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Combat spec OP with only face rolling required


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He's not that far off thou. My dps logs are showing very similar numbers as the watchmens. Watchmen just happens to have the self healing to help keep you up in pvp.


Zen self healing...it's overrated. It doesn't make that much of a difference overall. Sure it helps some, but so does 3 shotting someone. Zen heals don't make you THAT much more survivable, it's useful but not god mode. And DPS meters aren't good for PvP and aren't good for measuring burst.

Edited by nschlan
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what, now i need credibility from you? lol. thats funny!


maybe if you would of read it right, you might have understood...I'm hitting merc slash faster than a combat spec gets his zen spam... Why would you even use Blade Rush 7-8 times during your armor penetration time with Zen. Again, why do i need cool points from someone who disagrees with me. You can say Combat has better burst all you want. Show hard data on that please.


Blade rush barely does anything, Slash hits harder than blade rush..Come on now..your smart. Reducing the gcd by .5 seconds for 2 weak *** abilities..please..Like I said in a previous post...Combat has the 100% armor pen Blade Strom followed by Master Strike...That is it. Half the Combat Sents out there probably aren't even capable of pulling that off


Watchmans best 10 seconds vs a Combats best 10 seconds, again...to say the least..Watchman out performs and I would probably bet that Focus has just as much as Combat

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Zen self healing...it's overrated. It doesn't make that much of a difference overall. Sure it helps some, but so does 3 shotting someone. Zen heals don't make you THAT much more survivable, it's useful but not god mode. And DPS meters aren't good for PvP and aren't good for measuring burst.


how are they not good for measuring burst. ACT has a log of the entire encounter, not just dps and the amount of damage you've done.


I don't live by Zen heals, and burn crits heal regardless


anyways, your opinion is respected..just stating mine.

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what, now i need credibility from you? lol. thats funny!


maybe if you would of read it right, you might have understood...I'm hitting merc slash faster than a combat spec gets his zen spam... Why would you even use Blade Rush 7-8 times during your armor penetration time with Zen. Again, why do i need cool points from someone who disagrees with me. You can say Combat has better burst all you want. Show hard data on that please.


Blade rush barely does anything, Slash hits harder than blade rush..Come on now..your smart. Reducing the gcd by .5 seconds for 2 weak *** abilities..please..Like I said in a previous post...Combat has the 100% armor pen Blade Strom followed by Master Strike...That is it. Half the Combat Sents out there probably aren't even capable of pulling that off


Watchmans best 10 seconds vs a Combats best 10 seconds, again...to say the least..Watchman out performs and I would probably bet that Focus has just as much as Combat


Are you for real..... Watchmen will out dps Combat in a WZ but for burning down a single target Combat is superior.

2 Blade Rushes that crit in 1 second are far superior then a merc slash..... And actually no Combats best 10 seconds win just from Blade rush spam 10 swings of blade rush in 6 six seconds is nasty...... Maybe you should look at some combat logs floating around.


Besides you lost all credibility when you said you were hitting 5K on well geared players on your server it just not happening with merc slash sorry.

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how do you get 10 Blade Rush attacks off in 6 seconds..Zen is only reducing the CD by .5 seconds which makes it a 1 second gcd. So in a perfect world with no lag ur getting 6 off...actually take that back..You will probably get 3 off in the amount of time your Precision Slash debuff is up with latency...and again..spam'ing Blade Rush is dumb...


wow you live by Combat, but yet I could do it better. And yes I have seen many combat logs...


search through my old post...you will see me smashing someone for 36 damage away from 7k in 1 single GCD... 5k medal is ez to get in either watchman or focus..


But yes, the man who can use 10 abilities in 6 seconds knows it all.. lol..what a joke

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what, now i need credibility from you? lol. thats funny!


maybe if you would of read it right, you might have understood...I'm hitting merc slash faster than a combat spec gets his zen spam... Why would you even use Blade Rush 7-8 times during your armor penetration time with Zen. Again, why do i need cool points from someone who disagrees with me. You can say Combat has better burst all you want. Show hard data on that please.


Blade rush barely does anything, Slash hits harder than blade rush..Come on now..your smart. Reducing the gcd by .5 seconds for 2 weak *** abilities..please..Like I said in a previous post...Combat has the 100% armor pen Blade Strom followed by Master Strike...That is it. Half the Combat Sents out there probably aren't even capable of pulling that off


Watchmans best 10 seconds vs a Combats best 10 seconds, again...to say the least..Watchman out performs and I would probably bet that Focus has just as much as Combat

One thing in your post is not very correct.

