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Has anyone else never even seen a Star wars movie...?


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Well, at the risk of being labeled a 'fanboy', I think putting Star Wars into perspective helps you understand some of the more dodgy bits about it. The movie was Lucas's love letter to the serials (like the original runs of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon). Serials were highly stylized, cheaply produced, very action packed short films that preceded the features in movie theaters back from the silent era into the mid-50s or so.


It wasn't intended to be high art. It was a crazy, B-movie mash-up of Flash Gordon and Samurai movies. The fact that it was a huge success seemed to floor everybody involved and Lucas had to pull the sequels out of his rump and pretend he had a grand vision all along.


Basically, you have to put your brain on autopilot and just enjoy them for what they are. (And that helps make the prequels a lot more palatable, too. Well, that and skipping any Jar Jar scene and any scene where 'Ani' emotes.) But still worth watching even by 'modern' standards, in my opinion.


(As are the serials and for that matter, the Kurosawa movies they borrowed some structure from.)


I'm not gong to pretend I know enough about the history of the makings of the films to verify or discredit the majority of this notion.


However, the original movie was never intended as a "B-movie mash-up." George Lucas formed the early version of the story, influenced by Flash Gordon, but when he rewrote the story after being told that it was too complicated, he borrowed heavily from Akira Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress."


In the end, his so-called space opera was a jumbled piece of garbage with only a handful of great ideas, and was completely overhauled by a couple of his screen writers, whose names escape me at the moment.


Also, the original script was too long for a single movie, so was broken up into three movies. The assertion that he rushed out the other two movies when the first did so well is just blatantly untrue.

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Yeah, at this point it's like, "Does it really matter?" It's more of an academic argument than anything else :p


The important point is that Star Wars is fantastic, and no human being should grow up never having seen it.


My dad sat me down when I was 10 years old and made me watch the first movie. When it was done, I was begging for him to show me the others.

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Yeah, at this point it's like, "Does it really matter?" It's more of an academic argument than anything else :p


The important point is that Star Wars is fantastic, and no human being should grow up never having seen it.


My dad sat me down when I was 10 years old and made me watch the first movie. When it was done, I was begging for him to show me the others.


why is your text so blue? it hurts my eyes.

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I know a girl through my latest education that had never seen Star Wars until everyone else told her to go and watch them. She watched the first three and loved them kept telling us how much she liked Yoda and Chewbacca.


My point is there are still plenty of people who haven't seen any of the films the sooner we lead them to the films the better the world may become. (World being full of people who like Star Wars doesn't make it better just more interesting)


I like all the Star Wars films, Episode II grates on me quite a bit all that moaning and ************, but other then that they are all quite good so long as you don't mind a popcorn flick, essentially if you like the crap that is being made today you should like Star Wars, even though during the first one Mark Hamill still hadn't learned how to give dialogue.


Mark Hamill has become brilliant at dialogue and is now my favorite voice actor but his performance in the first film was not good especially during the scene with the prison break and trash compactor.


EDIT: When I say first film and first three I am refering to those that are part of the Original Trilogy IV, V, VI

Edited by Angarl
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There's someone at my work who's never seen Star Wars....I don't know why it seems odd for a person never to have seen them, but it does :p I suppose if you ask a person to "name a science fiction movie", then 'Star Wars' is very likely to be one of the ones mentioned. It's such a huge and instantly recognisable part of pop-culture that it does seem odd to meet people who aren't aquainted with it.


I suppose, by comparison, I meet people who are surprised that I don't watch "Lost" or "True Blood" or "24" or any of the other modern day pop-culture shows. But I do feel, at least a little, that people who didn't see Star Wars when they were younger just sort of missed out on something :)


Anyone who didn't see the prequal trilogy missed out on nothing whatsoever :cool:

Edited by Seraphina_Aizen
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I haven't, and have no intentions to.


I love MMO's of all types, so i will probably love this too.. am I the only non-nerd who's going to be playing? I really don't like the star wars franchise as a whole tbh ;-)


Hmm, I sence must fail in you young one!

