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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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What's the big deal? If you don't like it just keep doin what you normally do. If you get infected who cares? Doesn't stop you from playing. If it kills you just Rez yourself and move on. You don't have to buy the stim cure. Just ignore it.


How does this hurt or slow you down? It doesn't.


For myself, the big deal was that this was not a PvP area, and I do not play on a PvP server. Yet, due to the actions of a Griefer, I was forced into an event I would have rather avoided.


Unlike the OP, I do not mind the event itself; tis the Griefing that spurs my complaints.

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It's really a great idea. I'm loving the event. Perhaps, it just needs some tweaks:


• Exploding on fleet not being possible.


  • This creates a situation where a player who wants to be part of the event has a choice to become involved, and not having to pay money for an item to cure it; or waste time going to get it, if they do not.
  • People will no longer be able to stand in a group and get more DNA than actually doing the daily quests.
  • This will populate, more, a world pvp area that has, thus far, needed it dearly.


• Killing one's self off a cliff, while fevered, won't result in DNA


  1. Character an hero will become exploited the more people realize that it's a more efficient way to gain DNA, than doing the quests. The current situation minimizes the true nature of the event; to spread to other players. If I can just jump off a cliff, then why bother finding someone to fight?
  2. Players will have to go out and do some player/player interaction, instead of buy cheap 2K DNAs off of trade; which will more than likely go down to 100 credits each if this isn't fixed. At that point, the event area will be all but abandoned.


I suppose these are my biggest areas of concern.


TL;DR: End the ability to explode on fleet.

Edited by Partyrockk
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I find it interesting that people using in game mechanics as intended...are suddenly evil griefers who only exist to ruin everyone's day, and they probably kick puppies too.


I think that they didn't anticipate some of the ways people are handling the infection.


I also think it was a mistake for them to encourage people to infect others by making it a quest, for at least two reasons.


First, some people were bound to not like it. Sure, one can argue that it's up to BioWare how they want the game to be played, but I'd say that they also want there to be as much harmony and good spirits on the servers as possible, and this really needlessly makes some - even if a minority - unhappy.


Second, its entirely inconsistent with the plotline they've written up. Both the republic and empire are issuing strict instructions to limit the plague. Perhaps if they'd assigned (heavy) light and dark side values to infecting others/not trying to curb the infection, it would make more sense. As it is, everyone is being encouraged to disobey their faction.

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I was wondering if/when Bioware was gonna start doing in game events, and then this happened. Its awesome!

As always you're gonna have those that are gonna wanna cry about it though. I just wish that all the people that are threatening to ragequit over stupid things would go through and do it, leave the rest of us that are enjoying the game here to enjoy it.

Then, if you do ragequit, stick to your guns and don't come back to flame us all the time, you hate the game, we get it, you quit, good for you, leave us alone. Sometimes I wish you had to have a paid sub to post on these forums.... /rant

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I find it interesting that people using in game mechanics as intended...are suddenly evil griefers who only exist to ruin everyone's day, and they probably kick puppies too.


I would love to hear from a Dev if it was their intent to have hundreds of people standing around the space station 24/7 blowing up on each other.....


That really doesn't sound like much of an event....


A better way of doing it would of been to have maybe a few NPC's spawn infected on the station and players would have to kill them before they exploded on you.... if you killed them then you would get 5 dna.... if you get infected you would have to be cleansed by a healer or buy a Stim....


Would of been more realistic then 100 people standing in one spot exploding non stop...

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It's really a great idea. I'm loving the event. Perhaps, it just needs some tweaks:


• Exploding on fleet not being possible.


  • This creates a situation where a player who wants to be part of the event has a choice to become involved, and not having to pay money for an item to cure it; or waste time going to get it, if they do not.
  • People will no longer be able to stand in a group and get more DNA than actually doing the daily quests.
  • This will populate, more, a world pvp area that has, thus far, needed it dearly.


• Killing one's self off a cliff, while fevered, won't result in DNA


  1. Character an hero will become exploited the more people realize that it's a more efficient way to gain DNA, than doing the quests. The current situation minimizes the true nature of the event; to spread to other players. If I can just jump off a cliff, then why bother finding someone to fight?
  2. Players will have to go out and do some player/player interaction, instead of buy cheap 2K DNAs off of trade; which will more than likely go down to 100 credits each if this isn't fixed. At that point, the event area will be all but abandoned.


