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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please let us have 12 characters per server.


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With 1.2's LEGACY, 1 crafting crew skill per character, multiple class & Specs PLUS Empire or Republic 8 character slots just does NOT cut it.


I like to have all the crafting skills so my characters can support each other... that takes up 6 character slots (because we are only allowed 1 crafting crew skill per character.) So I have 6 toons in 1 faction and 2 open slots. If I want to re-roll the other faction I would have to start on a DIFFERENT server and start a whole NEW Legacy.


PLEASE INCREASE the amount of Character slots to 12 so we can have 6 Empire & 6 Republic in the SAME LEGACY ... or Let Us have multiple Crafting crew skills per toon. Thanks.

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I have 8 characters created (not played all) but for "legacy" reasons I'd like to have at least one more :D

I don't really want to delete characters becouse I want to play trough all class stories on the long run (I'm not hurry anywhere, planning on years to come). But also, as a family tree, and RP reasons, I'd like to have one more char.

"*deap breath* problematic..."

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I don't support 12 characters per server...


... I support 16 or more!


Some players want to experience all of the game (including all classes and voice acting) on the same server.


Sooner rather than later please.

Edited by llesna
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I am for this. I currently want to play all 16, but unfortunately to do so, I would have to go to another server. While this may not have been a big issue before 1.2, now it is. I hate that I would lose my Legacy unlocks.


16 slots would be awesome and if you had to charge for it, provided it was reasonable, I would gladly pay for it. Please note that free is better :D

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I don't support 12 characters per server...


... I support 16 or more!


Some players want to experience all of the game (including all classes and voice acting) on the same server.


Sooner rather than later please.


I too would like the 16 character slots per server as I had already made the full 8 on my main server all Imperials, and the second 8 on my other server all Republic. I don't want to delete characters just for Legacy purposes that were included after the fact.


Unless they do an account wide Legacy System, I will sadly miss out on the cross faction advantages.


Note that all of these characters were created before the Legacy was even introduced, so there was no way to foresee the issue that arose from the implementation of the Legacy System.


Why 8 of each faction (all Imperial/all Republic) on the different servers. Well I started with all imperial, then with a Codex problem on loading I was told to go to another server for a while, a couple of times, and decided to see the Republic story arcs and the different choices involved. ( There is nothing like a DS Assassin, Juggernaut, Sniper, and LS Sorcerer, Operative, Marauder, and Republic Counterparts :))

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