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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Astromech Ship Droid doesn't offer Slicing Components?


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I have biochem, bioanalysis, and slicing on my 50. Need less to say BW only thinks that 10 of the 12 crafting skills are allowed to have bonuses. Also the only bonus I qualify for is +2 efficiency, which is next to useless when you craft in bulk or crafting while logged off. To take advantage of the seconds you are saving you need an absurd amount of mats, and to be playing the game the second your order ends. Both of which are unlikely and unpractical. I guess everyone cant have +crit, but if you gonna shaft 3 professions don't make them highly paired professions. I guess BW really does hate Biochem and Slicing. Edited by Tipkaee
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