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FPS after 1.2.0a


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Some of us have heard, and someone playing the PTS and during the test, 1.2 FPS was significantly higher than on live servers. People wrote, that in OPS and warzones lags gone well and in general play was comfortable. When the patch was released April 12 I don`t play for some reason . Then the server down and 1.2.0a goes live ... and now after this patch, I have gone to the new raid Denova, and then running around on the warzones...this was horrible ... :eek: nothing changed, the same lags, freezes, and FPS around of ​​15-20. So what happened?
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been reading so many posts about this... ppl with decent machines **** FPs in crowded places

i have a laptop with gtx560m that can barely stay at 40 fps in warzones with all settings low


I am just gonna give up I suggest you do the same..this has been going on since relase


+guild wars 2 is coming out soon

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Altho i had to play for almost a month pre-patch i log few days ago and personally i noticed better lag behavior plus 5-10 fps increase. My post aint 100% accurate i will test it today and if i am ok with it i will notify you all.


PS: Playing on Intel Core i5-2500, 4x4GB 1600Mhz Corsair Dominators, 2x150GB Velociraptor RAID 0, Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3-B3,Ati Radeon HD5870, Windows 7 64bit Ultimate.

Edited by GreekOps
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I'm not sure if the FPS increased in the 1.2, I don't remember it, probably slightly but not at the level of the PTS though.

The FPS seems more or less the same, except for Civil War.


PS: one of the problems of Guild Wars 2 is the Lag too, it probably runs worse than Swtor from what I have seen

Edited by TheNotorius
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performance defiantly dropped for me with the latest patch, noticed it as soon as I logged in. I know before when they deployed a patch some people would have to redo there graphic setting again even if it said it was the same sometimes it went default anyway. so redid mine but still crap. but I defiantly noticed a drop in FPS from before / after patch as soon as I logged on.
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Yeah performance def dropped for me too, but the whole event thing on fleet is on the edge of being unbearable amount of lag. Seems whatever i end up doing either on fleet or fps/ops there is way worse than it used to be. I dunno why it influences instances on fleet at all but thats my experience. Like there is no higher lag on FE but had issues with lag in all fleet fps.... Or is it simply memory leak on fleet that stays even when you enter instances, I dont know.
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  • Longer load times
  • Chunky lag/delays especially in warzones
  • Sound going completely bizarre especially in warzones

None of these issues were present before 1.2 for me. I had everything up settings wise and my computer and GTX 550 Ti were both bought during beta, now I can't even get 2/10 performance with everything on low.


It doesn't matter if I run on high or low this game's performance is utterly garbage and borders unplayable, but only after 1.2 and regardless which of the 3 most recent drivers I use (301 beta, 296WQHL or 286WQHL)

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Before 1.2 FPS was perfect on maxed graphical settings.


After 1.2 I'm getting low FPS "spikes" even in the middle of an area where I am completely alone, even on Ilum where there were 6 people on the whole planet. Updated drivers ( video / audio ) did nothing. Changed my graphical settings to all minimum / low and still getting the same low performance.


This happens both in open world areas and in pvp and instances.

Server: Bloodworthy

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My FPS also decreased somewhere btween 10 and 20% after the patch (1.2) compared to before the patch. I can attest to FPS drop spikes happening at random, and especially in warzones (noticed most in Huttball and Civil War).


Also, sound is siginificantly worse since the patch. Pre-patch I could hear when people fight near me in warzones, but now sound like that just disappears at random.


Furthermore, I had about 1-2 client crashes a day and one complete lockup (the black screen(s) with sound in the background issue discussed in lengthy threads elsewhere on the forum). This never happened to me prior to patch 1.2.

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Ive got the same problem really, tho it doesnt feel like FPS lag to me. It feels like server-response time have gone up. Mounting, going into crowded areas etc have been especially painful with a small freeze every time. And im on a freakin super computer(590gtx sli, 12Gb 2Ghz RAM, SSD drive, 4x core 3.6Ghz CPU).
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I would also like to add that everytime I reverse engineer something and gain materials or queue companions for crafting/gathering missions or open the crafting window, I experience a complete graphics lockup for about 1-3 seconds. It is very annoying, when prior to patch I had a fluent gaming experience.
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I would also like to add that everytime I reverse engineer something and gain materials or queue companions for crafting/gathering missions or open the crafting window, I experience a complete graphics lockup for about 1-3 seconds. It is very annoying, when prior to patch I had a fluent gaming experience.


I got this as well

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I do not know what machines people have.


I had lag in Ilum, and in fleet with 100 people plus. That is before 1.1.

At the launch of 1.2 fleet performance was impressive. Hardly any lag at 150 plus.

Then came the emergency Friday update and lags returned at 100+ but less to before 1.2.

Will see what today patch brings. I am sure the emergency Friday patch they had to do some minor changes.


Tatoone event on Sunday with 100+ players had a lag but was much better to Ilum days. I think Ilum would have exploded with those numbers,...

Average lag performance improvements seem to be about 25% from many people I speak.



I see it stupid when there is a constructive argument for improving things and some peeps mention other games.

The game is improving miles per day IMO. Patch 1.2 is very interesting. If you don't like SWTOR just unsubscribe and go where you want.

I never went on another game forum or fan page and said this sucks....

Each big update will bring some issues. My Sage has also been screwed but what I am doing is learning to play more with it, and using other tools.

Bioware has introduced two amazing new pillars to MMO games with this game, and these are Story and Legacy.

Both can be very original, and a game breaker but this all depends from the developers....

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I've definitely noticed a big increase in fps performance since 1.2. But also keep in mind that there's more activity going on and more people around.. especially in the fleet and on tatooine, so it may be impacting performance in those areas. Actually I can't specifically claim an FPS but rather what I mean is everything definitely appears smoother for me. Even distinctly low fps areas appear smoother to me.. less jerky/stuttery.


There's definitely room for improvement on handling large numbers of characters in a concentrated area though. Why could I sustain 15+ fps in a major rift battle in Rift with 40-50+ people actively fighting but a group of 20 people clumped together in the fleet doing little to nothing drops me to 5fps when I'm near them.

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