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Everything posted by Saide

  1. Understood and apology! Glad you do not have to witness what is "throughout description" or "long description" in my books. Very well, here goes: Moonlight Concordat Short description: Heavy RP/world PvP guild with focus on less heroic and darker tales in the world of Star Wars with a theme of a shadow organization with strong loyalties towards the Republic. All recruitment in world, open for all classes and alignments.
  2. Guild name: Moonlight Concordat Guild leader and contacts: Saide Short description: Republic side. - Any alignment (as the guild will walk rather gray path) - Heavy RP guild (means this: Liking stories darker and dramatic, while the members are not heroes of the world, but rather small people caught in bigger events - line soldiers, common members of the Order, or simply civilians caught in the course of events of late) - General theme: A shadow organization loyal to Republic (sorry, will have to roleplay with us to find out more) - Recruitment In Character - No class restrictions - No attendance requirement - No need to share anything about your real life - OOC Guild chat - Very little tolerance towards OOC drama in ranks from the leader (me), playing the game to relax, yanno. Guild website: No we do not have one. We might have one one day, but would rather be working just in-game. In case of question, either send me PM here or contact me OOCly through tell in game. Other links: -none- Faction: Republic
  3. To add my few cents, last time on MMO, I migrated pretty fast to RP-PvP servers when they opened. If for a simple fact that I could not stand people taunting me in their non-PvP form on PvE server, and I could not react to it appropriately. While on PvP server, taunting someone might as well mean you force their hand to attack. Same as those of enemy ranks walking in our towns with PvP unflagged and me, playing a defender of that said region could only watch and cry. What I have actually seen in PvP driven enviroment was a tense diplomatic standoff between warring sides (even when we had to use a translator in form of two people translating on Skype for each side, playing that these two were the only ones knowing both languages). And add to it, the great feeling when you roleplay WHILE you defeat some core PvP griefer along that said roleplay, that is a sweet sweet thing to happen. And lastly, last few years I roleplayed in consent driven enviroment in a game with almost no PvP mechanics that would be any worth. I have to say, the consent can be one of the most griefing and immersion shattering tools ever to happen to roleplay world. So to sum it up: World happens - characters react.
  4. Oh that would be great if all roleplayers did not leave Calypho, I would feel kinda lonely there...
  5. 1. From the depths of roleplay community, I beg, please please, make the chairs in cantinas usable for sitting in some near patches. Interactive enviroment in general is making the place more believable, easier to immerse in and enjoyable. It is the small details that often count. Chairs would be great start. 2. Nah, no 2, I am happy about the content so far and smooth launch too. Good work there BW.
  6. Will just say "never too early", Roleplayed through every step of 22 levels, and it was a blast, enhanced the story content greatly. And while I do not take all the events of the main story to my character background, I use the reduced version of the vent in less epic proportion to form a part of personality. The truth is, it is not about those events to the letter, but learning own character reactions and letting it take over through it. Same as forming bonds with other characters around from the ground, instead of suddenly being a SUPERMEGASITHLORD at the start of my roleplay who however knows no one in his or her solitude. So yes, to repeat the point: "Never too early to roleplay".
  7. I actually roleplayed through 22 levels on every step I made so far and I am loving it, building a relation with other characters through events and fights we go through, and all the same the Flashpoints were ABSOLUTE BLAST with strong roleplay involved in it (even when they took like three hours to complete with it). And I do have a positive response if I start roleplaying with someone, they rarely do "lol go 4w4y" at me. Instead people just tag in, if prompted, including random pickup into Flashpoint. There is still way less roleplay than I would like, but I guess others like to rush and "consume the game" in a week. I am lover of slower pace with roleplay - each to their own. And yes, I do have a roleplay guild in plan and if you are looking, just contact me in game when I am on, my name same as here is Saide on Republic side. I got no recruitment thread as I like to recruit IC in world. Also, I have seen some less than fortunate name on our server, example being two people working together, which two names combined formed a popular drinks company name. *cough cough* All in all, roleplay is not lost on Calypho, no, and it is not your usual PvP server. Oh, and Calypho was on the server list from the start, but following the pre-launch looking for guild thread and looking for members thread, it was obvious that there is way less PvP-RPers than PvE-RPers generally, I also believe I was almost the only one offering a PvP-RP guild for people in whole europe selection (can be wrong there though).
  8. The first and foremost issue in this case is without a doubt the fact that many people do not know what the RP in Pve-RP and PvP-RP server tag means. "Real Pleasure"? "Rare Purples?" " - Wow, I gotta join a server with that bonus!!" So all RP servers have pretty decent population of non-RPers... if that was not the case, considering the numbers of actual RP community (just check the server ratios), we would probably need just one RP server for each time zone offered. That one probably calls to BW, though did not see any game solving this issue yet. With that said, consolidation, strengthening and focusing the community on one server is probably a great idea to make sure there is in fact a steady flow of roleplay happening. Even when I understand it sucks if it is not the server I picked. I guess if not reroll, only option is to wait for possible character transfers later. But then you will be missing the stage that is now - birth of the community, which is the best time to be in one, before all kinds of drama-llamas inevitably invade the community.
  9. While generally most non-English countries of Europe actually teaches one another language (now, but was not always the case) as a norm of basic education, let me also state that not everyone learns those languages well. I know several people from my surroundings that do not speak any of the three languages offered by Bioware at any useful level for communication, while understanding the story while reading it(somewhat). The reason is simple - reading English is way easier than constructing English. For instance Slavic language group forms a sentence in completely different order, has different timing, you name it - world of difference. So while picking words one by one and making them into sense works, trying to formulate own sentences and spending ten minutes with dictionary and then pulling off just a half sane sentence might be quite a lot to demand of someone who came to relax to a game (after school where he was tortured with foreign languages half of the day possibly). In the end, I am asking you all who complain to have patience. When I was at school back in the day, there was no English education in my country, only Russian and German. When first teachers emerged after revolution of '89, they were often just one lesson ahead of their students. Yes, that generation is still alive and gaming too That said, due to lack of good chances on education in English, I learned all my English you can read from me here and that you would hear from me in reality exclusively from computer games (given the fact my grammar took a hit when I started playing MMOs with actual native English speakers, cause many of you folks just **** your own language to no end, good example was one of the previous posters). Based on that experience, I claim that the situation will smoothen up over months. The language will likely pass on the players a bit as they play and they will become more confident to communicate in English (or whatever server language they picked), especially on servers without huge foreign language communities. Necessity is a good teacher. Wall text end. -Saide PS: Whoever believes that BW will ban half of Europe paying them good money to play their game just for not knowing English/German/French must live in a different world where money means nothing.
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