I suppose these are my biggest areas of concern.


TL;DR: End the ability to explode on fleet.

Is this not reasonable? Seems like a clear fix that should be implemented tomorrow.

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I find it interesting that people using in game mechanics as intended...are suddenly evil griefers who only exist to ruin everyone's day, and they probably kick puppies too.


Probably stepped in a couple of poodles of Green Goo....




Events good; Griefing bad.

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I find it interesting that people using in game mechanics as intended...are suddenly evil griefers who only exist to ruin everyone's day, and they probably kick puppies too.


At least they've stopped calling us "terrorists", using slurs is never a good way to argue ones viewpoint.

Edited by Lundli
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I was wondering if/when Bioware was gonna start doing in game events, and then this happened. Its awesome!

As always you're gonna have those that are gonna wanna cry about it though. I just wish that all the people that are threatening to ragequit over stupid things would go through and do it, leave the rest of us that are enjoying the game here to enjoy it.

Then, if you do ragequit, stick to your guns and don't come back to flame us all the time, you hate the game, we get it, you quit, good for you, leave us alone. Sometimes I wish you had to have a paid sub to post on these forums.... /rant


Remember that the more people that quit, the worse the game is. As an MMO, its dependent on population to be as fun as it can be. Of course, as a game with at least some questions about longevity, it also needs people in order to stay afloat.


I'd just ask you to try and understand that some people simply don't like some aspects of this event, and that's just as fine as the fact that some people like flashpoints while others don't - people are all entitled to their own opinion of what they find fun or irritating.


These people have as much right to enjoy the game as you do, and BW values them too. I'd expect that over time, BW will try to offer various things which appeal to all people, even if they can't do any one thing that everyone will like all at once. AS they do, perhaps you'll hate something some time and want to express your opinion - and that will be entirely within your rights! Others will enjoy it, and you will not, and eventually something new will come up again that you do like. That's how it will go.

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I would love to hear from a Dev if it was their intent to have hundreds of people standing around the space station 24/7 blowing up on each other.....


That really doesn't sound like much of an event....


A better way of doing it would of been to have maybe a few NPC's spawn infected on the station and players would have to kill them before they exploded on you.... if you killed them then you would get 5 dna.... if you get infected you would have to be cleansed by a healer or buy a Stim....


Would of been more realistic then 100 people standing in one spot exploding non stop...


Actually, as someone who hates the plague mechanic because of how's its changed fleet, I must say I really love this idea. It would be not only more fun than what they have now, but also just plain FUN in general, not to mention far more consistent with the in-game story of the Republic/Empire being against, rather than for, the spreading of the plague.

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Why not just end explosion on fleet?


Seems that would take care of ALL complains, and boost the entertainment value for those wanting to engage in it.


At the moment, it's like a tax, and a waste of time, to have to go to a vendor on tat to get cured and not die. Let's say you're about to go do an operation and go through fleet on your way there. .... GAH! you got the plague.


"Sec, guys, I have to go to tat to get cured.. "


The problem ends when exploding on fleet is fixed.

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LOL is this whinefest still going on? It's not going away, so get used to it. And for every 1 person that threatens to quit over this, 100 ppl will enjoy the crap out of it, and 5 ppl will resub to check it out.


And even I, a casual reader of the forums, can see that it's the same 4-5 ppl whinging about it.

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Why not just end explosion on fleet?


Seems that would take care of ALL complains, and boost the entertainment value for those wanting to engage in it.


At the moment, it's like a tax, and a waste of time, to have to go to a vendor on tat to get cured and not die. Let's say you're about to go do an operation and go through fleet on your way there. .... GAH! you got the plague.


"Sec, guys, I have to go to tat to get cured.. "


The problem ends when exploding on fleet is fixed.


You can buy vaccines on the main fleet station.

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It is rather pointless and not funny at all.



But that is because I had some quite bad experiences in the beautiful but painfully long Dune Sea when leveling.


I don't want to set foot on Tat again anytime soon.

Edited by Socialist
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Why not just end explosion on fleet?


Seems that would take care of ALL complains, and boost the entertainment value for those wanting to engage in it.


At the moment, it's like a tax, and a waste of time, to have to go to a vendor on tat to get cured and not die. Let's say you're about to go do an operation and go through fleet on your way there. .... GAH! you got the plague.


