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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Actually, I find this super fun and interesting. Great tie-in to the older game about the Rakghoul plague. I wished more would've been done with it in KotOR I, but it never was. They didn't flesh it out and then the planet was leveled.


It makes complete and utter sense that the plague has spread. 300 years after the bombing of Taris, where the planet is basically a toxic wasteland and almost all of its population is--you guessed it--Rakghouls. Even back in KotOR I they said the plague was highly infectious. (I actually thought my PC would turn into a Rakghoul the first time I played KotOR I, so I bought a boatload of antidote packs) Add 300 years worth of mutation and evolution, and you have a great time for a pandemic resurgence.


As far as the Fleet? I find it awesome, except for the stupid amount of lag that happens. If the disease actually messed you up in some way or didn't reward you, I could understand the QQ about it. But you get x5 DNA Samples that you can easily dump off for 15k+. As far as my server goes, both the Rep and Imp sides have a "gathering place" where people go to get infected. You'll see some people running around elsewhere, but not many. I had a guy blow up on me while I was on the GTN and infected me. Netted me a smooth 15k as well as a good laugh. I'd much rather get goo'd with Rakghoul slime from a random player than have someone ninjaloot all the items off of a FP or Heroic. Ugh.

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Antidote should have been free. Not only fits better with the story (neither side would be charging to stop a plague that could destroy them).


Are you kidding?


If there was a cure to the zombie infection, you'd bet you butt that companies would try to profit off of it. What do you think war is far? Ideals? Pfffttttttt

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After three itirations and thousands of posts, this thread has devolved into straight-up trolling. There are a few of those complaining who have managed to stay relatively on point, and that's great. But the thread has been hijacked by several others that are only trying to instigate by insisting (1.) That those playing the game and participating in the world event and fulfilling quests given to them by Bioware are griefers or (2.) That there is no way around the plague and the vaccine is too expensive and people can't play the game if they don't want the plague..


Griefer is not some vague term you can twist to mean whatever you want. It has a concrete meaning. If I call someone a plumber, it means they work on plumbing. They fix toilets and sinks and sewer systems. If you call someone a griefer, it means they are intentionally and repeatedly harassing you and in a way not intended by the developers of the game. People who are participating in a world event and completing quests to infect others by exploding in the fleet are not griefers. You might as well be calling a school teacher a plumber. You are just using an incorrect word, and it seems more and more clear that it's being done simply to rile up those who are enjoying the event.


Suggesting that people can't choose not to be infected or "cured" is intentionally trolling the thread at this point. Dying from the plague does not cost you anything and actually rewards you. And if you want to opt out, there is vaccine that you can obtain for free by completing quests (or just asking in general chat on the fleet). The vaccine lasts a long time, and the only time it wouldn't be effective is in a warzone, where you are repeatedly dying. But if you are dying that fast, the plague doesn't kill you anyway, so it isn't an issue.

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Antidote should have been free. Not only fits better with the story (neither side would be charging to stop a plague that could destroy them).


My Bounty Hunter would be charging out the nose for vaccines. Heck, Gault would be making anti-plague amulets and snake oil.

So uhh...yeah. Anyone with any sense of money making would be charging like mad for this stuff.

ESPECIALLY the Government. This vaccine could fund MONTHS of campaigns and maybe change the course of the war.

Edited by Miyaka
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After three itirations and thousands of posts, this thread has devolved into straight-up trolling. There are a few of those complaining who have managed to stay relatively on point, and that's great. But the thread has been hijacked by several others that are only trying to instigate by insisting (1.) That those playing the game and participating in the world event and fulfilling quests given to them by Bioware are griefers or (2.) That there is no way around the plague and the vaccine is too expensive and people can't play the game if they don't want the plague..


Griefer is not some vague term you can twist to mean whatever you want. It has a concrete meaning. If I call someone a plumber, it means they work on plumbing. They fix toilets and sinks and sewer systems. If you call someone a griefer, it means they are intentionally and repeatedly harassing you and in a way not intended by the developers of the game. People who are participating in a world event and completing quests to infect others by exploding in the fleet are not griefers. You might as well be calling a school teacher a plumber. You are just using an incorrect word, and it seems more and more clear that it's being done simply to rile up those who are enjoying the event.


Suggesting that people can't choose not to be infected or "cured" is intentionally trolling the thread at this point. Dying from the plague does not cost you anything and actually rewards you. And if you want to opt out, there is vaccine that you can obtain for free by completing quests (or just asking in general chat on the fleet). The vaccine lasts a long time, and the only time it wouldn't be effective is in a warzone, where you are repeatedly dying. But if you are dying that fast, the plague doesn't kill you anyway, so it isn't an issue.


