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Annihilation Rotation


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Hey there, I'm in the process of finding the right spec for me, I have been using Rage spec till now but its still fairly hard to level with since im dying quite often. I've now switched to Anni spec and have looked up other peoples specs into that tree to see what I need points in. Now I'm just looking for a BASIC (only level 32) PvP and PvE rotation going into fights, I can figure it all out mid-fight I just need a grounding on what to start and finish with.


Thanks in advance for any help~

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Your basic rotation should be Charge > Deadly Saber > Rupture > Battering Assault > Vicious Slash and either Berserk on Strong & Elite or Predation to move between packs. When you hit 40 and get Annihilate, you use Annihilate first after Battering Assault, then Vicious Slash if everything else is on cooldown.


Protip: When Charging, use DS mid air and when you're in front of your target (this only works on weak, standard and strong mobs btw) use your Savage Kick - costs no rage, and does awesome damage to deal with the pesky nuisances before actually starting your rotation ;)

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Yes you would want to use battering assault after the charge > ds, it would be highly recommended anyway. You could also use you're force choke (lvl 24+) or your rage building ability that you start with at lvl 1. (Can't think of what it is called) Anyway, any of those would work but battering assault will build the most rage out of those three.
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That sounds good and is very helpful, but one thing about it, after charging > saber, wouldnt it be battering assault since at this point you would have no rage ? or am I missing something?


Yeah, you're right. So Charge > DS > Battering Assault > Rupture > Vicious Slash til you get Annihilate. I'm so used to have an extra rage there coz of being focused so much in PvP :p I suppose it would work in your situation as well if you're specced for extra rage via Cloak of Carnage but at your level don't worry about it for now :D

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My rotation is usually Charge --> Deadly Saber in mid-air --> Battering Assault --> Rupture --> Annihilate --> Assault (Or can skip to next) --> Force Choke --> Ravage


It's a really great way to pile on a ton of damage at once.

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Same thing for me, trying carnage for a more self healing and survivability.


Are the rotations the same for pvp?


And what rotation are people doing mid fight? eg. moving from 1 close target after normal rotation to another very close by in pvp.



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Same thing for me, trying carnage for a more self healing and survivability.


Are the rotations the same for pvp?


And what rotation are people doing mid fight? eg. moving from 1 close target after normal rotation to another very close by in pvp.




I like to throw in a Ravage and a Force choke while waiting for my cooldowns...then start all over again.

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