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What does Star Wars mean to you? A survey for my degree...


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My name is Joe Aldous, a 20 year old BA(Hons) Film Student at University College Falmouth, Cornwall.


For one of my modules this term I shall be exploring the popularity of Star Wars, notably links between increased fandom and nostalgic reminiscing.


I am aware that many of you may despise Star Wars, but this is all part of my study: a balanced sample group.

I argue that those who prefer the Original trilogy are, generally speaking, more inclined to consume additional content: referred to as 'The Expanded Universe'.


More over, the (fairly) recent release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, will be a focal point of my study. This, in particular due to the release of an update focused on family ties, will serve as an example of nostalgic fulfillment.

What I require you to do is simply fill out a short questionnaire: http://survey.jointeffortstudios.com/index.php?sid=83914&lang=en


The purpose of this of investigation is three-fold:

- To determine what group of individuals comprise the Star Wars fan base. Quantitative information such as gender and age categories will be paid special attention to determine such. It is here that results from the aforementioned questionnaire will be applied more prominently.

- Following on from this, what it is about Star Wars that generates such popularity shall then be examined. Whether or not it is the character and narrative progression, nostalgic fulfilment or something more.

- The final, and focal point of this study, will be an exploration of the extent to which the Star Wars community consumes the series, and everything around it, as a text. Although the results of the questionnaire will serve as the foundation for this area of investigation, the primary area of interest shall be focus groups.

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My name is Joe Aldous, a 20 year old BA(Hons) Film Student at University College Falmouth, Cornwall.


For one of my modules this term I shall be exploring the popularity of Star Wars, notably links between increased fandom and nostalgic reminiscing.


I am aware that many of you may despise Star Wars, but this is all part of my study: a balanced sample group.

I argue that those who prefer the Original trilogy are, generally speaking, more inclined to consume additional content: referred to as 'The Expanded Universe'.


More over, the (fairly) recent release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, will be a focal point of my study. This, in particular due to the release of an update focused on family ties, will serve as an example of nostalgic fulfillment.

What I require you to do is simply fill out a short questionnaire: http://survey.jointeffortstudios.com/index.php?sid=83914&lang=en


The purpose of this of investigation is three-fold:

- To determine what group of individuals comprise the Star Wars fan base. Quantitative information such as gender and age categories will be paid special attention to determine such. It is here that results from the aforementioned questionnaire will be applied more prominently.

- Following on from this, what it is about Star Wars that generates such popularity shall then be examined. Whether or not it is the character and narrative progression, nostalgic fulfilment or something more.

- The final, and focal point of this study, will be an exploration of the extent to which the Star Wars community consumes the series, and everything around it, as a text. Although the results of the questionnaire will serve as the foundation for this area of investigation, the primary area of interest shall be focus groups.


Mid-20s Human male from the swamps of Georgia, USA.


To me it's always been a battle of good and evil. I got into that at a very early age and went from there, falling for characters like Darth Vader and Han Solo. Then I discovered the EU and grew some mad love for Boba Fett and Corran Horn, Kyle Katarn, and Mara Jade. Though the only bad guys from the EU that really stuck out to me were Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Yuuzhan Vong.


Let me put it this way. I know more about Star Wars than I do about the Jeep I drive. And I'm a mechanic.

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The purpose of this of investigation is three-fold:

- To determine what group of individuals comprise the Star Wars fan base. Quantitative information such as gender and age categories will be paid special attention to determine such. It is here that results from the aforementioned questionnaire will be applied more prominently.

I'm' not a woman

- Following on from this, what it is about Star Wars that generates such popularity shall then be examined. Whether or not it is the character and narrative progression, nostalgic fulfilment or something more.

I saw the orriginal SW as small child when it was new.

I also had all the toys and my mom tossed them...millions of $$ gone

Also did you know that when the Empire Strikes back came out there were traiding cards and Luke was noted as being older than Leia. Twin sister my @ss.

- The final, and focal point of this study, will be an exploration of the extent to which the Star Wars community consumes the series, and everything around it, as a text. Although the results of the questionnaire will serve as the foundation for this area of investigation, the primary area of interest shall be focus groups

Its a movie.


I gotta go Yoda is here.

Edited by RoboRope
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thankyou for asking important questions instead of intrusive questions about gamer lifestyles/behaviors etc which attempt to do nothing other than create/break stereotypes about people or which try to make over-arching statements about people in general. This sort of question is more pertinent in determining who people are.
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I filled out the survey as requested. I was only a few months old when Star Wars came out so I didn't see it until I was 4 and the local cinema did a double bill of A New Hope and Empire. My older brothers had started to collect the figures and it just caught my imagination. Next to the TARDIS, lightsabres were the coolest thing I had seen!


As I grew up, watching the films over and over year by year (I could write out the lines to Empire by the time I was 8, all from memory) I started to pick up on different things. It became less about the action and more about the substance. I started to see the meaning of Ben's sacriface in ANH (but still no explanation of how and why he vanished into thin air, unless you read 'Splinters of the Mind's Eye' ;)), and Luke's duels with Vader in Empire and Jedi became less about the sabres and more about what was going on behind the battles: Vader wanting to crush Luke's spirit and turn him to the Dark Side and Luke wanting to bring his Father back to the Light.


The original trilogy contain some of the most wonderful pieces of story telling. I have even seen Empire quoted as being a 101 on how to write mirrored plot lines (Starts with Han risking his life to save Luke from being frozen, ends with Luke doing the same to save Han... lots more besides). Luke's training on Dagobah teaches you more about the Force than ANY of the EU books, comics etc...


My love of Star Wars starts and ends with those three ORIGINAL (pre 1997) films. The EU is fun, but I don't consider it to be canon. The prequels? They aren't even passable films, let alone Star Wars!

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Yes, I'll fill it out.


I was 22 when the first movie came out in 1977. I think that's one reason I don't have the foaming screaming hatred of Episodes I -3... I was old enough to see the cracks and seams in the original. They're fun movies, but they have plenty of flaws.

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