Just as a friendly reminder... from the forum Moderator..."[*]Keep in mind that everyone has different viewpoints. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're trolling. If you believe someone is trolling, please use the Flag function to report their post


So...because some disagrees with you does not mean they are trolling. So we do have tools to deal with trolling..use them. You may be surprised what BioWare considers as trolling. And it is not trolling when anyone states if you go to the Fleet and lag or take a while to zone in and get infected it does require you to ether purchase a stim or die..both of which should not be the options for those who wish not to take part in the plague. :)

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With all due respect, my solo choices are my own.


Forgive me, but you appear to be demanding that they be everyone elses as well (at the risk of labels not to be repeated here). Perhaps i'm misunderstanding. _Perhaps_ you might mean, "my solo wishes are my own"...in which case I could not agree with you more sir.

Edited by ChakraFive
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And it is not trolling when anyone states if you go to the Fleet and lag or take a while to zone in and get infected it does require you to ether purchase a stim or die..both of which should not be the options for those who wish not to take part in the plague. :)


What's the death penalty in this game again?


Oh, right. Six seconds staring at your lifeless corpse.


What do you get for dying from the plague? Six seconds out of your life and five items worth 2-5k each depending on your server market.


I'm not participating in the plague right now. I went out, did my dailies, bought my color crystal, then set my main on the side and started leveling an alt through Balmorra. For about an hour, until a friend came by for a surprise visit. Now we're just chilling watching a Braves game.


My opinion is anyone who's still trying to shut this down deserves every bit of hardship they think they're under. Watch one of those same people disagree with me. Bleh.

Edited by Malles
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What's the death penalty in this game again?


Oh, right. Six seconds staring at your lifeless corpse.


What do you get for dying from the plague? Six seconds out of your life and five items worth 2-5k each depending on your server market.


I'm not participating in the plague right now. I went out, did my dailies, bought my color crystal, then set my main on the side and started leveling an alt through Balmorra. For about an hour, until a friend came by for a surprise visit. Now we're just chilling watching a Braves game.


So much hardship :eek:


Ever consider other player's time is impotant also? Not knocking you for liking it or thinking the things which happen to you are minor in your view ...but donot automatically think it is no big deal to some because it is not to you.

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Forgive me, but you appear to be demanding that they be everyone elses as well. Perhaps i'm misunderstanding.


You are.


Unlike the OP, I am pro-event; simply wish the choice to remain out of it as it has little appeal to me. And all was fine and dandy until the Green Goo massacre at the Fleet Med Station. I was not asked; simply attacked in a Safe Zone on a PvE server.


For all other Missions, Players may send an Invite which may be accepted or declined. For this one which eventually cost me 2k and time, I only got slimed. And yes; it was Griefing.


Pls play the Event; simply remember that not everyone out there shares your enthusiasm for contagious disease, death exploits, and Social Commendations, let alone opinions about them.

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My opinion is anyone who's still trying to shut this down deserves every bit of hardship they think they're under. Watch one of those same people disagree with me. Bleh.


I have not once advocated shutting it down. Just adjusting a small bit how the plague is spread and I feel that was the whole point of the OP's original complaint.

Edited by Valkirus
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Not sure if it has been mentioned before but an easy fix for this would be to make the vaccine persist through death and extend the time it is effective for those who do not wish to participate in the event or for those who are done collecting DNA samples.


Otherwise I think the event is pretty cool beans.

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Ever consider other player's time is impotant also? Not knocking you for liking it or thinking the things which happen to you are minor in your view ...but donot automatically think it is no big deal to some because it is not to you.


True. Bleh.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned before but an easy fix for this would be to make the vaccine persist through death and extend the time it is effective for those who do not wish to participate in the event or for those who are done collecting DNA samples.


Otherwise I think the event is pretty cool beans.


Something along those lines have been suggested. And I think it is a good one...as long as they pass the vaccines out for free on the Fleet. :cool: Personally I would be willing to spend 2k credits ( or more ) for one which did persist thru death, But I donot think we should have to.

Edited by Valkirus
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Not sure if it has been mentioned before but an easy fix for this would be to make the vaccine persist through death and extend the time it is effective for those who do not wish to participate in the event or for those who are done collecting DNA samples.


Otherwise I think the event is pretty cool beans.


add to that a npc doctor/jedi healer giving out immunity at various points in the fleet and i think that would cover all the issues some people seem to have.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned before but an easy fix for this would be to make the vaccine persist through death and extend the time it is effective for those who do not wish to participate in the event or for those who are done collecting DNA samples.


Otherwise I think the event is pretty cool beans.


Several times in fact :), this is the third iteration of this thread. I think most are fine with that solution.

Edited by Lundli
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Several times in fact :), this is the third iteration of this thread. I think most are fine with that solution.


True. But sometimes you have to keep something fresh on the minds of those in charge so it does not die in File 13. Plus...some have not read this thread before and it gives them a chance to put thier input into it.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned before but an easy fix for this would be to make the vaccine persist through death and extend the time it is effective for those who do not wish to participate in the event or for those who are done collecting DNA samples.


