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pve/pvp viability 1.2


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They are #1 in the 1 v 1 department, and even in a 1 v 2 they will survive long enough to use all their cooldowns twice...


making them the best defenders in the game as well as best huttball carriers.


as far specs id go 27/0/14 and use dps gear, pushing 400k dmg and 60k defense in one game is always good if your goal is winning (which it should be).

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They are #1 in the 1 v 1 department, and even in a 1 v 2 they will survive long enough to use all their cooldowns twice...


making them the best defenders in the game as well as best huttball carriers.


as far specs id go 27/0/14 and use dps gear, pushing 400k dmg and 60k defense in one game is always good if your goal is winning (which it should be).


Maras have a slight edge on us 1v1, but we're one of (if not THE) most useful classes in group PvP due to the fact that we're hard targets with respectable utility and an entire toolbox of utility.

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making them the best defenders in the game as well as best huttball carriers.


Jug/guard like to say hi cause they are the perfect huttball carrying machines intercede/charge/push/leap make scoring trivial.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Jug/guard like to say hi cause they are the perfect huttball carrying machines intercede/charge/push/leap make scoring trivial.


Aye making us the second best ball carriers. As far as the spec he recommend, the cookie cutter PVP spec is a variation of 31/0/10. Wither > Death Field imo

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Force Pull the guy they're going to leap to and the problem is solved.


LOL if only it was that easy the long cd on force pull to the relative short cd on leap/charge and my favorite move charge push charge in huttball juggs/guards have a great advantage. Add in intercede and clearly they are designed for huttball when they fall in the pit no biggie just wait for a noob or a team mate to pop up top.

Edited by LordbishopX
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One of the reasons I joined the guild Im in is because the guild master is a jugg huttball carrier. I was getting

really frustrated at watching him beat me time and time again lol. I got tired of saying "/ops GET OFF THE FREAKIN LEDGE WHEN HE HAS THE BALL!" Add in 2-3 sorcs in our guild and we can literally win the game 6-0 in 4-5mins. I just control mid, grab the ball, force speed over the toxic pool, pass to him in the pit or on the catwalks, he does his little flipping around, score.

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A deception assassin who knows what he/she is doing is also pretty good at defense and offense of objectives, taking out healers, and causing general chaos. :cool: While going Darkness with DPS gear is amazing and easier to play, Deception still does great and is more rewarding I think.
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One of the reasons I joined the guild Im in is because the guild master is a jugg huttball carrier. I was getting

really frustrated at watching him beat me time and time again lol. I got tired of saying "/ops GET OFF THE FREAKIN LEDGE WHEN HE HAS THE BALL!" Add in 2-3 sorcs in our guild and we can literally win the game 6-0 in 4-5mins. I just control mid, grab the ball, force speed over the toxic pool, pass to him in the pit or on the catwalks, he does his little flipping around, score.



Yeah its pretty sick when you have that line up. Watching time and again jug/guards leaping up ledges and then pushing the noob they charged to the end zone and charging then again for the score always makes me /facepalm.


Yeah we have shroud and speed but we have no hops and huttball is about the hops.

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Sorry Darkness is a FOTM.. As of specs you need to find on what you like doing.. Pretty much 85% of Assassins are Darkness and forget that Deception and Madness much more utility then Darkenss. Plus the dmg you get with both are insane.. If you go deception 10/31/0 is what i go with but i dont use maul so i have 2 points in 30% more armor. Madness i go with 8/0/33 and put in 2 points in 2% less dmg on you. If i have a heal bot i never die and get about 250 to 375k dmg no matter what WZ im in. But all in all try each spec out and see on what one you feel is better for you
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Note who dies with pocket healer? Your healer has to work his arse off keeping you alive he should get the medal lol. With your healer not guarded unless someone else is doing it he goes down faster than a cheap ****** on 6th st...


Even without pocket heals darkness is just harder to kill period and with it makes most ppl cry..

Edited by LordbishopX
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See thats just that thing im talking about Darkness has to guard there healer cuz they cant do enough dmg fast enough to take down anyone. Its a boring pvp spec and sucks that people think its the best. I take down people so quick at times that they dont even have enough time to go through any of there CDs. Sorry Darkness spec isnt that fun to some of us and we rather go into a wz killing people then just sitting there guarding
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See thats just that thing im talking about Darkness has to guard there healer cuz they cant do enough dmg fast enough to take down anyone. Its a boring pvp spec and sucks that people think its the best. I take down people so quick at times that they dont even have enough time to go through any of there CDs. Sorry Darkness spec isnt that fun to some of us and we rather go into a wz killing people then just sitting there guarding



Winning is boring and on darkness I win a ton on madness and deception I die a hell of a lot more. I am easier to keep up and my healer doesn't have to focus keeping me a live since I take tons less damage. I kill efficiently and protect my healer with ease. Its not deception sins ppl are crying to nerf for a reason......

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Winning is boring??? I fail to see the logic in that. Darkness is prot/ret for wow. 90% of the people that played that spec were not great at pvp just did it cuz it helped them survive more. But when someone like me came along i would destroy them. Just the same now. Ppl QQ about darkness cuz they dont understand how to fight them. But let me just say that each spec has its ups and downs. They all are fun but not fun at the same time. I hate darkness. But i do like running into a group laughing at them cuz they cant kill me. When im deception i love that i can just take someone out in just a few GCD's . And when im Madness i love being annoying and taking a few people down slowly while they cant kill me.

When rated Wz's do come out each spec in our class will have its place in there. I cant wait for the release of it.

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You fail at sarcasm pretty much say what you like and spout the greatness none stop it's super squishy in comparison period and the damage isn't **** better on a 1 on 1 basis. I played deception for 1 - 50 and pvp non stop the entire way and it was squishy then and its squishy now I have no trouble with non speed hacking SINS I take madness over deception and pretty much alternate between madness and darkness now. Darkness by far is the harder to kill and brings enough damage to take out healers and sents and sins with ease.


You must face bads that don't realize your a weak glass canon period.....

Edited by LordbishopX
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See i hear the Glass cannon thing over and over.. In wow it was ret paladin yet i made it 2000 bracket in BC ( pre 3.0) .. 2200 in wrath.. 2400 in Cata. Now that ive only been 50 for 4 weeks in swtor im full Bm gear ( had a few pieces before patch) and now working on WH. I get fed up with it cuz people dont know what they have. You do know a little cuz you lvled and pvp but there is so much to deception. BUT i have been playing madness allot more as of late and feel like it is the better spec in all the trees. I just dont have the gear for it. Stalker is nice but id rather have Force masters for the 2 set bonus. TBH i just would like everyone to try out all 3 trees before they come to an conclusion that one spec is better then the other. This is swtor not wow so you can have fun and be dominate in any spec
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I don't get this 'need a good healer' thing. Am I suposed to thank healers for healing the guy who is the hardest to kill DPS in the game (everyone with better survivality is not a DPS) which is clearly the easiest thing to do as a healer? If a healer can't keep the easiest to heal guy alive, they probably should reroll as DPS anyway. Yes a lot of healers are bad but again if they can't keep the hardest to kill guy alive, why do you even have them on your team?


Darkness doesn't really need a healer, but if you do get the heals, it's not because your healers are good. It's call healers doing what they're supposed to do. If a healer can keep a Deception Assassin alive (and still keeping other people alive), you can say he's doing a good job.

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