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RP community on Lord Calypho ?


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Hello everyone,


Do you think there'll be an active roleplay community on Lord Calypho, or do you think it'll be like any other PvP server ?


It's look like all the roleplayers are going on the "super" server The Progenitor.


So I must choose between Roleplay (Progenitor) and PvP (Calypho), I can't have both ?


(Pardon me if there's some mistakes, English is not my native language)

Edited by Tharukor
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Hello everyone,


Do you think there'll be an active roleplay community on Lord Calypho, or do you think it'll be like any other PvP server ?


It will only have an active RP community if people (like yourself :p) contribute to make it so. Don't go expect it to happen by itself. If everyone did that it would never happen. ;P

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I agree, but it seems that most of the roleplay community is going on the so called Super server.


I just wanted to know if there's some RP guild who went against the stream and choose the RP-PvP server.


[Edit] I found this thread, that's a start.



So what? We can create an RP community here as well. Just because many people go there it dosen't necessarily mean it will be a better server. But the choice is yours obviously.


As for me, i can't imagine having RP without the PvP. I mean seriously, imagine being a sith, seeing a jedi and not being able to attack him/her? That makes no sense imo. :p


So i plan to stay on Lord Calypho at least.

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I'm on Lord Calypho as well. Not seen much rp but to be honest rp in mmorpgs tends to be more active with players who have reached max level and are expanding on their experience, So although there isn't much rp at the moment I would imagine a few weeks down the line it will start to increase.
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Ord Mantell Mercenaries, http://ordmantellmerc.blogspot.com


a heavy RP-PVP Empire guild that also focus on comedy and humor


I really thought that we would have far stronger RP communty than on RP-PVE servers. They have about 6 RP-PVE servers where all roleplayers splitted on 6 servers, when we are who enjoy RP-PVP are concentrated on one server. I hope they do not open a new RP-PVP server. What is really disturbes me that is I do not see a RP guilds announces from our server. I came here to make annouce, and saw "Oh my god mine is only announce of RP guild on Lord Calypho". That makes me feel empty so much work can go for nothing.

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I've seen 0 role play (shame as it's why I picked the server). Just people talking about their jobs and "wats the best way to complete X Quest?" :confused:

Today, after 4 or so days, I finally got to do some roleplaying on Lord Calypho. With a noble jedi knight, after a duel that I lost (thanks for both the duela and the conversation BTW).

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I've seen a little of the RP guilds. I'm not really in one of those, and to be honest am in the "its too early to RP" as i'm still blundering around and trying to sort out living without macros for little sayings etc...


I'd like to friends list some active RP'rs on Lord Calypho and count me in... in the near future when i've got a level 50 and figured out how to pass a huttball


much love to all Lord Calypho RP'rs

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I'm on lord calypho and I love to RP (discreetly, if my friends found out I would be ridiculed).


It's the first time I've RP'd in a non fantasy setting and I find it so much easier to not worry about olde english terms etc and talking like a knight.


I would never roleplay in general chat though or expect others to, but if somebody walks up to me and roleplays in /say I will slip into character and banter a bit.

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Someone told me that Lord Calypho was added later than the other RP server, it wasn't available for pre-launch guild.

That could explain why there's not a lot of RP guild on it.

All the European RP guild have been dispatched to either The Progenitor or Trask Ulgo.


Hopefully other Rp guild will be conceived after launch.


I hope they'll add the server forum soon...

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I actually roleplayed through 22 levels on every step I made so far and I am loving it, building a relation with other characters through events and fights we go through, and all the same the Flashpoints were ABSOLUTE BLAST with strong roleplay involved in it (even when they took like three hours to complete with it).


And I do have a positive response if I start roleplaying with someone, they rarely do "lol go 4w4y" at me. Instead people just tag in, if prompted, including random pickup into Flashpoint.


There is still way less roleplay than I would like, but I guess others like to rush and "consume the game" in a week. I am lover of slower pace with roleplay - each to their own.


And yes, I do have a roleplay guild in plan and if you are looking, just contact me in game when I am on, my name same as here is Saide on Republic side. I got no recruitment thread as I like to recruit IC in world.


Also, I have seen some less than fortunate name on our server, example being two people working together, which two names combined formed a popular drinks company name. *cough cough*


All in all, roleplay is not lost on Calypho, no, and it is not your usual PvP server. Oh, and Calypho was on the server list from the start, but following the pre-launch looking for guild thread and looking for members thread, it was obvious that there is way less PvP-RPers than PvE-RPers generally, I also believe I was almost the only one offering a PvP-RP guild for people in whole europe selection (can be wrong there though).

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The lack of server forums is not helping too, much more difficult to organize events, create feuds between guilds/chars and so on.


But I'm sure that the rp community will evolve in the next months also here.

If you are a loyal imperial and wish to rp, add me (Daernar) or write me in-game.

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I think that roleplay on SWTOR is a lot different than what expected on other games, like for example World of Warcraft.


The storyline is so exiting, and so immersive, that I find myself roleplaying alone, while doing my quest all the time.

Maybe if I was playing together with another person I'd also roleplay with this other person, but at the moment, i'm having a blast, alone. Wich is the first time for my part in a MMO as I'm usualy very sociable person.


I've been at the event the other day, but for some technical issue, I've not be able to really engage anything. Roleplay always take a little time to start up, and really I missed teh start and didn't find a way to really get into it. And I noticed that I had having a lot more fun doing my quest and my roleplay alone, than participating to a cantina party. Which wasn't the case in World of Warcraft, to take this example again.


So, I think that roleplay here can take another dimension. Will be nice to think about it, and to not let our mind stuck with our previous experience. It's a new game, and in term of roleplay the experience can be very different.

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I've spammed this in a few threads already, but I'll do it again because word needs to spread! I made an RP channel on Calypho Empire side and already got quite a few people in, having nice chats about stuff. To join, just type /cjoin RP and join in on the fun! And tell your friends too - but remember to keep it civil. We want to build a friendly, warm RP community. No-one likes drama.


Seeya there!


- Zaheed, imperial snipah!


Edit: by the way, someone should do this on republic too. I think the command to create a channel is /create channelname or /ccreate channelname, not sure :o

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So what? We can create an RP community here as well. Just because many people go there it dosen't necessarily mean it will be a better server. But the choice is yours obviously.


As for me, i can't imagine having RP without the PvP. I mean seriously, imagine being a sith, seeing a jedi and not being able to attack him/her? That makes no sense imo. :p


So i plan to stay on Lord Calypho at least.


What happens when you get killed by that Jedi? How will you explain that to yourself? (being and RPer, you died, what's next? How are you able to come back to life?)

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What happens when you get killed by that Jedi? How will you explain that to yourself? (being and RPer, you died, what's next? How are you able to come back to life?)


I like to imagine being killed in world PvP as simply being incapacitated or wounded so badly you need to retreat. That way you don't need to roll a new character every time Jedipwnagexx ganks you, but being defeated also has impact on you IC. ;)

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