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Healers to DPS post patch 1.2


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Hey all. I just canceled my account, however I have about 100 days of playtime remaining. I was a healer before 1.2 and have moved to DPS as I didn't feel like I was able to contribute to the outcome of the warzone as a healer anymore. I was hoping to get some feedback from others that have made a similar switch to see if you are enjoying the change.
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I haven't bothered pvp healing since 1.2


I am still raid healing but force is a problem. I don't like having to rely on another person to manage my force.


I've tried a pve dps build and I am really liking it. Bioware needs to implement multiple specs asap.

Edited by Vinak
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Healing in Patch 1.2 is fantastic! I don't know what you guys are afraid of. In PvP, I tend to be up at the top of healing done (if I'm not being farmed which has always been a problem with premades). In PvE, I find the changes make healing much more entertaining. For what it's worth, I had a lot of force problems too in the beginning, but I read the healing post on a theorycrafting site to fix that problem. It's a huge paradigm shift from before, but I find it a lot more fun.
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Healing in Patch 1.2 is fantastic! I don't know what you guys are afraid of. In PvP, I tend to be up at the top of healing done (if I'm not being farmed which has always been a problem with premades). In PvE, I find the changes make healing much more entertaining. For what it's worth, I had a lot of force problems too in the beginning, but I read the healing post on a theorycrafting site to fix that problem. It's a huge paradigm shift from before, but I find it a lot more fun.


You are only on top if your are the only healer in the WZ. Agents and smugglers now get 500k like its nothing. I have to be on my A game to even get 300k.

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I can relate to the OP. Healing is dead.


I play on a lower pop server where everyone knows everyone. As a healer I'd get marked immediately and be farmed for easy kills. Not being able to keep myself up through an OP/Smug stunlock is certainly not my idea of fun. GG BioWare, you got what you wanted. We've gone from Warzones with 10+ Inqisitards, to maybe 2-3 max.


I recently switched over to a Madness build and won't look back until BW buffs Corruption. Even with my optimized healer gear I usually land in the top 3 dps/kills I can't remember the last match where I earned less than 10-12 medals. Yes we lack burst, yes we are still squishy, but at least we can contribute something. If you play smartly and defensively (ie. know when to CC/run and re-group from a fight you can't win) you'll do just fine.


I was not planning on renewing my sub, but I've enjoyed dps'ing a hell of a lot more than being run over as heals. I might even stick with it until BW figures out what they want to do with healers again.

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I can relate to the OP. Healing is dead.


I play on a lower pop server where everyone knows everyone. As a healer I'd get marked immediately and be farmed for easy kills. Not being able to keep myself up through an OP/Smug stunlock is certainly not my idea of fun. GG BioWare, you got what you wanted. We've gone from Warzones with 10+ Inqisitards, to maybe 2-3 max.


I recently switched over to a Madness build and won't look back until BW buffs Corruption. Even with my optimized healer gear I usually land in the top 3 dps/kills I can't remember the last match where I earned less than 10-12 medals. Yes we lack burst, yes we are still squishy, but at least we can contribute something. If you play smartly and defensively (ie. know when to CC/run and re-group from a fight you can't win) you'll do just fine.


I was not planning on renewing my sub, but I've enjoyed dps'ing a hell of a lot more than being run over as heals. I might even stick with it until BW figures out what they want to do with healers again.


I have the same thing with the marking and low pop server. I mostly play during the day where I know the majority of people in the warzone. In fact, I usually get waved at prior to being destroyed. As a few have mentioned. I can drop AOE heals and shied/dot everyone up to make sure I'm at the top of the healing charts, I just can't make a real difference on if my team wins or loses.

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