IT BEING TOO DIFFICULT.


Thanks, I enjoy being proved right over and over.

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There's a chance for RNG happening, and there's a chance for the proc% to be shown wrong.


I'm currently at about 99.9% chance of the proc% to be shown as wrong instead of just RNG being the cause. Possible? Of course. Likely? 0.1% chance. =P

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Nods, are as in most mmos, not well balance, because you often cant find correct mats for your level, until you are way pass the level you should need them to craft items for your level.


So run missions for mats. Still cheaper than the GTN. The VAST majority of my mats come from missions. Gathering in person when convenient is purely supplemental.

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So far my biggest sticky wicket was 30. Thirty REs before the blue schematic popped. However, on several occasions I got the new schematic on the first or second RE. We remember the losing streaks much more than the winning streaks.
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