Otherwise I think the event is pretty cool beans.


Very good idea and something I think most would agree to since you don't have to keep purchasing the vaccine if you die. You could buy it one day and its' good for that day.

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You are.


Unlike the OP, I am pro-event; simply wish the choice to remain out of it as it has little appeal to me. And all was fine and dandy until the Green Goo massacre at the Fleet Med Station. I was not asked; simply attacked in a Safe Zone on a PvE server.


For all other Missions, Players may send an Invite which may be accepted or declined. For this one which eventually cost me 2k and time, I only got slimed. And yes; it was Griefing.


Pls play the Event; simply remember that not everyone out there shares your enthusiasm for contagious disease, death exploits, and Social Commendations, let alone opinions about them.


Well, seems more like you insist you should be left completely spotlessly out of it even in the slightest regard and for the relatively short period of time this event will run, where as the event is 10 days or so and offers numerous ways to mitigate, so not sure I share your view that turning that around is in any way equal...you see? Absolute perfection for your concept...short duration with much thought toward your comfort on the other end?


Indeed, there may be creative ways to improve without botching the actual event, so let's hope there are lessons learned and better times ahead.


But it really does come across that you are insisting that nothing should stray one bit outside your expectations. Total control of your game play choices.... even if it be brief, and relatively minor (although you clearly don't seem to see it as such). That sir does indeed seem to be insisting that everyone who doesn't see things your way get in line just as much as the other way around.


the fact that you won't entertain that this thing goes both ways dependent on where you stand seems to leave your position looking just a bit rigid.


I have to say that I do hope BW finds creativity to keep you happy, but not at the cost of the concept that we are indeed all in this game world together. Keeping things sterilized for those who wish to not rub elbows with the great unwashed has a place, to an extent...but sharing the world and what others do and enjoy, though sometimes a pain, is really part of the experience. And I am a solo'er as well, so I do indeed understand not wanting to get ganked and griefed.....I just don't mind giving the game a little room for a while if it makes with the happy so much.


That's enough for me, have the last world sir. good luck with the bubble.

Edited by ChakraFive
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Outside of PvP and hardmode Operations, there is no area of the game that requires "twitch" gameplay.....


I hesitated to get into this but I think some enlightenment might be due here. Some folks have problems with movement, using mouse/keyboard. Might be arthritis or a rheumatic issue or something altogether else. And most people who deal with ailments/issues like this don't like to give in to them so they keep trying either because they don't wish to be totally sidelined or because it's helpful to keep moving.


Personally, I cannot use a mouse, I have to use a trackball. I use as many hotkeys as I can but some of the keystroke combinations are problematic. Now, I love gaming! But I also don't want to hold others back on days when I'm not at my best. PvP generally isn't a good thing nor is anything that requires quick movement. Big difference between me getting myself mashed because I couldn't get ctrl-1 hit fast enough and getting a group squarshed.


So, I can see where he's coming from (even though I disagree with his stance on the event :D )

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Not surprising some players have found a way to make this an advantage to getting the new pets also. I ran into a guild group of 5 that came to try for an egg in the nest I was in, after 20 mins of insults summoning and resummoning their hoverbikes they found a sure fire way to remove everyone but their group from the nest, rakghoul plague!
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It's a really simple thing to do. Just stick an NPC on the fleet to talk to, and once the conversation is done you get permanent immunity to the plague that persists through death. Those that want the event can have their fun. Those that don't want to be part of it don't have to deal with it.


Why is that a bad thing?


I don't think it is. An NPC or a stim/vaccine, whatever. I love this event, having a great deal of fun with it. It's an MMO and I love it when MMOs toss s wrench into the works; livens things up, makes us break out of that routine. I also know that some people hate that. Give 'em an option!

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Well, seems more like you insist you should be left completely spotlessly out of it even in the slightest regard and for the relatively short period of time this event will run, where as the event is 10 days or so and offers numerous ways to mitigate, so not sure I share your view that turning that around is in any way equal...you see? Absolute perfection for your concept...short duration with much thought toward your comfort on the other end?




Sorry..I still donot think you get it. And 10 days is a short time? Once again even time is a relative thing. We all donot view time in the same way and 10 days of having to deal with what he feels is a hassle is still his time. And ways to mitigate the infection are not acceptable to some when they feel measures could have been taken to prevent the hassle in the first place. I still think this idea of it spearding all over the Fleet is totally silly. But that is just my opinion of course.

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I don't think it is. An NPC or a stim/vaccine, whatever. I love this event, having a great deal of fun with it. It's an MMO and I love it when MMOs toss s wrench into the works; livens things up, makes us break out of that routine. I also know that some people hate that. Give 'em an option!


You have the type of attitude I love to see. :)

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