I disagree with you about Blade Rush. Why:

Now BR(blade rush) does LOWER dmg than Slash as a numbers YES - on practice NO. You can test it. Hit someone with Slash (see numbers) then hit him with BR(see numbers). BR make more dmg , because it procs your ataru form ;)

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Yeah, I'm sure you can hit that on undergeared targets. By the way, all that stuff takes more than 1 GCD to activate. using multiple skills as part of your burst = more than 1 GCD. L2count bro.


That Watchman burst takes Overload Saber, an attack, cauterize, another attack, maybe 1 more if I blocked/parried 1 or some such, and assuming you used Merc Slash in there somewhere you have to wait for it to come off CD to get that burst. And no, on a well geared target you will NOT hit 5k with it. Plus, there's 0 guarantee you'll crit. Then maybe a Master Strike or Dispatch


Combat burst: Blade Rush, Precision Slash, Blade Storm, Master Strike/Dispatch.


But go ahead, listen to the bads on the forums and be narrow minded. I could care less if you don't think Combat is viable, you're just 1 more person who willfully limits his skill level.


I hit 5k merciless slash against a full BM sage today, against under geared my current merciless slash pvp record is 6198. combine that with overload saber and cauterize ticking away.


even if combat can compete with burst it relies on precision slash for that burst, a stun/pacify/stealth easily negates this burst while in watchman dots keep ticking and can simply wait for the stun to end and pick up where you left off while combat has precision slash on a 15 sec cool down. in other words a well timed stun does a lot more to shut down combat burst than it does to shut down watchman burst.


that said watchman burst can be hurt by good application of cleanses but not all classes have access to these while just about everyone has access to a stun.


the better speed boost and roots certainly does help your group mates and easily makes it easily the preferred spec in huttball.

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One thing in your post is not very correct.

I disagree with you about Blade Rush. Why:

Now BR(blade rush) does LOWER dmg than Slash as a numbers YES - on practice NO. You can test it. Hit someone with Slash (see numbers) then hit him with BR(see numbers). BR make more dmg , because it procs your ataru form ;)


umm, all melee attacks proc ataru form...the only real reason to use Blade Rush is for the increased chance to proc ataru hits..


Precision Slash >Combat Tranced Blade Storm > Master Strike... is the best dmg you'll get..and the 100% armor pen Master Strike adds about 700 crit dmg to each of the 3 hits compared to a normal Master Strike

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umm, all melee attacks proc ataru form...the only real reason to use Blade Rush is for the increased chance to proc ataru hits..


Precision Slash >Combat Tranced Blade Storm > Master Strike... is the best dmg you'll get..and the 100% armor pen Master Strike adds about 700 crit dmg to each of the 3 hits compared to a normal Master Strike


True.......BR has the biggest chance to proc(near always) and basicly hits harder than Slash . Overall dmg 1xSlash < 1xBR .

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umm, all melee attacks proc ataru form...the only real reason to use Blade Rush is for the increased chance to proc ataru hits..




Blade rush forces an ataru form strike, then the chances of ataru form triggering comes into play. This is why most blade rushes proc 2 ataru form strikes. It has been this way since release. Blade rush's damage is always itself+ataru form, and then the chances of proccing ataru form strikes come into play. Even without the 2nd ataru strike, blade rush does more damage than slash because of the first strike that triggers independent from the form.


The other reason you're wrong is right here too; blade rush and ataru form strikes have a 30% crit damage increase from skills.


Blade rush beats slash in damage, as well as making everything else built into the combat tree that is ataru strike dependent highly consistent.

Edited by wtfimblue
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Combat (like every other spec) is benefiting from higher damage across the board in 1.2.


That said, the spec was never "bad" in pvp or pve. It pretty much always had the best burst potential and I'd expect it still does given the insane QQ flooding the forums these days. Read a thread with a guy complaining about getting hit by 10k smash while he was in full WH...

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Blade Rush, Blade Storm, Slash, Blade Rush, Slash, Blade Rush, Slash is a great Zen burst. Can tear through people pretty fast.


For those saying Watchman is so much better... A Pacify can mess Watchmen up really bad, especially since it stops Merciless slash from hitting and also prevents DoTs from being placed.

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Really? sentinel is not OP? Are. You. Mental?


There is no class matched in 1v1 to a well played sent/mara.


Wether it's watchman, combar or focus, the burst dmg & sustained is just way too high to be competitive with other classes.


Yes, I play a sentinel. No I'm not the most awesome player, but I still faceroll so much people in pvp.


That's because most people who PVP in this game are pure ****.

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Blade Rush, Blade Storm, Slash, Blade Rush, Slash, Blade Rush, Slash is a great Zen burst. Can tear through people pretty fast.


For those saying Watchman is so much better... A Pacify can mess Watchmen up really bad, especially since it stops Merciless slash from hitting and also prevents DoTs from being placed.


Pacify doesn't affect Combat at all! I tell you this. Only noobs pacify a combat spec.






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