Naa just kidding mate, but it is seriously your loss;). Well besides from the fact that you have spared you eyes and ears from experiencing Jar jar;).

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My girlfriend and I, we look all the movie in order I to VI so for her who never see it before. she think the saga just get better in IV, V, VI with a more mystical vision of the Force compare to the I II III where the Force is just some mediclorian.... totaly agreed with her... i like movie who explain the mystical in it but take the Force and resume it at a simple microbian life FAIL


I still say the order is IV, V, VI, I, II, III. The order in which they were made and they way most everyone saw them. The whole scientifical bacterial force thing....I like to thing that's just a by product. The force is still that mystical, encompassing field eneveloping and feeding all life that Yoda described. The midichlorians are just a by product of force sensitives being attuned to that mystical field.

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So I am alone in this?


I watch good movies but star wars is so dated i most likely won't enjoy it.


Too much talking aswell from what i can tell from clips. It looks so dull


You are mostly alone......


Here you are complaining:



Here you are complaining again:



And again:



Here you go again:



THIS is a good one:



Ok, there are tons more......move on now please.....

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How are you not a nerd? You play *********** mmos. Only nerds do that. And this is an RPG on top of that. D&D is an RPG and so is this game. O and I have np with being called a nerd. Seems to me you have a problem with what you really are. lol and that's just sad.


But it is understandable you might not like SW. I can't bring myself to fully watch LOTR. But at least I have tried. Maybe you should try to at least try to watch the movies before you discredit them.


And why come to the SW discussion forum to ask this question? As you would say this is where all us SW nerds hangout to talk about SW.

Edited by Ldogg
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I haven't, and have no intentions to.


I love MMO's of all types, so i will probably love this too.. am I the only non-nerd who's going to be playing? I really don't like the star wars franchise as a whole tbh ;-)


so you play games and you consider yourself a noon nerd? only becouse someone has seen the movies do it not make you a nerd. to be honest to play this game and have never seen the movies is a disgrace. go and watch the movies in order IV, V VI, I, II and III. they are not that bad tbh. only the jar jar binks part. you my friend is also a nerd :D

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But even without this it is blatantly obvious that he is a raging troll. 1. he says he never watched the movies and that they are dull on a Star Wars forum 2. he calls everyone who have watched star wars (majority if not more than 90% of these forums) a nerd.


nice try troll, move along


P.S. tell us what server you will be playing on plz so we can all avoid any future contact.

Edited by ddreadlord
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I haven't, and have no intentions to.


I love MMO's of all types, so i will probably love this too.. am I the only non-nerd who's going to be playing? I really don't like the star wars franchise as a whole tbh ;-)


I don't understand how someone who has never watched Star Wars would want to play a Star Wars game..... Ah I get it......... your a Trekkie.

Edited by JMasterJohn
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George Lucas created a fantastic world to elaborate upon and play in, but he's a terribad writer. If it weren't for Gary Kurtz countering Lucas the entire time, then Ep. IV and V would have been just as terribad as the rest.


TBH I believe most of the book writers after Lucas, and the efforts on KOTOR, created a better Star Wars than Lucas did.


Trust me, OP, you're probably better off.


New forums, same internet bandwagon haters.


Theres an old saying, "Those who can do, and those who cant become critics".


Any time you want to wow us with your story, novel, script, ect. plz do so.

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I haven't, and have no intentions to.


I love MMO's of all types, so i will probably love this too.. am I the only non-nerd who's going to be playing? I really don't like the star wars franchise as a whole tbh ;-)


For some reason I have doubts about you not being a nerd...

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I haven't, and have no intentions to.


I love MMO's of all types, so i will probably love this too.. am I the only non-nerd who's going to be playing? I really don't like the star wars franchise as a whole tbh ;-)

So just because I love the Star Wars movies makes me a nerd? I mean, I'm sort of a nerd anyway, but Star Wars isn't what pushed me over the limit.
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