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force users cunning.


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I would like to talk about the least respect part of force users(jedi and sith)

There cunning.


I read time after time again vadar was the strongest no sidous was no luke was no yoda etc etc etc.


All arugmants are about how strong they where in the force.....


While here is a little supirse for you:


The force doesnt make you a god!!!!!


darth sidous use manipulation to wipe out the jedi,

Luke skywalker turn vadar while the rebel FLEET not skywalker(both of them) blew up the death star.


Count douku convince many to turn agains the republic,

Qui-gon-gin trick waldo into giving him annikan and the parts he need he didnt threaten him with a lightsaber(like sith would)


So lets talk about the thing that jedi and sith have over eatchother.


There mentality.


Discuss who is the smarter(not stronger) of the 2 culture's.

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