"Sec, guys, I have to go to tat to get cured.. "


The problem ends when exploding on fleet is fixed.


The vaccine are sold by all simvendors and med. droids.

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there's always someone who's going to complain about something. This event is something the majority of players really enjoys. It's a shame you don't and even worse that you're focusing on such a small part of it and not the whole event. The Event which now has dailies is definately NOT just getting infected an blowing up. If you played the game more and did less complaining on the forums and actually PLAYED the game (the forum game is not actually part of the game) you'd know this.
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The event is amusing. I'm glad people are enjoying. Have your event!


HOWEVER - THERE IS AN ISSUE when you have a couple hundred people standing mobbing the medical droid as well as the spot where people zone in using their fleet pass (speaking Imperial side, I haven't tried Republic side yet), and 1) you can't find the droid to GET the vaccine/stim/cure/whatever and 2) you can't get OUT of the mob of people because the screen is so congested it's hard to tell which way is up, down or sideways...


At least move away from the damn medical droid and stop clogging and spamming the fleet pass spawn area! Common courtesy please?


It's NOT fun! especially if someone has a low level that is newly arrived to the fleet and might not have enough to buy whatever. It's like the Ghoul plague from WoW - for some it's fun, for some it's profitable, but for many it's just an annoyance that while unique, makes it difficult for them to play.



Disclaimer: I'm not ragequitting, unsubbing, or leaving TOR. I love it. I'm just frustrated at the moment.

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I don't really mind the event all that much. Its actually kinda interesting seeing those green explosions. Its also a way to get a rare color crystal without spending a single credit (travel fees don't count). Lastly Rakghoul pet.........
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You can buy vaccines on the main fleet station.

Fair enough, but it's still a waste of time. A tax, when you hop on fleet.


Regardless, the event is nullified by the fact you can gain MUCH more DNA by just chilling on fleet, than taking part, actively, in the dailies.

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In fact, I amend my statement.



Like with anything in a MMO, this event rather disappoints not because BW did it poorly. The idea is rather great, but once again the pathetic Average Joe MMo player players ruined it.



And there are plenty of 'your average MMO players'.

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there's always someone who's going to complain about something. This event is something the majority of players really enjoys. It's a shame you don't and even worse that you're focusing on such a small part of it and not the whole event. The Event which now has dailies is definately NOT just getting infected an blowing up. If you played the game more and did less complaining on the forums and actually PLAYED the game (the forum game is not actually part of the game) you'd know this.


I have actually been doing the dailies and find them fun. Unfortunately, as another poster said, you can currently gain the DNA at greater efficiency simply by standing in a pack and exploding repeatedly. For this reason, folks are doing that instead of participating in the remainder of the event. I can't even find people to do the world bosses, partly for this reason.


Please understand, it's not a matter of people just "going to complain about something." I, for one, have not complained about a single thing in this game to this point. It's just that this plague genuinely makes my gaming experience less fun, and so naturally I am going to express my disappointment. I think that's only fair, and I'd hope you were given the same respect if you wanted to explain why you were not having fun with some particular aspect of the game.

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there's always someone who's going to complain about something. This event is something the majority of players really enjoys. It's a shame you don't and even worse that you're focusing on such a small part of it and not the whole event. The Event which now has dailies is definately NOT just getting infected an blowing up. If you played the game more and did less complaining on the forums and actually PLAYED the game (the forum game is not actually part of the game) you'd know this.

I think it's less "complaint" than offers of solutions to make the event something that requires the player to actually "do something". If there are no explosions on fleet, then you have to chose to participate to earn DNA.


At the moment, there are price gougers selling the cure on fleet, and people exploding right where you enter.


I really don't care that much, I'd just rather have an event like this require some kind of .. movement, at least. Right now the event is just this:


Stand on fleet and die. Sell DNA to players who haven't even done a daily for a lower and lower price (soon it will be like 5K credits to get both crystal and pet), rinse and repeat.


The event is fun, but let's just shift it to something that requires activity, and as a bi-product, a way to avoid it if it's a hindrance to your possibly limited gameplay time.

Edited by Partyrockk
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you can currently gain the DNA at greater efficiency simply by standing in a pack and exploding repeatedly. For this reason, folks are doing that instead of participating in the remainder of the event. I can't even find people to do the world bosses, partly for this reason.


Spot on. I couldn't agree more.

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