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Maras's/sent's Jug's/Guard's


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I know, this been said before. I'm just adding fuel to the fire..., but these mentioned classes are destroying PvP.

There's no fun at all to play any BG, when these classes are 50% or more for opposing team.

I play a dps Sage. I have a champ geared sent, too. Yes, nerf for Sages/Sorcs where needed, but buff for those two classes, why? MS/ravage uninteraptabe, why? They where fine allready. I dont get it.

You can say, L2p or whatever, I dont care. I know how to play my class.

My sub. gona run out soon and i'm not gona re-sub. till this BS is fixt.


Have a good day.

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You see a lot of Knights/Warriors and you die quickly, so you assume that they need a nerf. When really it's the changes to expertise that are having the largest affect on PVP, not the changes to the classes. Commando's/Mercs can hit for 7-8k with Demolition Round/Heat-seeking Missile. That's on top of hte 2.5k-3k Grav/Tracer spam. Snipers and gunslingers can also achieve a quick kill. DPS Vanguard and PTs can melt face.


It's not any class atm that you can say is overtly OP, the changes to expertise have made all Bursty DPS a lot stronger in PVP.


P.S adding a 't' on the end is not the same as adding 'ed' at the end. I believe you were looking for the word 'fixed'

Edited by Anishor
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You see a lot of Knights/Warriors and you die quickly, so you assume that they need a nerf. When really it's the changes to expertise that are having the largest affect on PVP, not the changes to the classes. Commando's/Mercs can hit for 7-8k with Demolition Round/Heat-seeking Missile. That's on top of hte 2.5k-3k Grav/Tracer spam. Snipers and gunslingers can also achieve a quick kill. DPS Vanguard and PTs can melt face.


It's not any class atm that you can say is overtly OP, the changes to expertise have made all Bursty DPS a lot stronger in PVP.


P.S adding a 't' on the end is not the same as adding 'ed' at the end. I believe you were looking for the word 'fixed'

You say Troopers,Knights and snipers are able to kill quick,well Sage is light armor,one escape that is easily stopped by Melees and now their dps spec is destroyed altogether

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How about we just have staring contests


Good luck, having a staring contest with my Miraluka Sentinel. :D


On Topic though: I understand, that the dual wielders got buffed in the last patch and thus are stronger than before (which I was rather surprised about as I thought Sentinels/Marauders were just fine the way they were).


However I don't understand understand what the problem with Guardians/Juggernauts is. I have started a Juggernaut (Immortal) a few days ago and honestly don't understand where the problem lies there.


Maybe someone could explain? I will admit, that my PvP experience in TOR is rather limited.

Edited by Shardas
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But Marauder is counter TO EVERY CLASS!!!!


Name it? I can kill two of them with my Guardian ;P Unless they really have skill ;P


As with most classes, it's easy/moderate hard to kill and average player but damn hard to kill a good one. Maybe you have bad luck of fighting with actually good players ;P


Or you run with just PvE gear and PvE spec ;P

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Name it? I can kill two of them with my Guardian ;P Unless they really have skill ;P


lol yea, when they ignore you, your getting uber heals or their level 25 each.


Also while it's misguided, it's nice to see Jugs/Guardians at least mentioned for once as being a threat.

Edited by VoidJustice
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cept now they die, and cry endless tears because they can't 3v1 melee anymore.


Yup they die now and its soooo much fun playing vengeance spec when speced into unremitting and watching them waste their cc and knockback on me after i force leap to them. After that doesn't work they go into derp run mode unable to do anything, although some do try to spam their lighting occasionally

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I agree with many changes to both ACs of JK/SW


but the 15% increase to MS/Ravage, make MS uninterruptable, and that it now can be talented for 8% more damage is just too much.


Actually, it makes it useful. But go ahead and nerf it so nobody uses it again, except maybe Juggs/ Guardians...

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I agree with many changes to both ACs of JK/SW


but the 15% increase to MS/Ravage, make MS uninterruptable, and that it now can be talented for 8% more damage is just too much.


People on my server have already adapted unfortunately.


Patch-day when the servers came up, I ran around derping and critting for about 4k on my last crit of ravage, with 2kish on the precursor hits.


Now however, people have learned this concept : "The guy who's drawing his lightsabers back in an extremely dramatic and slow fashion is about to rip off your balls in the next second. You ought to run away or knock him back, bro."


And you know what? 99% Of the people on my server do now. Inquisitors sprint away, bounty hunters carbonize or knockbacks, warriors aoe mezz or force choke.


The best part is? They all still have something that they save for my undying rage.


Almost brings a tear to my eye. Pvpers adapting and learning to pvp. :(

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On my operative it's hard to get away when crippled/leg slashed but sever tendon (talented to root) helps- however if I attempt to vanish, the ravage/MS uncloaks me if they're still casting.


You should try and use cripple/slash to snare enemies before casting ravage/MS so they can't run off (I don't think it can be cleansed either), I've been jumped by sentinals only to be rooted with their MS going and then snared while seeing my HP below 20% and going oh sh**!


Like rage/focus jugg/maras, people basically just run away from them.

Edited by Sookster
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A harnessed TK throw/force lightning is uninterruptible and hits for about the same as a master strike/ravage. It also heals them and can be used more frequently.


You know how you deal with it? You knock them back, stun, or CC them. Do the same to a knight/warrior.

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